The torpedo
Peter Fenwicke (45)
Geoff Stooke has resigned from the ARU board.
The only man who voted against the chopping of a team.
It's a shame that it's him and not the other 8 falling on their swords
Geoff Stooke has resigned from the ARU board.
Clean out
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Geoff Stooke has resigned from the ARU board.
Geoff Stooke has resigned from the ARU board.
Bill Pulver has said he will step down as CEO as soon as the ARU finds a replacement.
Yep Pulver gone.
I hope the WA supporters still attend the Perth test but have a protest (eg. Standing and turning a the 12th minute mark representing their 12 season in Super Rugby)
Iain Payten @iainpayten
Early days but reckon Mark Sinderberry goes high on the list to replace Bill Pulver.
2m ago
Utterly disgusting. it's a bloody disgrace. Australian Rugby has been comptely mismanaged over the past few years, from the expansion of the comp to how this decision has been handled. It's an absolute clusterfuck of a situation and has caused irreparable damage to not just the Super Rugby brand, but rugby in the entirety of Australia. I'm embarrassed to be associated with a code which displays such level of mismanagement and incompetence..
Every person on the ARU board shiuld see themselves out of the offices and pay back the last 3 years of wages, it's the very least they could do.
well I would have thought that his efforts at the force would have precluded him from being a viable option since he was unable to save a Super Rugby franchise