Slim 293
George Smith (75)
All he did was express his religious views. Views that are not extreme. Folau has been unfairly treated from all this and I hope common sense prevails.
Yeah, nah.........
All he did was express his religious views. Views that are not extreme. Folau has been unfairly treated from all this and I hope common sense prevails.
Why not jump on the easy PR bandwagon and say no thanks to him? Behind the scenes, I'm sure RA and the NRL have an mutual understanding not to sign each others wayward stars.
Why not jump on the easy PR bandwagon and say no thanks to him? Behind the scenes, I'm sure RA and the NRL have an mutual understanding not to sign each others wayward stars.
Is there room for movement in the transfer rules to cater for refugees?that's right - the "stand down" period is forever. represent one Country then that's it.
Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 14.
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Is there room for movement in the transfer rules to cater for refugees?
In a round-a-bout kind of way he has expressed his religious beliefs and been fired from his job with a company that receives federal government funding and is no longer able to pursue his occupation due to his religious beliefs.
Maybe he could make a claim under the UNHCR Declaration of Universal rights.
It would seem that the IRB would have to have some allowance for those who are refugees
For those wondering where his head's at:
I'm aware of the theory that Christians co-opted a pagan festival & made it into Christmas, but isn't Easter the very foundation of their faith?
Is there room for movement in the transfer rules to cater for refugees?
In a round-a-bout kind of way he has expressed his religious beliefs and been fired from his job with a company that receives federal government funding and is no longer able to pursue his occupation due to his religious beliefs.
Maybe he could make a claim under the UNHCR Declaration of Universal rights.
It would seem that the IRB would have to have some allowance for those who are refugees
This will cost them financially.I disagree. I think they did the right thing by making their position clear particularly when that position has broad public support.
Folau was always going to challenge it. He needs to at least indicate that he wants to stay to improve his legal chances of winning a good payout.
I agree with Barbarian that his position is pretty much untenable in terms of returning to play. I would still sue in that position though.
Rugby Australia is in a far better position publicly than any other option they could have taken in my opinion. It would do them no favours to not have at least won some public support and still have to pay him out.
Is it completely inconceivable to you that they couldn't have stated that they strongly disagree with his post, rugby is better than what he's displayed in his post, they will immediately institute a tribunal in accordance with their integrity procedures to get to the bottom of the situation *without* saying before hand "we want to fire the guy"?
The content within the post is unacceptable. It does not represent the values of the sport and is disrespectful to members of the Rugby community.
The Rugby Australia Integrity Unit has been engaged on the matter tonight.
This will cost them financially.
And adding up the number "likes" the ARU have collected on their Twitter feed is not going to lessen the financial blow.
Is it completely inconceivable to you that they couldn't have stated that they strongly disagree with his post, rugby is better than what he's displayed in his post, they will immediately institute a tribunal in accordance with their integrity procedures to get to the bottom of the situation *without* saying before hand "we want to fire the guy"?
THAT'S exactly what gets you into trouble and boxes you into situations you don't want to be in (like the Beale and Rebels situations).
It's a little odd that he's using passages from the Old Testament to explain why Christmas and Easter aren't related to Christianity. Presumably he knows that the Old Testament predates Christ and the main Christian teachings are found in the New Testament.
I also assume that he's aware that Jeremiah was written centuries before the coming of Jesus and as the Christmas tree came from a German celebratory tradition in the middle ages, I'm more than a little surprised that Jeremiah had any knowledge of Christmas trees at all.
He's clearly committed and passionate, but I think the proverb "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" applies here.
It seems weird to say it, but I think RA has done everything they should have,so far.Gel, they did exactly what you described.
10 April
Then a day later
11 April
Depending on how Izzys contract is written, I'm unsure what his unfair dismissal claim would be.
You can think that if you want. I think they should not have said anymore until they had engaged their processes.I think Folau not responding to their attempts to contact for 24 hours forced their hand. I expect the press release would have been different if they'd had been in contact and a code of conduct hearing had been scheduled.
Why even bother paying attention to him? I have no clue what he said or thinks because I don't waste my time on media whores and extremist trolls.It seems weird to say it, but I think RA has done everything they should have,so far.
Alan Jones coming out against their actions, confirms my view.
You: "this is like the Beale situation where they said their intent prior to review"
Me: "yes it is"
You: "no it isn't."
Is that it?
They actually did say it before hand. And it really was publicly.I said they went into the code of conduct hearing pushing for Beale's contract to be terminated which they obviously didn't get. That is the similarity to Folau.
I don't believe they stated that position publicly with Beale before the code of conduct hearing as they have now.
Anyway, let's leave it at that.