Predictably a lot of the responses to this thread have fallen into the sneering and/or silly category. Another grouping would be those which might be termed UFEO (Unquestioning Faith in the Established Order). There must be a good reason why Carter has never been picked even if we really have to strain to identify it.
On this and previous threads quite a few members draw comparisons between Carter and Anthony Fainga'a, almost invariably to the latter's detriment - "a poor man's Anthony Fainga'a" as characterised above. Let's recast the table to highlight the two players' relevant statistics:
Minutes played: Beale 1196, Cooper 1188, Carter 1110, Giteau 1106, Fainga'a 1057, Mortlock 1054, O'Connor 1016, Mitchell 1006, Ioane 1004, Vuna 894
Tries: Cooper 5, Carter 5, Ioane 4, Beale 4, Sidey 4, Giteau 4, Cross 4, O'Connor 3, Halangahu 2, Mortlock 1, Fainga'a 1
Try assists: Beale 9, Cooper 7, Halangahu 2, Lealifano 2, Sidey 2, Barnes 2, O'Connor 2, Vuna 2, Cipriani 2, Carter 1, Fainga'a 0
Runs: Ioane 133, Beale 123, Giteau 102, Cooper 92, Carter 91, Lealifano 89, Mortlock, Cross 76, Fainga'a 73, O'Connor 65
Tackles bust: Ioane 69, Beale 51, Cooper 48, O'Connor 36, Vuna 36, Giteau 34, Carter 32, Lealifano 27, Mortlock 23, Mitchell 21, Fainga'a 19
Offloads: Cooper 35, Beale 23, Ioane 16, Giteau 14, Lealifano 13, Cross 12, O'Connor 9, Vuna 7, Carter 6, Mortlock 5, Fainga'a 2
Linebreaks: Ioane 15, Beale 14, Cooper 13, Vuna 10, O'Connor 9, Mitchell 7, Mortlock 6, Lealifano 6, Giteau 6, Carter 6, Fainga'a 4
Tackles made: Carter 154, Fainga'a 147, Mortlock 122, Giteau 106, O'Connor 80, Cross 77, Fairbanks 75, Lealifano 71, Halangahu 67, Beale 66
Tackles missed: Vuna 38, Halangahu 26, Mortlock 25, Giteau 25, Cipriani 25, Cooper 23, Fainga'a 23, Mitchell 22, Ioane 21, Lealifano 18, (Carter 14)
Tackle success of Top 10 tacklers (%): Carter 91.7, Cross 87.5, Fainga'a 86.5, Fairbanks 85.2, Mortlock 83.0, O'Connor 82.5, Giteau 80.9, Beale 80.5, Lealifano 79.8, Halangahu 72.0
Pilfers: Fainga'a 3, To'omua 2, Carter 2
Turnovers forced: Sidey 2, Carter 2, Halangahu 1, Mortlock 1, Ioane 1, Fairbanks 1, Cooper 1, Cross 1, Mitchell 1, Fainga'a 0
Long arm penalties: Carter 10, Fainga'a 8, Ioane 7, O'Connor 7, Giteau 7, Cooper 6, Vuna 6, Lealifano 5, Cipriani 5, Mortlock 4
Yellow cards: O'Connor 2, Mortlock 1, Lealifano 1, Vuna 1, Giteau 1, Carter 1, Fainga'a 0
Errors: Cooper 33, O'Connor 24, Beale 23, Giteau 14, Cipriani 13, Mortlock 11, Lealifano 11, Barnes 11, Fainga'a 10, Halangahu 9, (Carter 5)
Form: Beale 54, Cooper 46.7, Sidey 33.2, Carter 31.6, Giteau 24.2, Halangahu 20.8, Ioane 20, Smith 20, Tapuai 19.3, Mortlock 17, Fainga'a 16.3
Total score: Beale 548, Cooper 495, Giteau 442, Ioane 411, Carter 367, O'Connor 356, Cross 241, Lealifano 235, Fainga'a 235
The two have played a more or less similar number of minutes, and Fainga'a has had the distinct advantage of playing outside Cooper, an extraordinarily creative five-eighth. Considering "the combination that A.Fainga'a has already developed with him", can someone point out where his superiority is reflected in the figures above?