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The success of League players in Rugby Union

Did/do you wish for Rugby League converts to Union, to fail in our code?

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Colin Windon (37)
No seriously, fuck that guy. Go look at his rap sheet on wikipedia and you'll see just how many times he's fucked up, and how many times the media whore that is the NRL has let him come crawling back.

He won the Dally M in pretty much the only year he hasn't been a complete fucking arseclown, with a list of driving offences and public disturbances - not to mention breaking team edicts and NRL ordered counselling - that would shrivel your balls.

Fuck him. Fuck him right in the face.
I know Carney has his rap sheet, but my absolute favorite is this bit on Craig Gower from Wikipedia:

In December 2005, Gower was fired as Panthers captain[17] after incidents at a charity golf event where he argued with several guests, groped the teenage daughter of former league player Wayne Pearce, chased Mitchell Pearce with a bottle before vomiting on him, streaked nude around the resort, stole and crashed a golf cart, held a butter knife[18] to the throat of a Sydney radio personality before throwing it at resort guests, and engaged in a brawl with resort security before being ejected from the official function and detained by police.[19] Gower was handed a "final warning" by the National Rugby League and fined A$100,000, with A$90,000 to be paid to an NRL programme encouraging the responsible use of alcohol by league players and $10,000 to replace the destroyed golf cart.[20] Gower was "deeply unhappy" that the Penrith Panthers club did not defend his reputation, and at one stage threatened to "walk" from the club.[21]

That's high comedy right there -- handed a final fucking warning. Every now and then my wife or I will try to read that out loud without cracking up. It's not easy.


Mark Ella (57)
Jeez you blokes are hard. You need to be forgiving hahaha

maybe he has had issues dating back to the Under 7's when he didn't get an orange at half time.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I like how he's disappointed that Penriff Panfers didn't "defend his reputation".
He has a right to feel aggrieved.
The club had a fundraiser for one of his team mates a few years before that.
On his way home from training,he hit a house with his car,fortunately no one was hurt.
Unfortunately the insurance wouldn't cover it,something about being over the limit...
It must be disappointing when the club drops the ball,and doesn't give you the respect that you have earned.....


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Here 'tis. Hopefully its near the standard that @Dismal Pillock has been cranking out lately

I can see the meeting with the NRL counsellor now:

NRL: *puts large file on desk* "Hi Todd, thanks for coming in"

Carney: "No wukkas. Got a bin for this empty?"

NRL: "Uh sure - over there. Look mate, we were going through the file and thought it best to start with the traffic offences back in 2006"

Carney: *burps* "Yeah nah it isn't a great look but it was only a couple of extra six packs over the limit and I get a five year ban for THAT? Bloody unfair"

NRL: "Good point mate. Still, didn't help yourself when you went driving Croc's ute that night."

Carney: "Fucken V8 mate, I had to light it up around the corner or I would have been a pussy!"

NRL: "Jeez yeah can't have that on your conscience... but I guess you should have stayed with the car and not fled the scene..."

Carney: "Mate I was fucking suspended - and piss drunk while we're at it. No sense sticking around. And I got community service out of it. COMMUNITY SERVICE? I do enough community service being a role model to the kids! And while I think its a bit rough you sacked Croc, it WAS his fault for letting me drive!"

NRL: "Yes interesting... moving on: what was up with pissing on that bloke in the nightclub?"

Carney: "That fluffybunny? He said I couldn't play for shit. I told him I wasn't playing for shit, I was playing for PISS money - get it?" *laughs* *scratches groin*

NRL: "That's when the Raiders sacked you?"

Carney: "Yeah well Canberra wasn't big enough to hold me. And FUCK their '5 point plan' - I needed the contract money. These tatts don't pay for themselves!"

NRL: "So you went back to Goulburn and decided to go on a vandalism spree?"

Carney: "Its a small town, and I was bored. So I went old school on it like when I was a kid. No harm done."

NRL: "Except the car and the shop front. But never mind - bygones being bygones an-"

Carney: "But what about those dickheads who jumped me in Atherton? I'm a bloody victim!"

NRL: "So was the guy whose pants you lit on fire at Airlie Beach"

Carney: "Well... yeah I guess. But it was New Year's. Just a bit of fun. And I was drunk as fuck! That alcohol counselling didn't last long eh?" *laughs uproariously*

NRL: *ahem* *shuffles paper* "Now we come back to a good year the Roosters"

Carney: "Fuck was it! Dally M muthafucka! That's why Todd is a the fucking man!"

NRL: "And then the wheels came off when you and Watts were out on the sauce"

Carney: "Look, I know where you're going, and she was asking for it!"

NRL: *hesitantly* "Uh.. who was?"

Carney: "Watto's girlfriend! She's fucking hot mate, and I'd do her, but women, right? I would have smacked some sense into her too! But I didn't touch her. Cheering isn't touching, right?"

NRL: *hastily scribbling* "No, of course. Go on..."

Carney: "But I had my fucking contract to worry about, so threw myself on the mercy on the press, the fluffybunnys, but luckily the Sharks were desperate!"
NRL: "So you thought you'd fit in there?"

Carney: "Mate for $350K a year, with those fucking roid-popping lunatics, it was a fucking marriage made in heaven!"

NRL: "Right well it hasn't gone well"

Carney: "Fuck no, but that's what happens when your privacy gets taken away from you. Listen, you got a spare beer? I've done nothing but drink bad piss the last few days. Geddit?" *laughs*

With thanks to wikipedia for some details. it was a long list...


Geoff Shaw (53)
I think the best thing that could happen is he could get a contract in France (more likely D2 than T14). We'd get to watch him play rugby (and potentially catastrophically fuck up again) without bemoaning Aussie rugby misspending (not that it's on the cards). We'd get all the entertainment for no coin!

That being said I bet he'll take a year off (or 2) and pop up for another NRL team, though admittedly he just left the one that would probably be the most desperate.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
I can't help but think of that character that was on one of the comedy sketch shows about a sporting "legend" and his manager always fronting the press and trying to put a spin on everything when the manager knows the client is a F**k up - Carney and Riolo


Phil Hardcastle (33)
there were a number of sketches, normally one per week as this became a regular character and all of them followed a similar line. Considering it would be around 7-8 years ago its frightening how accurate it is
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