The Wallabies are Rugby in this country. It is/was the national team the entire country would support (behind Cricket). Not dissimilar to the All Blacks.
I don't see how the ARU can't see the value in having a Wallaby jersey which is synonymous with the Wallabies(culture, play etc)... and only the Wallabies. Constant chopping and changing does nothing for the image of the game. The jersey should be a symbol of the game and what it represents.
I've got no issues with subtle changes, collar design/colour, images woven into the fabric etc however adding green sleeves for novelty value because it's different and they might sell a few more just pisses me off. Add to this the fact that it looks like a shitty training shirt.
I come from a large rugby community and not one person is happy with the latest jersey. Everyone I have spoken to has similar opinions to me regarding what the jersey should represent(image).
I know my opinion isn't going to change shit however I, like many, am just sick of how disconnected the ARU is from the rugby public(this is just another small example). Their choices affect those passionate about the game who, in turn pay their salary(directly or indirectly). I don't get how they think it could be a good idea.
Anyway, feel like I'm just rambling now.... can't tell if I'm angry or just hungry so I'm going to stop.