David Wilson (68)
It's ok. We all remember that great All Black Steve Devine.
It's ok. We all remember that great All Black Steve Devine.
Dan you use to be saying full TT and no domestic so your position has moved. That is ok as prefer flexible thinking. I am open to domestic and TT as despite my concerns about TT I think as no perfect proven solution better to have foot in both camps. I also think easier to probably stay in TT but make condition that continue to review with view to improving year on year jointly with nzru and RA (or independent body running it if that happens)
Currently, players only came here if they have given up on playing for NZ.
It also allows for Australian players to play in NZ eg. Lealiifano to improve without having to return to Australia to play Wallabies
Actually you wrong I have said and continually said that in best scenario, TT with a PROPER domestic comp is answer (ie a proper NRC type comp) but RA has had no desire to adress their problems. I still think a proper fair comp is a full one or 2 round (ie super 12) , but as I have said RA has over the years not worried about a proper tird tier comp,instead thinking the way forward was just adding teams first, and now we whave to pick up the pieces.
The only thing I have and will continue to argue against ( and with people here) is having completely seperate comps as some have suggested as it will kill Aus rugby. I not talking about rusted on supporters, but even some of them will get awful tired of a 5 team comp.
Look it speaks volumes that Hamish is saying that RA board still can't agree on how they think the comp should be run, whether that is because of incompetence or how complicated it is, can be open to discussion!
I also agree comp should be run by an independanr body as per NZR's idea, but then that body's job will be to run comp in best form, not to suit Aus or NZ rugby.
Ok so TT as full pro comp and we have NRC third tier as our semi pro competition. That won’t work and way to kill oz rugby - instead what we are advocating is Super rugby Au With TT (or champions league), plus NRC third tier semi pro competition. We definitely agree on NRC but we need our own domestic pro comp (super rugby Au) plus TT or champions league with nz. Of course the ambition is to expand in time number of teams in our super rugby Au comp (ie Fiji or Japan teams included in the mix).
So we agree on need for NRC and independent commission to run TT competition.
Alwya have agreed on that mate, and I have posted such. The way I suggested a full TT comp combined with Super Au and Ao should add to Aus rugby surely. Still should be a NRC behind it and REAL attempts to help grassroots rugby, like make it more attractive for kids to play game ,ie; actually put money into kids rugby, and don't sharge kids team to play (was $200 a team as RA charge per team, don't know about now).
about $360 this year for a 10yo. not cheap.
i had to buy shorts and socks. usually a training shirt is provided free (didn't seem to get one this year!). jerseys are on loan from the club for the season.
and this is at one of the largest juniors clubs in QLD in believe
some goes to club, then BJRU, then QRU, the RA. everyone gets their share.
But I realise it all about what they can afford, and RA is getting $33-5 mill a year of Stan compared to NZR having a deal worth about $80 mill a year. .
If Sky TV pay NZRU extra for the TT portion doesn't it stand that they should look at revenue sharing agreements, for Nine/Stan tv ratings have reportedly declined during the TT.
I signed up for my local for the first time in 6 years and was shocked by the price of $420. But now seeing the juniors' fees it's not terrible. I get socks, shorts and a training tee included. To be honest 2 x training sessions + a game a week, with insurance etc. I think it's fair.
Mate if the money was there, players could play in Aus and come home if they saw an AB opportunity anyway, I doubt there money or desire for players to go and play in Aus that some think. I can't see any Aus teams being able to fork out the money to get a Ardie , RMo etc etc, it's got no upsides anyway, you would still be playing in same comp against same players for roughly same money.
As for the players coming to NZ, remember when they used to come over for ITM cup etc, worked well as players got experince and took it back to their Super teams. Third tier is where all this stuff should be happening.
I signed up for my local for the first time in 6 years and was shocked by the price of $420. But now seeing the juniors' fees it's not terrible. I get socks, shorts and a training tee included. To be honest 2 x training sessions + a game a week, with insurance etc. I think it's fair.
Mate if the money was there, players could play in Aus and come home if they saw an AB opportunity anyway, I doubt there money or desire for players to go and play in Aus that some think. I can't see any Aus teams being able to fork out the money to get a Ardie , RMo etc etc, it's got no upsides anyway, you would still be playing in same comp against same players for roughly same money.
As for the players coming to NZ, remember when they used to come over for ITM cup etc, worked well as players got experince and took it back to their Super teams. Third tier is where all this stuff should be happening.
about $360 this year for a 10yo. not cheap.
I never understood why people find this to be so unreasonable? Gotta have insurance and pay for shit.
Other sports eclipse these prices by orders of magnitude.
Obviously RA shouldn't be taking that money, because that's idiotic. But 200-300 for a full season of sport is completely reasonable.