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Wallabies v Wales, 6 July


Frank Row (1)
@Denominator also don't forget to post your review here after the game! Curious to see how you find it.
My experience attending the Wallabies match tonight (as an avid sports fan, but new to rugby):

The stadium is stunningly beautiful. I would have guessed it held a lot more than it does. they said the attendance was 35k and change. I'm used to going to college football games with 100k+, the crowd fit the stadium nicely, it looked pretty full. It did feel rather quiet to me. I'm used to cheering, chanting, singing throughout. Crowd got loud at exciting moments (like Tom Wright's try), but it often felt quiet.

I had 3rd row seat in the corner. I got what I paid for. it was hard to see things well and I found myself watching the jumbo-tron at times. I ended up seated next to a group of late 20's English and Irish guys who ran their mouths (about their tech jobs and women) the whole time. I believe you folks would have called them a bunch of fluffybunnys. It definitely detracted from the experience, but I eventually tuned them out. Apparently there was a fight behind me (between I think two Aussie fans), I totally missed it but did get to see the police remove a guy.

The concessions were pretty good and very reasonably priced relative to American sporting events. I had a couple Cooper's and they were good. I'm trying different Australian Beers while I'm here.

I was amazed at how the game doesn't stop much (just like some of y'all said). I was amazed that players were warming up on the field, while the match was going on. The medical personal were working on players, while the match was going on. The opposing team were walking around while they were attempting the conversions. It all was strange feeling compared to how regimented american football is.

I was struck by the physicality that the Wallabies played with near the try line. The first try was just pounding the ball in. Later they did the same tactic and ended up getting some sort of a penalty. Wales was dying. When the penalty got called and the ball turned over, 2 Welsh guys literally fell to the ground. They were warn the hell out. That raw physicality was fun to watch.

Tom Wright did that double move on his try and made that welsh guy literally fall down. That was awesome. Really awesome. I stood up cheering and realized I was the only one in my section who stood up cheering. I was honestly disappointed with the fans on that one.

I watched the last 3/4 of the women's game. Fijiana was scary bad. The Wallaroos were dominant. I was really blown away the support the team got after the match. Several of the players came to sign autographs and see their families. One of them, I'm guessing one new to the team, came to meet her family right in front of me. Her family and friends were so excited for her. Her dad was a few drinks in kept asking me who I was cheering for. I didn't answer him quickly or correctly enough and he playfully gave me shit for it. All in good fun. It was just beautiful to see a family loving on their girl.

Overall was an amazing experience. So happy I got to see it. Would totally do it again.

Thanks for humoring me on this.


Rod McCall (65)
Glad you enjoyed the experience, sorry to say it wouldn’t be the first time some English fluffybunnys have ruined the match experience for others surrounding them…


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Well very glad I went. My main thoughts:
- Said it before but great stadium (infinity million times better than Homebush, a place to which I shall never return)
- Great crowd and atmosphere
- Great win (any win for the Wallabies is a great win these days)

I thought our back three, Gordon, Wright and Tupou were the key men in that win. A half fit Tupou still managed to score a try and demolish the Welsh scrum, Wright was a constant menace at the lineout and Gordon exited with frankly incredibly accuracy (given the Wallabies usual struggles in this area).

Noah was okay. Most of his out of hand kicking was actually pretty good and usually left us in a better position. Some pretty average mistakes too though. I thought his failure to find touch right before Wales second try was probably worse than his cross-field kick to Kellaway. Real bread and butter stuff we can't fuck up.

Not sure I really get the criticism of Paisami. Didn't think either he or Flook ever really got the space to do much in attack but they defended well. I thought the worst performance out there was LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto).

The defence in the final 10 minutes was pretty refreshing too. We almost always bottle that shit but we dominated Wales physically and kept our discipline.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I thought the starting halves were mostly pretty good…

Gordon was faultless.

That chip kick from Lolesio before he got hooked through was wasteful…

And speaking of wasteful kicks, Paisami needs to do better there… booting the ball away on a penalty advantage…

Happy for the win, and glad they finished as strong as they started.

Mr Pilfer

Dave Cowper (27)
Good to get the win with the new coach, obviously a lot to improve on before TRC

Very happy with Williams debut, certainly worth sticking with him and gives us a strong lineout with Wright.

Would like to see Ikitau back next week and maybe give Nick white and Donaldson an opportunity. Tom Hooper or Frost on bench instead of Blythe as well for sure

Joe Blow

John Hipwell (52)
Great contribution chap. Maybe you can pull a couple out of where the sun doesn’t shine?
We have some decent young 10s and they will develop.
You only got what you got.
I have a feeling that Schmidt will go to Lynagh very soon.


Bill Watson (15)
A win is a win and I was very happy to see it. You have to be a proper miserable bastard if you are complaining given how much of the last year has been complete gash.

Most pleasing aspect for me was the physicality in contact, especially over the last 20 minutes. I'll maintain it was true for Rennie + Eddie and it is true for Joe - there are the building blocks of a top-class test quality forward pack in the Wallabies stocks at the moment. The question for me remains whether rugby intelligence, consistency under pressure and playmaking talent can be built alongside it.

Onwards and upwards!

young gun

Fred Wood (13)
Wales now 11th!
only 36K in a 45K stadium probably a bit disappointing IMO

Why? Do you have no understanding as to where we sit in the Australian sporting environment? There was no joy with tonight, we had to win, no answers. It's all well and good to give yourself a big monikor, but your knowledge lacks seriously behind it. I was in fucking Lyon, I know where we sat, I know what SERIOUS Wallaby supporters think. We are at ground zero and building up from there. It was a great crowd, it shows there is still life in the old girl, unlike what those NRL sycophantic cock suckers in the "press"make out (bar Andrew Webster who is reasonably balanced).

This is step one of many to follow, no negatives, not perfect but it gives us hope.


John Eales (66)
Think it's twofold, He was starting and so was Tupou, which meant 7As (Allan Ala'alatoa) was in the reserves. Be interesting to see if they swap that next week. I think they liked Alan's experience with the young guys at the end.
I doubt it, the difference in the scrum was noticeable when Tupou went off. It’s a luxury to have 2 close to world class THPs and their roles are just as important whether they start or finish. Tupou’s role is to assert early scrum dominance and physicality in general play, whereas AAA's is more as you outline, and to provide stability and composure later in the game in high pressure situations. Joe has them the right way around.


Billy Sheehan (19)
Had some qualms about some selections, mainly Gordon who obviously played very soundly, but don't think you could ask much more from them first up. Need to see improvement through next week, where Wales will also be better (surely?), and then Georgia before the sterner challenges start.

Plenty of people noting lack of involvement from wings/blaming Paisami but that is his game every week and he is the best available. I hope he has an injury free run and builds into it.


Greg Davis (50)
Cale was busy last night. Looking at him on the field he definitely needs to fill out a bit, he looks like he's giving up some size compared to others.

I think the back row (including Cale) complemented each other very well. I don't see Leota being able to round it out as well due to his lesser mobility. If we want Leota I think it's at Rob's spot for that go forward.

I cant see why we would not have a Hunter type player in that back line. Think of all our current players there is no-one who straightens the line. You need the oh shit players to free up the likes of Wright, Kellaway and Flipio.

Really excited about Flipio back in the mix. It's so refreshing having a winger who goes looking for work and at times finds himself on the other side of the field. Hopefully we see him operate at that high level next week as that was always his problem; consistency.


Simon Poidevin (60)
For me I liked Gordan and Jeremy Williams. Gordan I've never been a big fan of but he offered more than tate. Tate was slow at the breakdown and his kicking was poor. I would prefer to see lonergon or white get a run there.
Williams offers something we have been missing. Only Bobby V offers this. Great post contact meters and was good at ruck time on our own ball. He isn't going anywhere.


John Eales (66)
only 36K in a 45K stadium probably a bit disappointing IMO
What @young gun said.

It was 9th v 10th in the world and the Wallabies are on the nose thanks to 2023. Matildas get a crowd like that v their nearest rival Norway (ie 11th v 12th) it makes the front page of the paper and they get a ticker tape parade if they win.

Hopefully the result and coverage installs a bit of optimism in the rugby public and they fill up AAMI next weekend.


Andrew Slack (58)
Win first up with lots of solid contributions.

I like the fact that the win seems built around solid fundamentals - good scrum, good lineout and a focus around breakdown work that has maybe been lacking.

Added bonus that the Wallaroos were excellent in their game v Fijiana. Good game to watch.