QH, you would know that I'd agree with that, having made the same point for at least 6 years or more here.
Amongst many other deficiencies, the institutional culture of Australian rugby has evolved into one where literally no one takes genuine responsibility for anything, and accordingly there is no genuine accountability. So concomitantly there is no sincere, credible passion of ownership for outcomes, because the consequences of failure are rarely personal, the blame can always be shifted to vague and indeterminate places and so quickly forgotten.
That state always presages and leads to institutional collapse, or a radical change in the very top leadership that fixes it. Just a matter of how long it takes, which is hard to pick.
In Australian rugby there is zero sign of the latter - serious leadership change - arising (as the ARU board only vaguely answers to State RUs that it funds and give multiple forms of patronage to and vice versa and thus such bodies do not resist the parent entity in any meaningful ways, it's all a cosy system of mutually assured incompetence and strategic indolence), so the inevitable institutional collapse is surely the most likely outcome.
I have predicted here and before that c.2019 will be the year of an undeniable financial and systemic crisis within Australian rugby.
Only then and in that condition may we finally see the possibility of genuine change occurring and a new possibility of a movement toward the light, toward some kind of essential re-birth.