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Waratahs 2014

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I like to watch

David Codey (61)
4try bonus point for the Tahs.
4 yellow cards to the Rebels.
Contract issued on Totatlity's head.
Possibly a record score.
Crowd of 15,000 deemed acceptable due to the baseball.
Bruce Ross to bump into Jason Allen in the car park and makes him cry.
What else do you need to know?

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Bruce must be one of the few people who actually knows what Jason Allen looks like:).

I wouldn't know him if I fell over him (unless he was wearing a South Australian Motor Racing Jacket);)

The Great Jason truly is the invisible man of Australian sport.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
Bruce must be one of the few people who actually knows what Jason Allen looks like:).

I wouldn't know him if I fell over him (unless he was wearing a South Australian Motor Racing Jacket);)

The Great Jason truly is the invisible man of Australian sport.
If people are assuming that because I frequently highlight the man's contribution to the stellar outperformance of rugby in New South Wales, I am an intimate of his they are misled. I have not only never met him but I am unaware of any reliable sightings of him. The only reason why I have not put him in the bunyip category is that I took the trouble to verify that he is indeed on the payroll. Perhaps he works from home in Adelaide.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
If people are assuming that because I frequently highlight the man's contribution to the stellar outperformance of rugby in New South Wales, I am an intimate of his they are misled. I have not only never met him but I am unaware of any reliable sightings of him. The only reason why I have not put him in the bunyip category is that I took the trouble to verify that he is indeed on the payroll. Perhaps he works from home in Adelaide.

Well let’s hope they don’t start out sourcing this to Bangalore or the Philippines.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Bruce must be one of the few people who actually knows what Jason Allen looks like:).

I wouldn't know him if I fell over him (unless he was wearing a South Australian Motor Racing Jacket);)

The Great Jason truly is the invisible man of Australian sport.

He's one of these two guys I think.




Alex Ross (28)
I have met, shook hands with & spoke to the illusive Jason Allen. He exists.

I was getting rather annoyed about the missed opportunity with the baseball guys...there's always tomorrow

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Does he resemble either of the guys pictured?

The lack of presence at the baseball is not a good look when the other SFS/SCG tenants are all there taking advantage of some free publicity.

But should we expect any different from the Great Jason?


Bill McLean (32)
Indeed, why isn't there a Tah in this photo?

FFS. I can only think of two reasons why the Tahs were not represented.

1. The Tahs weren't invited. Unlikely, but if not, why not?

2. The organisers wanted Izzy to turn up, but he was already committed elsewhere. Even so, you would think Tahs HQ would be able to sort something out to get Izzy there or have someone else in the photo who could stand out like Skelton, Potgeiter, TPN or KB (Kurtley Beale) perhaps.

Either way, a lost opportunity and a real balls up by the Tahs. :mad:


Peter Johnson (47)
Indeed, why isn't there a Tah in this photo?
View attachment 4525

FFS. I can only think of two reasons why the Tahs were not represented.

1. The Tahs weren't invited. Unlikely, but if not, why not?

2. The organisers wanted Izzy to turn up, but he was already committed elsewhere. Even so, you would think Tahs HQ would be able to sort something out to get Izzy there or have someone else in the photo who could stand out like Skelton, Potgeiter, TPN or KB (Kurtley Beale) perhaps.

Either way, a lost opportunity and a real balls up by the Tahs. :mad:

Apparently there is a reason and Roar has the story tomorrow.


Peter Johnson (47)
Apparently there is a reason and Roar has the story tomorrow.


This is the club who in the pre-season was worried if it rained too much and the crowds were down they in the shit financially?

There are people at the ARU and the Tah's who's job is to know about this type of promotional opportunity and make it count for the team and the sponsors.

To be honest if I was a Tah's supporter unless someone showed me timed stamped pics of 35+ dead Tah's players, a dead Cheika and the rest of the coaching staff, and a dead Tah-man laying on the side of the road as the reason for missing this opportunity or something similar my attitude would similar to this:


Train Without a Station

Now the real story is known, certainly makes the Waratahs seems much less inept. They were given a last minute notice of it, and told that only one player was wanted, who had their day off and a sponsor engagement already.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Maybe they were but got told "Its Mitch or no-one... he doesn't play for NSW? But we're the centre of the fucking universe!"


Nathan Sharpe (72)
And I saw in another article that the Dodgers' ball-throwing guy was 40 minutes late anyway. One is tempted to say: "Fuck those guys"

But here's a joke:

Two seppos, an Eyetie, a Kiwi, and an Aboriginal Australian walk into the SCG and say "Where Izzy?"


Alex Ross (28)
But here's a joke:

Two seppos, an Eyetie, a Kiwi, and an Aboriginal Australian walk into the SCG and say "Where Izzy?"


Great question about NSW Cricket @matty_k....after all it's closer as a sport than any football code.
The mind boggles.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
So we missed a minor PR opportunity with a bunch of US wankers trying to promote their shit sport, I don't care and don't see it as any real benefit to the Tahs at all

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