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Waratahs v Force, round 1, Sunday 15 February

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Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
The irony...



Frank Row (1)
How did that last conversion get counted? ARs looked and then ran back to spots, no flags raised.

That would explain the poor choice if the Tahs thought it had missed - would have been 13 to 25 with the try needed for the losing BP.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
How did that last conversion get counted? ARs looked and then ran back to spots, no flags raised.

That would explain the poor choice if the Tahs thought it had missed - would have been 13 to 25 with the try needed for the losing BP.

They don't look at the scoreboard they carry the score around in their heads?


Chris McKivat (8)
How did that last conversion get counted? ARs looked and then ran back to spots, no flags raised.

That would explain the poor choice if the Tahs thought it had missed - would have been 13 to 25 with the try needed for the losing BP.

I'm confused, did it miss and they put it up on the scoreboard? Or did it miss and they not put it up on the score board? The score was 20-15 before the try, the score at the restart was 25-15. So when did they allegedly put the points for the conversion up?

Or was it the drop conversion that Foley kicked that went through and they correctly put the points up for that?

Like I said, I'm confused.


Frank Row (1)
Think we're talking about the drop conversion SammyP, but as I said, no flags seen. Not sure if they took forever to decide or what.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
There seems to be a lot of confusion going around..........

Foley missed the drop conversion.........

Final score was 13 - 25..........

The Tahs needed a try to get the losing BP............


Colin Windon (37)
Lots of caveats on a round 1 performances but this had better not be the wallabies 2015 blueprint. Awful fucking ball control for a plan that relies heavily on ball control

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Lots of caveats on a round 1 performances but this had better not be the wallabies 2015 blueprint. Awful fucking ball control for a plan that relies heavily on ball control

Its a platform: the control comes later
or not.
Shades of every year other than 2014 - but i know its early days and everything will be OK and nor was this the product of over confidence or Cheika's absence while on the EOYT


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Lots of caveats on a round 1 performances but this had better not be the wallabies 2015 blueprint. Awful fucking ball control for a plan that relies heavily on ball control

Speak for yourself. This match was a big positive for the Wallabies. Set-piece from a Cheika team very good. Foley working with the Wallabies..


Colin Windon (37)
Speak for yourself. This match was a big positive for the Wallabies. Set-piece from a Cheika team very good. Foley working with the Wallabies..

The apologists on fox attributed most of it to "sweat", but how many times did they drop the pill? The whole Cheika gimmick is that we get the ball and hang on to it. We're going to get thumped if they combine the never-kick thing with constant handling errors.

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Obviously some pretty poor performances individually across the park as well as a unit from the tahs (excluding set piece). I probably could have been accused on harping on it a bit last year but can someone please make a case for Dave Dennis being a)skipper and b) in the match day 22. He was pedestrian at best last year pre knee reco and I can only see it getting worse post surgery this year (today a strong indicator). I thought chapman was busy and would be the likely replacement.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I'm still cranky over our errors and sloppy attack. We played well from the 75th minute on, but that's only a minor plus.
So I'll focus on the Fox commentators instead - tedious repetition of statistics, poor analysis of the play, and inane justification of our dropped ball. "It's hot and they are sweating". Gosh - I'm sure none of the management/playing/leadership group thought about that at 3.45pm and worked out a strategy to counteract it. They were simply poor. Hopefully for the last time this season!

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
The apologists on fox attributed most of it to "sweat", but how many times did they drop the pill? The whole Cheika gimmick is that we get the ball and hang on to it. We're going to get thumped if they combine the never-kick thing with constant handling errors.

Beale kicked


Stirling Mortlock (74)
The apologists on fox attributed most of it to "sweat", but how many times did they drop the pill? The whole Cheika gimmick is that we get the ball and hang on to it. We're going to get thumped if they combine the never-kick thing with constant handling errors.

So the Waratahs dropping the pill in one game on Feb 15th is a bad sign for the Wallabies?
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