I think now we are increasingly seeing the hard evidence for what many of us have argued here for some time, namely
The ARU, in its inner workings, is and has been for some considerable time, a highly concerning cultural and operational amalgam of:
- arrogant, elitist thinking and attitudes that inter alia generally detaches it from the rugby grassroots, schools, and clubs
- secretive and self-defining re what it thinks is reasonable - solely by its own terms - in relation to what core data in its possession is shared with any of the rugby community as a whole
- leaks very manipulatively (and destructively where it deems in its interests) to selected 'good mates' contacts and media writers whilst isolating such parties who critique it thus knowingly stymying and often controlling open debate within the broader rugby community
- puerilely defensive with an 'us and them' managerial mindset that eliminates constructive, multi-party consultation and open listening to alternative viewpoints
- routinely excuse-making and blame-shifting, never taking real ownership, proper accountability or genuine responsibility for any key Australian rugby outcomes (expect where likely to give credit to the ARU) and never transferring genuine accountability to the bodies that financially depend upon it, namely the State RUs
- inexplicable overstaffing and high cost base for the relatively small number or core rugby tasks it must perform
- lacking any form of consistent, stable, thoroughly worked strategy to develop the whole, bottom-to-top system of Australian rugby
- nepotistic, inbred and partisan in relation to recruiting for itself and related parties and thus associating principally with 'good rugby mates' vs rigorous, externally focussed recruitment practices that are objectively 'best talent' driven
Other than the above, the ARU is an exceptionally well-run organisation.