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Wallaby 31 players for 2015 RWC

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
<troll alert> Douglas only selected to appease Reds Fans. </troll alert>

80% of that squad was fairly predictable.

Like others, I would have liked to see Big Kev rewarded for his efforts in TRC. He has been below standard for much of the last couple of seasons though.
White vs Genia at #9 was probably a coin toss. Both have weaknesses in their game, but what is the alternative?


Chris McKivat (8)
Some of the selections have me a bit gobsmacked.

Douglas comes in, months after back surgery, very limited contact training and 1 appearance off the bench to make the squad when Horwill, who IMO played well in the last few matches misses out?

I know Speight has played 13 for the Brumbies, maybe he will be used as back up there too. But do any of the other wingers cover multiple positions? Out of Horne, Tomane and Speight I only expected 1 to go, but all 3 are named.

The 2 hookers worries me, TPN hasn't had a head knock recently, but we all know how prone he can be to injury. And the Brumbies showed last year what happens when you have no back up hooker - the whole thing goes to shit.

So having said all that I am really pleased to see Tomane in there, think he is a good hard runner and a great finisher. Pleased about a cpl of the other inclusions, but they were not really surprises.

Train Without a Station

As far as I can tell, these are the issues.

No 3rd hooker.
5th prop isn't recognised switching prop.
Both Douglas and Mumm over Horwill
3 opensides.
2 scrum halfs.
Both fly halfs in poor form.
5 wingers.

But other than that, yeah, good squad.

Yeah. Anywhere there wasn't much to consider (like which props and centers) they managed to not fuck up.

I don't see the 5th prop being an issue providing either Sio or Slipper are considered capable. I see Smith at reserve LHP and Slipper at reserve THP a better option than Slipper at reserve LHP and Faulkner reserve THP.


Herbert Moran (7)
Ok then so if McMahon wasn't selected then who plays openside against Fiji and Uruguay? Do you not remember the last world cup?

I suspect we will have a close to full strength side against Fiji, with Uruguay being the main rest match just four days later.


Jim Lenehan (48)
The two biggest selections for mine:-

1. 2 Hookers?! man talk about risky, particularly given that one is TPN, who will surely knock himself out against the likes of Fiji.

2.No Horwill?!?! crazy stupid. Not only was he our best lock over the rugby championship, but he was also our back up line-out caller. I'd take him over Mumm in a heart beat. I really like what Douglas offers but it's pretty difficult to see how he's earned a spot in the squad over Horwill.


Tim Horan (67)
Horwill has performed well in recent months and deserves to go but I reckon he will stay at home. Cheika will look forward to the younger guys

You're kidding yourself if you think Horwill won't be in the 31. I think most posters here would be surprised if he wasn't in the best 23 come RWC.

Scrubber mate, looks like I have to eat some humble pie, you are the bloody oracle.

Whilst you're here, who's going to win the Melbourne Cup?


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I'm genuinely pissed off at this decision. Not that I dislike Douglas or love Horwill. but on the basis of 20mins of poor performance V Horwill being the in form lock.. wtf?

I agree it's a tough call, Horwill's Super Rugby form was poor and I was one of his strongest critics but he was much better in the Tests and deserved a spot. I would've taken Horwill instead of McMahon. Anyway, it's done now people should get behind the squad. It's less WTF than any Deans squad.


Peter Sullivan (51)
very surprising. Horwill was far and away the best performed australian lock in the TRC.
Douglas and Mumm very lucky.
Thought that only one of Tomane and Speight would go.
no third hooker is also a gamble.
White and for that matter Leliafano really unlucky.
so is it chocolates to boiled lollies for Cheika ?


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Should have had one less winger and one extra hooker.. Moore and TPN are going to be run ragged if the Wallabies make the finals

Critical that TPN starts vs Fiji and Uruguay. He won't be burnt out, he barely played for the Tahs but it's a massive call given TPN's injury prevalence - if he goes down <48 hours before a big match.. Cheika will get crucified and TPN must feel the pressure on him to stay fit surely.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Chieka to play Naiyarovo in the US and keep him with Tahs for next year while not having to risk a RWC spot....

Train Without a Station

I agree it's a tough call, Horwill's Super Rugby form was poor and I was one of his strongest critics but he was much better in the Tests and deserved a spot. I would've taken Horwill instead of McMahon. Anyway, it's done now people should get behind the squad. It's less WTF than any Deans squad.

Douglas' Leinster form was poor. Mumm has no Super Rugby form.

One area they were all used against similar opposition Horwill offered the most.

Pretty easy decision, unless you're Michael Cheika.


Billy Sheehan (19)
I really don't think Cheika has to justify anything, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. not on what some bloggers think on an online forum and who's favourite players got left out or whatever. I think Palu is a dead loss and would prefer Hanson or Horwill, but I'm not a coach. so...

Brendan Hume

Charlie Fox (21)
The selections around the shape of the squad seem so naive.Tempting fate without a replacement hooker particularly given TPN's history of head knocks - a minor knock will see him out for a couple of weeks at least one would imagine.

And leaving Horwill out is quite bizarre. Has there been a press conference yet? I'm not sure how Cheika is going to justify it. Douglas was anonymous when he came on in Auckland.


Mark Ella (57)
Train, I'll meet you in the egg aisle at the local Burleigh IGA where they have the googs on special. Suppose one of us will need to buy a carton

Post after 11 am

Have a great day:)

PS I think Arnold has as much chance of going as you or I

Train - see you at high noon in Aisle 6 - I'll have the Peacemakers at the ready with the flouros at my back.


Steve Williams (59)
Chieka to play Naiyarovo in the US and keep him with Tahs for next year while not having to risk a RWC spot..
It's not a Scottish development contract, it's a genuine bog standard contract. No get out clause.

Glasgow has been quite clear about this from the beginning, only the tahs and Chieka have been sowing the seeds of confusion.
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