See also Moore, Stephen.Has the form of Horwill not taught you guys anything. Pocock will not return the player he once was. I'd love him to but it won't happen.
I will just say this:
Australia is in a good place with regards to next year's rugby world cup. Hear me out. We have a new, highly regarded coach with the implicit obedience of a large portion of the squad by providence and the remaining portion through uncertainty. We have had a year or two of meritocracy, forcing the "grubs" out and blooding the next generation. We also have a few talismanic players which might or might not come back in hollywood fashion and tear down the understood hierarchy. Because we really haven't been terrible this season, considering we have been down a ton of hookers, props and Coopers and Speights.
How was Dave stats in Super RugbyWhich grubs were forced out? JOC (James O'Connor)? Well he is back for the RWC so that doesn't count.
Wallaby Watch - Dave McDuling. Was talk earlier about Neville but the best lock in the NRC was forgotten.
Has the form of Horwill not taught you guys anything. Pocock will not return the player he once was. I'd love him to but it won't happen.
The form of Horwill is reality. Like it or lump it.
Pocock : I hope he gets back to his best, then the real discussion can start between whether Hooper or Pocock. To me, the bloke has essentially been out of the game for 2 years - 2 fucking years. For anyone to say he will be back to where he was is just pure speculation. The odds are against him. Unfortunately probably the same with Stephen Moore.
It's also pure speculation to also say he won't. How about you just say nothing at all and not write them off? Lealiifano had shocking injuries as well and just put in a great performance against NZ. Cooper had a terrible injury in WC 2011 and people were dismissing him but then he got back to his mesmerizing best on the EOYT last year. How many injuries has McCaw had? He's still an absolutely world class player. Also written off. You can't blame people for hoping.
You certain didn't Poey play a few games first.Better than Pocock's![]()
I would say Moore being older would be worseThe form of Horwill is reality. Like it or lump it.
Pocock : I hope he gets back to his best, then the real discussion can start between whether Hooper or Pocock. To me, the bloke has essentially been out of the game for 2 years - 2 fucking years. For anyone to say he will be back to where he was is just pure speculation. The odds are against him. Unfortunately probably the same with Stephen Moore.
Keiran Read.
Intentionally offside at a penalty tap. Then took off early before the tap. Launched himself at Pocock's knees. A penalty for Australia. Two years out for Pocock, because no one can tell me the first injury is unrelated to the second.
I hope there is a thread on that somewhere. Fine player, good sport and a credit to the game. Rubbed out by a grub
Keiran Read.
Intentionally offside at a penalty tap. Then took off early before the tap. Launched himself at Pocock's knees. A penalty for Australia. Two years out for Pocock, because no one can tell me the first injury is unrelated to the second.
I hope there is a thread on that somewhere. Fine player, good sport and a credit to the game. Rubbed out by a grub
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I apologise for my [lack of] humour.