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Wallabies v England in Melbourne, 18 June

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Tony Shaw (54)
Seems like a lot of unnecessary shifting around IMO. 12s should be able to defend at 12 and why not use the wing and fullback to manage the kicks.

Cruden does not always defend at 10; but then I guess the Kiwis have a license to break the "rules".


Desmond Connor (43)
Yesterday afternoon, the soap dodgers requested a meeting with the referee, Craig Joubert. World Rugby regulations state that an invitation must also be extended to the Australian camp to attend, which Cheika & assistance coaches duly did.
The article did not mention what the subject matter was, but one of my spies informed me it went along the following lines:
Eddy Jones (EJ (Eddie Jones)): Craig my ole mate, we're concerned that the Aussies are getting it about that our forwards are using devious tactics in the scrums, and indeed, that our prop, Dan Cole, is dropping his shoulder while not pushing straight.
Cheika (CH): Yeah, was doing it all day up in Brisbane
EJ (Eddie Jones): Craig, I'll have you know, my forwards are the most honorable of men, and would never ever attempt those underhand tactics. The Wallabies are doing what they always do, creating a false impression of my poor little baby Dan. Why, did you know he was a scouts leader in his youth.
So if we out manoev..,er, out muscle them in the scrum, then don't go listening to their bitching.
CH: Craig, my boys are the best scrumagers in the world. But Eddy employed the unforgivable tactic of telling his front row forwards not to use underarm deoderant. If we can't get an undertaking from Eddy that this tactic will not be employed in this test, then I'm instructing Moore to have baked beans mixed with fried onions & Tobasco sauce for breakfast come Saturday.
EJ (Eddie Jones): That's about as low as you can go, then I'll.......

and so on.:)

But Gees, I'd like to know what was discussed at that meeting.


Dave Cowper (27)
I doubt they'd notice, Hawko.

Their fans I mean. The actual All Blacks understand defensive patterns.

Its easy to gloss over things like this as the ABs hardly ever loose, If the ABs had the wallabies record from the last 5 years all AB fans would be analytical masters


Nathan Sharpe (72)
That's how innovation rolls.



Mark Ella (57)
Cruden does not always defend at 10; but then I guess the Kiwis have a license to break the "rules".

Most 10's are the first players to drop back when we are short a player in the backfield. I don't think the goal is for them to always drop back though.

I also don't think it would disrupt patterns that much having some-one else defend the 10 channel in set-piece. Like your 7. I really don't think the patterns are that complicated unless they are trying to continually switch around during general play - which I don't think happens.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Starting to get nervous a about This game, Especially at line out and scrum time.
Also,lets hope foley learnt how to kick again this week.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Well, fuckers, I'm off into the city to celebrate my 40th birthday. Might not get in front of a TV until well after kickoff, but it should be a deadset cracker of a ding-dong battle.

May the good guys win. By about 40. Yeah, fuck you, Eddie.

John S

Chilla Wilson (44)
I've got an outlaws 6th so am taping it. Phone is going on silent in case I get any smug texts from a certain pommy git I know :)


Fred Wood (13)
Nathan Sharpe and Matt Burke just confirmed that Simmons was dropped from the 23 and is not injured. Very surprised to hear that's the case.
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