I particularly liked Moore trying to say that because he is a solicitor and three other players from the B&I Lions tour fight were Police that this somehow made them unlikely to commit nefarious deeds. He will soon find (if it is different in England, which I doubt) that Solicitors and other practioners of the law are ranked fairly lowly on the trustability index and cops weren't named "wallopers" back then for nothing.
Poor Brian may need some serious conselling over the Damage Gagger's article has done to him.
Last thing of interest there is a video interview between Campo and Moore doing the rounds where Brian tries to justify Marler's "clearly illegal" (his actual words) angles but says they had no material effect on how England drove forward at the scrum. Got to love it, since Marler didn't use the angles to drive the scrum forward but to twist it and win the penalties. When Campo asked him why nobody had picked Marler up on it before his very lame and lets move on quickly response was "I don't know, but that isn't the point, those angles didn't benefit the England scrum driving forward."
Poor Brian, Gagger you broke his brain.