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Wallabies v Georgia 20 July - Allianz Stadium 3.45PM


Bob Davidson (42)
the kick in question gifted Wales the ball 15 metres downfield. It wasn’t a well executed box kick as it didn’t find touch or the turf, nor give our chasers the opportunity to contest the kick.


Steve Williams (59)
the kick in question gifted Wales the ball 15 metres downfield. It wasn’t a well executed box kick as it didn’t find touch or the turf, nor give our chasers the opportunity to contest the kick.
It "gifted" their winger the ball 18m out on the 5m line with almost every single other Welsh player 20m up field, nearly 30m from where White kicked it. The chase of the Welsh return kick is what was penalised for Wright's QT because all of the Welsh players were way offside.

Result is penalty in front, 40m out.

The alternative for Wales is Tom Wright in broken field play with Wales unable to advance because all of them are offiside. What they had been trying to avoid all night.

Either way is a fantastic result for Australia with 5 mins to go

Rugby Head

Watty Friend (18)
My team:

1 - Hodgman
2 - Faessler
3 - AAA
4 - Blyth
5 - LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto) (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto)
6 - Wright
7 - McReight
8 - Valetini
9 - Gordon
10 - Donaldson
11 - Daugunu
12 - Paisami
13 - Ikitau
14 - Kellaway
15 - Wright
16 - Pollard
17 - Kailea
18 - TT
19 - Frost
20 - Cale (Leota if available)
21 - Tate
22 - Lyngah
23 - Flook

Not sold on our second rowers, we need Skelton and Swain. LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto) fits the bench role perfectly.
Hoping Leota is back.
Would like to see Skelton, BPA, Kerevi all selected for the rugby championship. Bit of a wild one, wouldn't mind seeing Irae Simone back in gold. Still relatively young, could be an option at 12?


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Are we using this as an opportunity to see a few other players or are we just still trying to build consistency in a core group of players?

John S

Chilla Wilson (44)
I personally would like to see them build some consistency. I don't think Georgia are an easy beat these days. However, if that's what the coaches want that's another story


Bob Davidson (42)
It "gifted" their winger the ball 18m out on the 5m line with almost every single other Welsh player 20m up field, nearly 30m from where White kicked it.
I was talking about the Box kick from White. Not the free kick from Wright. I liked Wright's quick tap, the only gamble was that the ref called the Welsh offside.


Steve Williams (59)
The box kick was kicked back by the Welsh winger, and the Welsh chaser were then penalised for advancing in front of the kicker. This was the penalty that Wright then QTed, which eventually resulted in another penalty.


Charlie Fox (21)
White is more similar to Gordon. Tate gives more impact off the bench and changes up our game.

I think we are going to see Tate and Lynagh starting this one. JS has real soft spot for Lynagh and I reckon he is going to fast track him.
while youre on the direct line to joe next time can you ask him for the lotto numbers too

Alex Sharpe

Chris McKivat (8)
Apologies if this has been covered in another thread but playing this test in Sydney seems like a real missed opportunity to spread test rugby around Australia.

Sydney had a (very well attended) test two weeks ago, and the appetite to go again against a genuine lower tier side may not be that high. Sydney also have a Bledisloe later in the year.

Surely giving this game to Townsville, Newcastle etc would be a chance of getting a similar crowd and expose more of the country to Test rugby.


Steve Williams (59)
Suspect it's a combination of logistical exercise, with Georgia landing from Japan sometime this week and then flying back to Europe (mostly) straight after, and a Moore Park rebate making a small afternoon crowd more viable for RA.

There are NRL games in Newcastle/Gosford and Melbourne to further reduce options.

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
I’m not joking when I say Nic White should never play for the Wallabies again.
Get the feeling the Brums knew exactly when to let him go.
Pity there's no room for Gleeson...
I think there is room for him on the bench and gives them the ability to maintain power. Was good to see him being used in the lineout. He adds punch we do lack at times late in games when the likes of TT are off. I can see him being used in games v SA


Dave Cowper (27)
On reflection, my biggest issue with the box kick is when there aren't any chasers, or if it's straight to the opposition gifting them the ball.
Completely agree, I think our box kicks have been mostly ok but our chase has been terrible when a few phases deep

If we have a game plan to kick a lot, we need to contest.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
while youre on the direct line to joe next time can you ask him for the lotto numbers too
Very good….

He has mentioned him, his courage and the attributes of his game often in his press conferences and Lolesio has not been setting the world on fire. That makes one think he will lean towards Lynagh if neither Donaldson or Lolesio stand up. Alternatively he may pull in one of the old fellas, but this is unlikely.