Actually I would hope that it is irrelevant - but yes raising it is valid. Just I'd prefer it in context.
I hadn't heard of these guys either but it wasn't hard to dig up a little information.
Stu Taggart, Eugenie Buckley and Rod McQuade all have interesting CVs with sporting experience. Alker actually worked for the ARU as one of Pulver's new hopes - I'm presuming that didn't work out. Alker and Buckley both have women's sport on their CVs in among broader sporting expertise. A CV is not of course everything, not by a long shot, but it looks a good start.
In short it is a set of experience that stands out as NOT being - Banking, Public Administration, United Nations Bureaucracy etc, melded into a "Cooky Cutter Board". With the acknowledged Hartman heading up the Philanthropy business, the leadership team is rusted on rugby from the grass roots, and the operations team are sporting management specialists who include rugby in their CVs, but not exclusively so.
Any chance we can holus bolus swap out the entire ARU board for this lot?