Phil Waugh (73)
Yeah but why the fuck would i be happy that they are fucking Rugby in Australia over and they aren't showing NZ Rugby, regardless of the reasons. Actually, who gives a fuck about the reasons? who cares about commercial realities? No one. Im not fucking employed by these fluffybunnys. I just want to watch rugby.Maybe nobody else thinks it's worth the effort to televise it. Just because you like watching rugby on TV doesn't mean that the rest of the population does. Bit of a 1st world problem really.
Things have to be 'commercial' for a private company to undertake it whether it's TV or anything else. It's not a boomer idea, it's just reality and you might need to understand that.
The only media company that doesn't need to make a profit is the ABC, maybe they might like to televise an NZ rugby competition to meet your needs?
The world doesn't owe you anything unfortunately.
How on earth is it inconsistent to want them to show as much rugby as possible while they have a deathgrip on the code and want them to otherwise have nothing to do with the code because of the same fucking deathgrip?
But thanks for the very informative post about how private companies work. I've taken detailed notes.