John Eales (66)
And there you have the latest example of the second rate talent we have running our major institutions, sporting codes and corporations in this country.
'Twas ever thus, really.And there you have the latest example of the second rate talent we have running our major institutions, sporting codes and corporations in this country.
Just saw the tail end of the world's shortest press conference where Clyne stated that the board is going through the process of its review and will be done by Christmas. Hope he was simply being smart arse with the last comment.
They really are muppets aren't they
Here is the full statement to media
Here is the full statement to media
Back in his wilder, drug-taking days, Mick Jagger took it into his head to adopt a talking frog, which he named Kermit. Now, Kermit grew up to be a very enterprising, entrepreneurial young frog, and as soon as he became an adult he went to the bank to take out a business loan. He was introduced to the loan officer, Paddy Mack, who asked him what he was offering as collateral.
"This!" said Kermit, proudly pulling a tiny pink porcelain pig from his suit pocket.
"I see," said Paddy. "I'd better ask the manager about this." So we went to the manager and explained the situation to him, showed him the porcelain pig and asked him what it was.
The manager replied, "It's a knick-knack, Paddy Mack, give the frog a loan! His old man's a Rolling Stone!"
Hey, as long as we're filling these threads with bad jokes I thought I may as well throw in a Kerry O'Keeffe special.
To'omua at 13 is really strange stuff for mine.
There is a bit of a trend slowly happening with teams selecting their 2nd play maker at the non traditional 13 spot. Saracens have recently converted 10/12 Lozowski to a 13 with great success, Exeter the same with Slade. The Hurricanes play a version of it with Jordy Barrett