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The success of League players in Rugby Union

Did/do you wish for Rugby League converts to Union, to fail in our code?

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Tim Horan (67)
Would Daniel Adongo ever come back? Would we ever want him back?

EDIT: Sorry, now see he's Kenyan, so probably rephrase that, would they ever want him back?

Omar Comin'

Chilla Wilson (44)
Would Daniel Adongo ever come back? Would we ever want him back?

EDIT: Sorry, now see he's Kenyan, so probably rephrase that, would they ever want him back?

Well of course Kenya would want him back! Who knows, maybe with him in the team they might have qualified for the RWC. More important would be whether a Super Rugby or European club would pick him up. I'd imagine he'd get a contract somewhere.

He'll come back if and when he gets cut from the NFL. Just as Hayden Smith has done. But getting back into shape for rugby would take some time. He'd need to lose some weight and build back his fitness base.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
wasn't there a winger go over to NFL a couple of years ago - he was originally from queensland and a schoolboy star who ended up at the Brumbies.

A mutterer

Chilla Wilson (44)
Great balance and speed.

But he'd have to put up with guys who know how to tackle with their shoulders, not just throw themselves at his knees or flap their arms uselessly as they try to grab a shirt.

bollocks - the us ruggers took the spike out of the nfl tackle and took it into the WC and kept knocking blokes backwards in the tackle.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
If you say so. What I see whenever there is footage of an awesome run in the NFL is the complete lack of body contact from the supposed defenders.

In fairness, not only is it ridiculous to try and effect a tackle around the shoulders using only your hands - particularly because of the shoulder pads I suppose - but mainly they just tuck their arms and cannonball into the centre of mass or knees and hope to knock the guy off his feet. If you do that without a strong arm position, all the guy has to do is move his own centre of mass a few degrees off your line and he'll look like a hero.

But really, its the tackler looking like a douche.


David Codey (61)
Continuing this slight deviation of talking about NFL rather than league, does anyone know of any former union players playing NFL in the US?
There hasn't been a lot I've always wondered how Lomu would have gone as a running back or guys like Izzy or Servea.. There running style seem more stop start step then pace then union.


John Thornett (49)
There hasn't been a lot I've always wondered how Lomu would have gone as a running back or guys like Izzy or Servea.. There running style seem more stop start step then pace then union.

Lomu, Izzy and Savea are too tall to play RB on anything other than a Wildcat formation or some other "trick" play.

Izzy would be one of the best tight ends in the NFL if he could learn how to block even a little - he'd be a devastating receiver in general.


David Codey (61)
Lomu, Izzy and Savea are too tall to play RB on anything other than a Wildcat formation or some other "trick" play.

Izzy would be one of the best tight ends in the NFL if he could learn how to block even a little - he'd be a devastating receiver in general.
Shows How much I know of NFL would any Union/League be good running backs.


Tim Horan (67)
Hey USARugger - if you don't mind telling, what's your history? are you an Aussie who has gone over to the US?


John Thornett (49)
Nope, born and bred in the USA.

Played with some exchange students in the local selects side my freshman year of college (2009-2010) and got turned onto Super Rugby/The Reds. Fell in love with them and by proxy the Wallabies. Have since become about as close to a dyed-in-the-wool supporter as you can be.

Stumbled onto G&GR a few years later and have been derailing threads here ever since.

Due to the kindness of @Redshappy I had the pleasure of visiting Brisbane last summer and meeting a good chunk of the G&GR crew at the beginning of the Lions tour. Would have loved to stay longer but unfortunately I was enrolled in Summer courses at the time and could only get a short time allowance from my professors (apparently missing 2 weeks of a 7-8 week course is frowned upon).

It was a fantastic experience and I will be returning. Currently stationed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Tim Horan (67)
Nope, born and bred in the USA.

Played with some exchange students in the local selects side my freshman year of college (2009-2010) and got turned onto Super Rugby/The Reds. Fell in love with them and by proxy the Wallabies. Have since become about as close to a dyed-in-the-wool supporter as you can be.

Stumbled onto G&GR a few years later and have been derailing threads here ever since.

Due to the kindness of @Redshappy I had the pleasure of visiting Brisbane last summer and meeting a good chunk of the G&GR crew at the beginning of the Lions tour. Would have loved to stay longer but unfortunately I was enrolled in Summer courses at the time and could only get a short time allowance from my professors (apparently missing 2 weeks of a 7-8 week course is frowned upon).

It was a fantastic experience and I will be returning. Currently stationed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Hey thanks for sharing, rugby works wonders in the way it spreads. I just realised you're just the person I need to ask; I've been curious for a while about how big rugby is in the college system. Mind providing some insight?

Train Without a Station

Always wondered how a player like Hoiles would go as a running back too. He might be a bit small but he has the pace and ability to place in contact due to being a forward. Hooper springs to mind also. Lower centre of gravity but excellent pace.


John Thornett (49)
Hey thanks for sharing, rugby works wonders in the way it spreads. I just realised you're just the person I need to ask; I've been curious for a while about how big rugby is in the college system. Mind providing some insight?

It's growing at a pretty rapid pace and has been since mid 2006-2007 I'd say. Things absolutely picked up after the 2011 World Cup - sitting down and watching the matches with my college side was awesome.

On the national level there are multiple schools every year now that are converting from club to full varsity programs with dedicated paid coaching, trainers, facilities and even scholarships. Even more encouraging, this is happening both at small private and (to a somewhat lesser degree - but once the model is proven by smaller schools I expect this to change) big public universities as well.

It's growing rapidly at the grassroots level as well which is extremely encouraging. My 14 year old brother is actually going to start playing in the Fall - bugger got the good genes and is a bit of a beanpole but is already 6'2" - I told him to say he wants to play #8 ;)

Always wondered how a player like Hoiles would go as a running back too. He might be a bit small but he has the pace and ability to place in contact due to being a forward. Hooper springs to mind also. Lower centre of gravity but excellent pace.

Hoiles is probably too tall for RB as well at 6'3". For reference there's usually only 2-3 RBs in the Top 10 each year that are over 6' - most of those guys are still only 6'1" and sometimes 6'2". The taller guys like Matt Forte are sometimes used in a role that mixes looks in terms of them playing receiver on one down and then RB the next one, etc.

I didn't think of Hooper earlier but with his aggression, speed of the mark, step, top speed, ability to dominate contact and his build..he'd be an absolute dynamo at RB.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
Even more encouraging this is happening both at small private and (to a somewhat lesser degree - but once the model is proven by smaller schools I expect this to change) big public universities as well.

It must be extremely hard to get a 'new' sport off the ground. So *my* school decides to start a rugby team which is all well and good. Who the hell do you play tho?

Chicken and egg thing.

I read somewhere (here no doubt) that gridiron (is that it's official title? over here there is sometimes problems if you call football soccer haha) is actually an offshoot of union. That kinda raised my eyebrows a bit, it is a bit hard to see the lineage if true. If true, how did that all come about?

Dctarget, I like it when threads wander around a bit.

It's gotta be better than talking about league surely?:D
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