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Wallabies Squad - the Link Era

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George Gregan (70)
Staff member
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-prn1/945783_10151800092015731_1235713025_n.jpg
What is the nature of Beale's injury?
Shoulder, full off season and back January

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Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Fark baa baa ease up would you? He hasn't even named a team for the test yet and you are comparing this single questionable selection to 6 years of Deans' 'logic'. Give it a break hey? Let's see how they go because Robinson was hardly irreplaceable. I would say that considering he was once a prop himself, he probably knows a thing or two about selections. I don't agree with the decision because Robbo offers a heap of experience, but I think it is absolutely unfair to compare it to Dingo having a history of bad selections.

I never said McKenzie is the same as Deans.

I like the squad, apart from one selection. I like McKenzie, and I hope he proves me wrong.

If you think the non-selection of Robinson is at all comparable to the non-selection of Cooper you are a little bit silly.


John Solomon (38)
Anyone else surprised that Foley is still there? I'd have him 3rd choice 10 and maybe 4th choice 15. I rate him but think he is not ready and question his value in the 30. Maybe McKenzie is trying to let Quade know his ongoing selection isn't guaranteed .

I woud love to see To'omua or Foley start just to blindside the ABs. Maybe Link has been playing the long game. A gameplan running at Cooper would be less useful at To'omua. Seeds of doubt...

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
so the AB's played a trial against Canterbury this afternoon, judging by DC's facebook page.
Good or bad idea?
Should the Wobs have done something similar?


Rather then immediately blaming Link, I think some of you should actually consider if there is an underlying reason why two coaches in the same season have dropped an obviously talented and experienced player...

And I don't for a second believe its purely because the IRB has changed the scum engagement calls( or a poor result on a beep tests :/ )


Dave Cowper (27)
Damn good idea! Yes I think there would be definite benefit in that.

40min against what's left of the brums and 40 against whats left of the reds.

don't worry tahs fans, i didnt include them as they are in argy. and agains the force or rebels wouldnt be so useful.

actually they should call up eddie jones and get a Japanese baa-baas team to play against. The Japs looked really good against (an admittedly weak) wales. Take the same team (yes with craig wing) and make it a baa-baas and allow George Smith, Shane Williams and whoever is signed up to a domestic japenese team to come in. would be a belter!

Fark forget about it as a warm up. make it a main even at some stage.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Robinson was also dropped by Cheika at the start of the 2013 season a well..

Think about that people, i think it says more about the player then the coach..
He has been a notorious poor trainer in off-season. This is not off-season, and he had played pretty well in Tests, and played quite a few 80 min games.
Puzzling at best.

Train Without a Station

He has been a notorious poor trainer in off-season

In all seriousness, how has his work rate been around the park all year? A poor off season training attitude is not something you would normally see in a player who has one of the highest work rates in his position. I'd imagine Link is going to want a hard working forward pack in the mould of the best of the Reds under his tenure, and perhaps he didn't consider his scrimmaging and noticeable contributions around the field to be good enough to outweigh what he considers a lower tight work rate off the ball compared to other loosehead options? Probably drawing a pretty long bow though.

Also with Anae does anybody else think he is just going to be there to be doing opposed work, as he covers both adequately if one of the 4 props are down or one of the 2 hookers are?


Vay Wilson (31)
Dropping Robinson is a kick up the arse of both him and all the other players. If Fatcat isn't safe then who is?

Personally I think he needs more mongrel outside the scrum. Or any mongrel outside the scrum. He's like the loosehead version of Adam Jones.


Mark Ella (57)
Well I have to say I am happy with the squad selected. I was as surprised as everyone that Robinson failed to make the cut, I expected Alexander would be the one culled.

I actually think that, despite the screams of anguish from various Tahs posters here, it probably does come down to how the props have adapted in training to the new scrum laws, and what their form was like this season. IMO there can be no doubt that purely on form Sio always deserved the starting 1 spot. In that case is there a spot for a second specialist 1? I wouldn't think so, not with three THPs able to play 1, and having test experience at 1.

As for Anae, I predicted early in the Super season that he would be getting a call up this year. If Moore is starting it is possible that Anae could be named as one of the bench props along with Fainga'a giving the Wallabies not only two prop reserve options but also two reserve hooker options.

This is speculation, pure and simple, but I think much more revolves are the new scrum laws than we are giving them credit for, but until the first scrum is packed in anger we really do not know how they are going to pan out, no matter how they are going in training.

The only change I would really have argued for in the squad would be the retention of Pyle in place of McCalman. As for the other places being hotly debated valid arguments can be made on both sides of the ledger.

Train Without a Station

Can kind of agree with Pyle being retained. There's a lot of backrowers. But then again, MMM and Fardy do cover 6, so there's a good chance one specialist lock will miss the 23.


John Thornett (49)
Frankly, the "it's for motivational reasons" argument for the dropping of Robinson is utterly nonsensical. If it's a "kick in the butt," what's he supposed to do? Work is butt off at training... Oh. Play well in Super Rugby... Oh.

Robinson got cut, straight out. It's either because a) he has an attitude problem, b) he didn't adapt to the new scrum laws, c) not much relevance was placed on Lions or Super Rugby performance, d) Link has massive bias towards the Reds players, or e) Link doesn't know what he's doing.

I'm going to assume that (d) and (e) are not the case, although it does seem that Link has a fair amount of faith in his boys from QLD -- and fair enough, too. a) is entirely possible, although it's a full season since Cheika dropped him -- during which Robinson was the best LHP in Australia for much of the time, and only surpassed by Sio in the latter stages. b) and c) both seem entirely feasible. G&GR gave Robbo 6, 6, and 5 for his performances in the 3 Lions tests. That's not great, but it ain't Alexander either.

The reality is, Link sees Robinson as third in line at LHP. Not only that, he is clearly thought to be behind Slipper, Alexander and Kepu -- all of whom can play LHP but have played at THP all season.

I'm excited to see how Sio goes. And slightly horrified at the thought of Benny A taking the field again.


Bill McLean (32)
I woud love to see To'omua or Foley start just to blindside the ABs. Maybe Link has been playing the long game. A gameplan running at Cooper would be less useful at To'omua. Seeds of doubt.

Wouldnt put it past him. Maybe Cooper running off the bench with 30 to go and a free reign for cut out balls and flick passes??


Tim Horan (67)
Not sure why everyone is that surprised about Sio, I know when I picked him earlier in the thread I got a few who thought I was crazy, but I really think Sio has got the potential to be a real good prop. Mind you I like Robinson also, just maybe Link feels it will be a little easier to break a new boy into new scrum engagements.
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