Phil Waugh (73)
Your claim is essentially that no one else would have ever paid to televise Rugby in the last 25 years. A claim that is completely unverifiable and, based on the fact that Rugby is televised around the world by a multitude of different broadcasters, highly unlikely to be the case.Righto champ
I find it far more likely the Rupert kept Rugby behind a paywall when the game was booming to hook customers into his bloated, inefficient and overpriced television network and that the game would be even bigger now had it been freely available via free-to-air, even if we had to forgo a few TV dollars and a few imported League stars back in the early days of professionalism.
Now the game is no longer a prime draw for suckers looking to pay $100 for Friends re-runs so he's running it into the ground, rather than let a competitor get their hands on it.