All motherhood statements which mean nothing.
Thank God I am not the only person who thought that. Those are hygiene statements that I have seen posted on the wall of my son's club and (I assume) at every RU club in the country.
I don't know anything about this guy, really, so maybe he will be the golden child that begets a golden era. I hope so.
I just find it a bit puzzling that the new ARU CEO seems to come from the same patch of dirt as the last handful of ARU CEO's. Is that part of Sydney the only part of the world that grows
exceptional sports executives?
Did the ARU approach any current proven sports CEO's from around the world, available or not?
I dunno. baa-baa asked me earlier if I trusted the board to make the right choice. Problem is, most of them are part of the same damn boys club! Trust is maybe too strong a word. Expect is the better word. I
expect the right call, but don't
trust it will happen.
It all seems just a bit same-old.
Regardless, what is done is done. Let's give the new bloke some time and THEN go for the jugular!