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Sydney Rays .. NRC Team Official Thread

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Colin Windon (37)
Norths sent an email around today stating Fava had left but no clue as to why or where. strange


Stan Wickham (3)
With matwijow he is eligible for the two franchises being a country junior. I guess they looked at what the rays had available and decided that him going to Country would not weaken the rays and would strengthen Country
Eligibility doesn't matter. Dylan Sigg and Mark Swanepoel from Manly are playing for the Rams

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Stan Wickham (3)
This discussion of "eligibility" is frustrating. This isn't an international or origin competition. Players are free to play at any team that wants them providing it doesn't conflict with other contracts.

Well then where is the incentive of players aligning themselves with certain clubs and even moving interstate to be eligible for certain NRC teams?

Train Without a Station

Because teams are unlikely to pay to relocated players.

Common sense says NRC teams will favour players within their aligned clubs. Why? Because that's where their coaching staff are coming from.

I think 99% of people here have the concept backwards.

Your club should be dictated by the NRC team you play for. Not your NRC team being dictated by which club you play for.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Guys and Gals, if anyone is interested in covering these games for Green and Gold Rugby (match reviews and/or photos) please let us know. We obviously want to cover the comp pretty extensively but will need more hands on deck. We can provide a template for match reviews if needed. If you are interested leave a comment here or send a personal message. Cheers

Harry Borbag

Frank Row (1)
Hey, just signed up because I'm looking for some info about the NRC and can't find any anywhere (is anyone concerned by this?). Well done ARU, you take mismanagement to a whole new level...
Ok I'll take the hater hat off for a bit to ask the following questions:
1. Is there an official website for NRC info, you know like nrl.com.au or afl.com.au? nrc.com.au is not taken, It would seem logical that this would be the perfect place to house it, but yet another fail for the ARU . (and don't worry I found rugby.com.au/nrc but couldn't believe how pathetic it was for an official page for a brand new competition that's supposed to be the saviour of the sport in this country)
2. Has anyone born after 1930 had anything to do with this comp? It seems that the whole branding thing was just an afterthought. The logo looks shit, the North Harbour team colours/Jersey/name look shit, everything about it looks cheap and shitty. FFS can't we just steal the Highlanders green jersey, it's the same colour and looks a million times better!
3. I'm a rugby fan, and I want this the NRC to work but even I'm getting frustrated with the amateur-hour approach to this comp. Where is the advertising? The online presence? The promotion? What hope will this have in attracting new fans if even rugby people can't get behind it?
4. Is the NRC designed to fail as part of some ARU old boy politicking? Such is the poor standards of production so far, this seems to be the only logical conclusion.



Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The Super Rugby finals are in full swing and that's by far the most important thing happening in Australian rugby right now. Then there's a Bledisloe Cup test the week before the NRC starts.

It's about priorities and not having information getting lost in the ether.

The draw is out and people know where the games will be. Teams are just being announced.

What more do you really need to know right now?

Why would the ARU be advertising the NRC when the Waratahs are trying to sell 40k+ tickets for tomorrow night and the ARU are trying to sell somewhere upwards of 70k tickets to the first Bledisloe.

Harry Borbag

Frank Row (1)
"The draw is out and people know where the games will be."
No they don't. I was at the pub last night talking to some rugby guys about the Tahs/Bummers game and asked them if they will be checking out the Rays whent hey play down at Brookie. Universal blank stares, none of them knew what I was talking about. These are rugby fans who travel internationally to watch rugby, If we aren't winning these people over what chance do we have against the masses?
"What more do you really need to know right now?"
This is exactly the problem. I don't like soccer, tennis, cycling, netball or the commonwealth Games yet I know more about them than our local rugby comp. This is the problem.
Maybe I'm mistaken and though the administration wants to grow the game in this country. From what I've seen they all seem happy to sit in their little puddles of shit and watch the empire burn around them...

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
"The draw is out and people know where the games will be."
No they don't. I was at the pub last night talking to some rugby guys about the Tahs/Bummers game and asked them if they will be checking out the Rays whent hey play down at Brookie. Universal blank stares, none of them knew what I was talking about. These are rugby fans who travel internationally to watch rugby, If we aren't winning these people over what chance do we have against the masses?
"What more do you really need to know right now?"
This is exactly the problem. I don't like soccer, tennis, cycling, netball or the commonwealth Games yet I know more about them than our local rugby comp. This is the problem.
Maybe I'm mistaken and though the administration wants to grow the game in this country. From what I've seen they all seem happy to sit in their little puddles of shit and watch the empire burn around them.

Your at the right place to find out what's happening and amongst these threads it's nearly all there, I posted the Rays draw about a month ago, Just a bit of reading.

Get your mates down and follow the Marlins and it'll flow from there.


Steve Williams (59)
1. Is there an official website for NRC info, you know like nrl.com.au or afl.com.au? nrc.com.au is not taken, It would seem logical that this would be the perfect place to house it, but yet another fail for the ARU . (and don't worry I found rugby.com.au/nrc but couldn't believe how pathetic it was for an official page for a brand new competition that's supposed to be the saviour of the sport in this country)

Admittedly, NRL and AFL are way out in front as far as websites go. But then again, they have Billion dollar revenue deals.

A better comparison would be the ITM cup. Let's check out their website, shall we .....

Oooops! ...... looks like it's down. Oh, well. ;)

2. Has anyone born after 1930 had anything to do with this comp? It seems that the whole branding thing was just an afterthought. The logo looks shit

Let's have look at the competition logos .....

Neither of them are up to much. Advertising for the sponsor. The ITM one looks ordinary to me, but then I don't even know what ITM sells. What are they - a computer company?

Logos? Schmogos.

the North Harbour team colours/Jersey/name look shit, everything about it looks cheap and shitty. FFS can't we just steal the Highlanders green jersey, it's the same colour and looks a million times better!

Firstly, North Harbour won't be playing in green jerseys this season. They'll have a Harlequin-style that is quartered.

You must've been looking at the 2007 jerseys .....


Does the Clan look a "million times better"? Nah. Neither look particularly good to me, but then I'm not a fan of light green jerseys. Fortunately the Rays will have something else. It might even still be ugly but it's likely to be a better outfit than the Bulls' camouflage. ;)

3. I'm a rugby fan, and I want this the NRC to work but even I'm getting frustrated with the amateur-hour approach to this comp. Where is the advertising? The online presence? The promotion? What hope will this have in attracting new fans if even rugby people can't get behind it?

Here's the address to check the ITM website again.

Just type in www.itmcup.co.nz

Yep. Still down, although I'm sure it will be back soon.

4. Is the NRC designed to fail as part of some ARU old boy politicking? Such is the poor standards of production so far, this seems to be the only logical conclusion.
It has to run on a shoestring, and is being started from nothing. I'm sure there are things that need to be done better. But there is a TV deal that funds the logistics and even generates a small amount of revenue (this was NOT the case last time). Gotta start somewhere.

If you really want to see it work, then go to the games and get behind it. That's one way the comp will improve and grow.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
If you really want to see it work, then go to the games and get behind it. That's the only way the comp will improve and grow.

I dunno kiap, I reckon we've got a real shot at what science calls "control hamster" here with Harry.

So people like you and I can go looking for info and inform ourselves to help get the ball rolling for our respective teams.

Harry, as the control hamster, can sit around with his thumb up his arse making complaints along with a few of the others I see over at theroar

Then in 12 months we see who is enjoying their rugby more.

Harry Borbag

Frank Row (1)
Me along with the thousands of others who might be tempted to go to a game but won't because they didn't know it was on?

Then in 12 months we'll see if the NRC still exists...

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
First, I'll say that the Rays will be my second choice to follow in the NRC, having lived a large part of my life in Narrabeen, Collaroy and Elanora Heights. But now a died in the wool Brumbies/Vikings fan.

Watched the Warringah/Eastwood match in SS yesterday. Most disappointed with the quality of play shown by the Rats players. Apart from Ward (?) at 8, don't think there is a Super quality player amongst them, although Jones didn't get much opportunity to show what he can do. How Josh Holmes ever got a gig at Super level (at the Brumbies no less) is beyond me. Never seen a half back with such a lolly pop pass before. Either sits up waiting to be intercepted, or places the receiver under immediate pressure from the defence. Hope the Rays have a couple of better half backs in their squad for this competition.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
First, I'll say that the Rays will be my second choice to follow in the NRC, having lived a large part of my life in Narrabeen, Collaroy and Elanora Heights. But now a died in the wool Brumbies/Vikings fan.

Watched the Warringah/Eastwood match in SS yesterday. Most disappointed with the quality of play shown by the Rats players. Apart from Ward (?) at 8, don't think there is a Super quality player amongst them, although Jones didn't get much opportunity to show what he can do. How Josh Holmes ever got a gig at Super level (at the Brumbies no less) is beyond me. Never seen a half back with such a lolly pop pass before. Either sits up waiting to be intercepted, or places the receiver under immediate pressure from the defence. Hope the Rays have a couple of better half backs in their squad for this competition.
Would have liked it to be Lucas and Swanny


Chris McKivat (8)
Come on Manly and Warringah bring the Shute Shield to North Harbour. Gordon will always be my main team but got to say the season has been so much more interesting with 3 extra teams to support (Norths begrudgingly)
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