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Tri Nations Game 4 South Africa v Australia - Saturday 13 August 2011 - 3N2011

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Austin, could you post a video of Quade's defence in this game?

Noticed there were some people saying that he was improved in defence but my recollection of the game is that he still had major technique issues and shirked a couple.

He stopped a rampaging Beast run with a fine one-one-one tackle. I also believe he cut down Spies on one of his breaks too. That's a big improvement IMO.


Bob Davidson (42)
I thought he shirked a couple as well. IMO not only has he not fixed his technique and committment to the tackle, seems to me he's not even trying to. Somehow I don't think he will until he gets rid of the obsessive need to be a part of every potential attacking move.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of his attacking prowess and believe he needs to be at 10, just such a shame that others have to expend extra effort covering for his reluctance to tackle properly.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
There wasn't a lot of joy for the Boks and their fans though such is the nature of our sport, if a couple of things had gone their way they would have won. They can say they were up 6-0 at oranges, had good control of the game, and got over the gain-line well in the 1st half, but that wouldn't have taken into account the Wallabies contribution to that. Self-forced impatient passes and poor receptions by the Oz players flattered the Boks no end.

In hindsight the Boks probably lost the game by not scoring more points when they had a chance to.

In the 2nd half the Boks seemed rattled even when in the lead, as though playing away from home. So inept was the Bok backline that just about every time it got the ball in a move, I relaxed. JdV was poor and the unfortunate Aplon had an unhappy game also. FdP had a fair game given his time out, but he was well behind Genia on the night and, like James, kicked too much ball away, and sometimes badly. F. Steyn and J, Fourie will be better for the run and Habana looked dangerous a few times, but JP hardly ever got the ball.

Smit was not bad at hooker but the contrast was stark when BdP took his place there. To make matters worse he was embarrassed in the scrummage at THP and matters weren't improved when Steenkamp came on to play LHP. When JdP came back on you could see the improvement though Smit had hurt his arm, to be fair.

Brüssow had some defensive lapses but he hasn't lost his nose for the ball. Rossouw was one of the few good Bok players on tour, but the days when can start at 6 in top company has probably passed. J. Smith was sadly missed as was Burger. Spies had a couple of good runs and made Oz efforts to stop him with the first tackle look foolish. Later he had the Wobs backrowers doing meerkat impersonations at scrum time watching where he would go.

Not a great game by the Boks and that's two games is a row they have lost at home to Oz (and it should have been three). All the same I am glad that Oz played them this week and not next after the cobwebs have gone, if gone they will be.


Peter Sullivan (51)
I thought he shirked a couple as well. IMO not only has he not fixed his technique and committment to the tackle, seems to me he's not even trying to. Somehow I don't think he will until he gets rid of the obsessive need to be a part of every potential attacking move.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of his attacking prowess and believe he needs to be at 10, just such a shame that others have to expend extra effort covering for his reluctance to tackle properly.

I agree with this, but I don't think this is all a question of commitment.

The missed tackle against Cliffy Palu that lost them the game against the Waratahs in 2010 for example. He had the right idea; take him by the bootlaces, cut his legs out from underneath him or fix him standing so the support can clean him up. But he missed. The idea was right, but the execution was poor.

A lost of the tackles I remember on the weekend, the player he was trying to tackle made contact with his chest or midsection. He was standing very tall and upright, and it looked as though he was trying to attack the ball.

I remember LG (I think) saying something about schoolboy players tackling in an upright manner that allowed them to steal them ball and stay on their feet in one instance. I think he's still getting rid of this mental concept of tackling, but it is starting to get a bit late in the game to still be carrying this technique.

He's not small, and he's pretty strong. If he can get the technique right, he can put some proper hits on.


John Eales (66)
He should take note of how Ant tackled on the weekend. Especially that one where he cut down (I think) Fourie around the bootlaces. Classic centres tackle that one.


Bob Davidson (42)
Not quite sure who would've stopped Palu in that one on one situation DPK? Agree with you on the schoolboy technique, and I'm sure LG, or someone, also mentioned that Beale had a similar dominant technique at school. If so, he seems to have fixed things up.


He should take note of how Ant tackled on the weekend. Especially that one where he cut down (I think) Fourie around the bootlaces. Classic centres tackle that one.

The actual tackling aside (and we all know Ant can tackle), what I liked the best about his cameo was how he rushed the line and was able to prevent advantage gains. The AB's did that to us and it was nice to see Ant learnt the lesson.

As has been said by others though, if he had missed the tackle, suddenly you have a gap the size of the Tasman for the ball carrier to run through; especially if QC (Quade Cooper) has dropped back to cover.


Peter Johnson (47)
I can't understand how quade has made it to this level without learning how to hold his own at the breakdown and while counter rucking, I know he's a back, but its just beyond belief.



Reflecting on da wkends games Wannabs/Boks, I think the break will do alot of good! Oh it wasn't a perfect performance but there were some positives and things to work on! The forwards good finish at the end and Mr. Cooper needs tb involved more not play hide/seek?

I think da Wannabs have plenty of potential and its not too late with the Brisbane game left to play da ABs. This game should be a CRACKER! The result will reflect our suspicions all along that sometimes u don't have tb the best to win!
Da Boks have a mountain load of issues and showed their game plan if they have one ain't in the same league, I think they still playing tired old yappie methods way outta date in td's game.

Get some respect bac Boks and play hard, fair and mean! I can only deduct that the ABs are in a favourable position with all the positives and spoils on offer, Time, momentum and strength is with them and can influence certain outcomes on the field so I expect the ABs to put up a GRAND performance come da Brisbane game1 May da best prepared team win!!


Can we get a text-talk translation service on these boards, PDQ. Pls? Thx 4 listening. Cya.


Can we get a text-talk translation service on these boards, PDQ. Pls? Thx 4 listening. Cya.

I think we'll need a GAGR-talk translation service on these boards soon.

TPN, Fat Cat, Sook-Face, FdP, PdV, Bam Bam, McCheat, JOC (James O'Connor), Gilbert.... the list goes on and on... and on...

Richard D. James

Watching some of the highlights and I must say, McCabe hits really hard in defence and is very effective at stopping the oppositions momentum. I'm huge fan of AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and think he still deserves his spot, but a McCabe/Ant midfield combo would be a defensive weapon.


Stan Wickham (3)
Bruce, only just caught up - sorry for the late reply. The thoughts on the Commentators certainly got my attention and I agree with most of the vibe. In watching ITM cup games over the ditch you hear TJ and Nesbo fronting up to call those games the day after calling a Test Match and then again mid-week at the moment. They clearly know the game and love it - and much of the time seem to know the players' histories well too. What it illustrated to me was that Clarkey doesn't spend enough time around rugby and as a result, lacks the intrinsic depth of knowledge I like to hear. Gordon Bray always came out with some bizarre trivia (and probalby still does) but he obviously did his homework as I expect Robilliard does for the Shute Shield. They're both sports journalists (remember those blokes who actually did cadetships and learned about reporting and then got to specialise on sport? Dinosaurs.) as opposed to ex-players, yet they cover things well, so surely Clarkey coud do the same. As for Marto - well, I've never heard anyone jump off a team quicker if things are looking a bit dicey. The replay of the Super XV final goes much better when he and Horan are muted so I can't hear their panic-stricken canning of the Reds. As for the latest Bryce display, it makes me wonder what qualifies refs as good bad or otherwise for subsequent assignments. I noticed 'Aussie' Steve Walsh, who wasn't good enough (injuries notwithstanding) for reffing duties too often in the Super XV, officiating the Frogs v Ireland game on the weekend. Good enough for European Tests but not provincial games here? Weird. Maybe the thinking is that if one team doesn't speak English so well, he'll shut up and stop chatting to everyone on the park.
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