Apologies, long post, but I hope it offers some insight to those among us who think Israel should be punished by RA into the views of the libertarians amongst us who see it as a freedom issue.

R - Our society is what it is because those who went before us learnt the value of a free society and the rights of the individual.
It wasn't all that long ago it was the conservative side of town that expected political correctness, and hippies throughout the West were fighting for free speech, free opinions and free boobs (the burn the bra movement you turkeys out there!)
When I was a kid some boys actively bullied homosexuals and some men beat them up.
Imagine the courage it takes to speak up for homosexual rights when you are one if it is illegal. With people out there who believed you needed to be shouted down, or imprisoned or hurt.
Even now in some countries of the world, the public have no such rights to speak up for themselves or others. You go against the prevailing view of 'right' at your deepest peril. We saw it recently in Brunei. It's an ongoing issue in Indonesia. It has reached terrible proportions in China if you are Uighur, but for that matter if you are anyone who goes against the CCP. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, even Egypt. Where the worst human rights breaches occur, so too you will find repressed speech.
It's my firm belief that the reason Australia is a good country to live in is because of the ideals and principles brought to us by the reformation and the enlightenment. An important part of that is the live and let live ideal. It's a free country.
Of course, that only applies so long as you aren't hurting someone. The definition of 'hurt' has shifted too, I guess as a result of just how safe our society really is. The time of 'sticks and stones' seems to have gone, and we live in a society where some claim speech is violence, that safe spaces are needed. I do not believe in this, at least not to the extent I observe it today.
Life is not a peaceful joyride, and while it is far safer than it ever was, we do not protect our children by placing a bubble between them and hurtful things. We give them the tools to counter hurtful things, to develop a resilience. There's nothing revelatory in this; cognitive behaviour therapy is based on it.
And it is directly relevant to this issue. The best claim I have seen as to why Israel should not have posted what he did was that his post has the potential for mental hurt, even suicide.
It is a sad fact we are facing a suicide epidemic amongst our youth - teens to early twenties. At a time when we are more tuned in than ever to bigotry and hurt this is something to think about. I do not pretend to have the answer for this, but if you are interested Jonathan Haidt , a high profile American psychologist and academic, has some views well worth listening to. His belief is that we have
overprotected our kids at the very time when they most needed the right tools to manage social pressures- the social media age.
Back to being PC. Political correctness isn't new, in fact I'd guess it has been around as long as there have been human tribal groups. We are a species that succeeded because we were and are highly effective in teams so it is to be expected we castigate those who don't go along with the team. That said, the old Jonah Lomu joke springs to mind:
'Boys, now remember, rugby is a team game. I don't want to see anyone hogging the ball: make sure you pass it to Jonah.'
Sometimes we think we are playing a team sport when maybe we are, maybe we aren't. It is by having a society where those people can speak we learn to be better. Bad ideas are dismissed, even ridiculed, good ideas gain traction.
Are we listening to the outliers out there who may see something we can't? Or are we shutting them up for being different?
Apologies again for long post.