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Sydney Colts - 2014

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Round 9 Results Summary

First Grade - W. McMahon Memorial Shield
Northern Suburbs 33 West Harbour 31
Warringah 36 Gordon 21
Manly 62 Penrith 0
Sydney University 49 Eastwood 31
Eastern Suburbs 14 Randwick 20
Parramatta 33 Southern Districts 17

Second Grade - Shell Trophy
Northern Suburbs 55 West Harbour24
Warringah 0 Gordon 18
Manly 53 Penrith 7
Sydney Universiy 35 Eastwood 22
Eastern Suburbs 28 Randwick 28
Parramatta 29 Southern Districts 6

Third Grade - Bill Simpson Shield
Northern Suburbs 43 West Harbour 12
Warringah v The Bye
Manly v The Bye
Sydney University 19 Eastwood 19
Eastern Suburbs 25 Randwick 7
Parramatta 7 Southern Districts 24

Next Week (Round 10)
Randwick v Sydney University
West Harbour v Parramatta
Southern Districts v Eastern Suburbs
Eastwood v Manly
Penrith v Warringah
Gordon v Northern Suburbs

The Raging Potato

Allen Oxlade (6)
Baz, half way point assessment for Norths. 1sts inconsistent but with the players to get there if they can click. The Uni result shows what they are capable of but can't seem to play to this level consistently. Hopefully they can tidy this up but have a tough run in playing all the top sides. 2nds outstanding and have to be firm favourites to hit the top spot. 3rds have finally got a stable coaching team and are playing some outstanding footy. The shallow bench numbers is a worry but a number of boys to come back from injury and the two consecutive byes will help. Premierships are there for the taking. Time to execute.

Fancy Feet

Frank Row (1)
Good morning people. Had to get on board and comment about the Norths Wests game. Yes I too thought it was a great game. However was not impressed by the atrocious costly decisions of the linesman and ref. The linesman let past a clear high tackle and then talks to the ref only after some comments from the sideline, adds a metre ot two the the lineout mark in Norths favour, and then asks the ref if the ball hits the line, is that out? The wests pack dominated the scrum and were told there was 2 1/5 minutes left and just turned norths scrum and won the put in. The hooter sounds and the ref blows the whistle. Good one mate!
Next weeks game between Wests and Parra should be a great clash with Parra buzzing over their smashing of Souths! Well done to Parra - nobody should ever underestimate an opposition in any game because the underdog is usually more hungry for the win!

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
Southern were lured into the classic Merrylands ambush today. A huge loss to the home side last week, a "big" game for Southos next week, so let's rest some players. ERROR! Parra 33 Southern D's 17. That should be the last time Southern Districts disrespect their opposition.
Southern were lured into the classic Merrylands ambush today. A huge loss to the home side last week, a "big" game for Southos next week, so let's rest some players. ERROR! Parra 33 Southern D's 17. That should be the last time Southern Districts disrespect their opposition.
Ryan09 there were no rested players
Our 3rds had about 2 reserves and 2nds have lost about 4 in a row so why would they be made weaker in a must win game
There is a big injury list plus 8 players at the CHS trials and we had to replace 3 more during the 1st colts game.
We expected and got a tough match and your boys played well and out enthused the souths boys the parra scrambling in defence was excellent and there was no disrespect shown, souths don't have that luxury.

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)
Good morning people. Had to get on board and comment about the Norths Wests game. Yes I too thought it was a great game. However was not impressed by the atrocious costly decisions of the linesman and ref. The linesman let past a clear high tackle and then talks to the ref only after some comments from the sideline, adds a metre ot two the the lineout mark in Norths favour, and then asks the ref if the ball hits the line, is that out? The wests pack dominated the scrum and were told there was 2 1/5 minutes left and just turned norths scrum and won the put in. The hooter sounds and the ref blows the whistle. Good one mate!
Next weeks game between Wests and Parra should be a great clash with Parra buzzing over their smashing of Souths! Well done to Parra - nobody should ever underestimate an opposition in any game because the underdog is usually more hungry for the win!
Yeh fancy i think everyone was a bit perplexed with the ref not allowing the scrum to play out. I would like to see sydney rugby purchase comms devices and have all first grade colts refs and assist refs wired. The off sides in many games are going unpoliced. It would be a worthwhile expense, and make the games cleaner.

Social Bill

Frank Row (1)
Mat Hooper played #1 for Easts
ex Waverley 1st 15
Coogee Seahorses Juniors
Has bulked up over summer and played a great game on Saturday.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Once again I let the team down by not being at Manly on Saturday afternoon to see the boys run around but did get forwarded the below today. I'm sure (given the sentiments) that Jono won't mind me publishing.

I just want to write and congratulate you on the Colts performance on the weekend. I am in my 4th year in charge of Manly Colts and in this time have not seen a better playing and coaching group at Penrith.

Sila clearly has the respect and passion for Penrith Rugby that is needed to provide the boys a safe and quality playing experience.

ALL your players played in a great spirit and never stopped competing. While we have played other teams that give up when it all gets too hard, the Emus yesterday kept positive and kept plugging away.

The after match function was one of our best this year with both teams sharing tables and chatting about rugby and life.

All in all a very pleasurable experience in all aspects. Manly are extremely appreciative of all your efforts because the Sydney competition needs Western Sydney to be represented and in my view, the stronger the better!

Cheers mate

Jono Harvey
Director of Colts
Manly Rugby Union


Frank Row (1)
Can someone explain how or why the same ref was required to run both colts 1sts and 2nds at Rat park on the weekend? While Im not one to bag our the match officials, clearly in the 2nd half of 1s the man in the middle was finding it hard to keep up and missed more than a few easy clear calls. With no official touchies to back him up its a tough day at the office for the ref. and does potentially open it up to duty of care issues. There was one dangerous tackle late in the 2nd half that only resulted in penalty that could have been very different if the ref had been close enough to see the incident or was backed up by the touchie who was not one of the lower grade players.
Yes it was a hot day and even a younger, fitter ref would have run low on gas by the end of 2 full games and it really didn't impact the result as both teams were effected, but surely the boys and the fans deserve better than this. This might work for u14s but 1st colts ..really?


Ward Prentice (10)
There was a late pull out unfortunately, these things happen (players pull out late as well). The referee's human resources are stretched to its limits this time of year when there is Premiership, Subbies, and all of the major School Association matches are on.

And in terms of official touchies, the clubs are sent out the appts, so they know when they need to provide them.


Frank Row (1)
the word from the ref was he had known since the Wed prior that he was up for the double header so hardly a late pull out.
Unfortunately the challenge of recruiting and retaining quality match officials is a major issue all the codes face not just ours. If what was asked of this bloke on the weekend is common place then i guess the job is only going to keep getting harder


Watty Friend (18)
And how good is was for Gordon to get the first win for the Colts and to do it in style! 17-0! after a thrashing the week before, it was great for us to have worked hard during the week and come up with the goods!

Win or lose, you play the game for the game.

Eyes and Ears

Bob Davidson (42)
Yeh fancy i think everyone was a bit perplexed with the ref not allowing the scrum to play out. I would like to see sydney rugby purchase comms devices and have all first grade colts refs and assist refs wired. The off sides in many games are going unpoliced. It would be a worthwhile expense, and make the games cleaner.

NSW Rugby don't have the funds for First Grade communications gear, so this is unfortunately unlikely to happen.

Eyes and Ears

Bob Davidson (42)
Can someone explain how or why the same ref was required to run both colts 1sts and 2nds at Rat park on the weekend? While Im not one to bag our the match officials, clearly in the 2nd half of 1s the man in the middle was finding it hard to keep up and missed more than a few easy clear calls. With no official touchies to back him up its a tough day at the office for the ref. and does potentially open it up to duty of care issues. There was one dangerous tackle late in the 2nd half that only resulted in penalty that could have been very different if the ref had been close enough to see the incident or was backed up by the touchie who was not one of the lower grade players.
Yes it was a hot day and even a younger, fitter ref would have run low on gas by the end of 2 full games and it really didn't impact the result as both teams were effected, but surely the boys and the fans deserve better than this. This might work for u14s but 1st colts ..really?

Unfortunately there are more games than referees so there are many double ups each weekend. With GPS comp starting this week and referee numbers quite low this year, there will be many more double ups before the season is done.

One of the great challenges for refereeing associations is the absence of 25-40 year old referees. There are always a number of under 25 referees who are stilling learning the game and how to manage players doing battle and a number of over 40s who generally aren't as physically capable as younger referees. Unfortunately work and family impact the middle age group; an age where referees normally peak. Plus not many players take up refereeing anymore.


Bob Loudon (25)
And how good is was for Gordon to get the first win for the Colts and to do it in style! 17-0! after a thrashing the week before, it was great for us to have worked hard during the week and come up with the goods!

Win or lose, you play the game for the game.

Well Done Mate! Really pleased for you and the Boys! Keep it up! :)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Discipline Summary so far:

Club Discipline Record
Send Off (Red Card)
Randwick: 3, (Colts1: 1, Colts2: 2, Colts3: 0)
Penrith: 2, (Colts1: 1, Colts2: 1) Note: Both cards to the same player who has been sacked.
Warringah: 1, (Colts1: 1, Colts2: 0, Colts3: 0)
Gordon: 1, (Colts1: 1, Colts2: 0, Colts3: ) (Second YC in the same game)
Eastwood: 1, (Colts1: 0, Colts2: 1, Colts3: 0)
Southern Districts: 1, (Colts1: 0, Colts2: 0, Colts3: 1) (Second YC in the same game)
Eastern Suburbs: 1, (Colts1: 0, Colts2: 1, Colts3: 0)

Sin Bin (Yellow Card)
West Harbour: 18, (Colts1: 7, Colts2: 9, Colts3: 2)
Eastern Suburbs: 18, (Colts1: 6, Colts2: 7, Colts3: 5)
Southern Districts: 17, (Colts1: 8, Colts2: 6, Colts3: 3)
Eastwood: 13, (Colts1: 5, Colts2: 5, Colts3: 3)
Northern Suburbs: 12, (Colts1: 3, Colts2: 6, Colts3: 3)
Parramatta: 10, (Colts1: 1, Colts2: 7, Colts3: 2)
Randwick: 9, (Colts1: 5, Colts2: 3, Colts3: 1)
Penrith: 9, (Colts1: 4, Colts2: 5, Colts3: )
Manly: 8, (Colts1: 5, Colts2: 2, Colts3: 1)
Warringah: 7, (Colts1: 4, Colts2: 3, Colts3: 0)
Gordon: 5, (Colts1: 4, Colts2: 1)
Sydney University: 3, (Colts1: 0, Colts2: 3, Colts3: 0)

Individual Discipline Record:
129 Yellow cards have been issued to 116 players. (out of 879 players)
1 player have received 3 Yellow Cards.
11 players have received 2 Yellow Cards.
104 players have received 1 Yellow Card.

10 Red Cards have been issued to 9 Players.
1 Player has received 2 Red Cards. (He has been let go by his club)
8 Players have received 1 Red Card.
2 Players have received their Red Card because of their second Yellow Card in the game.

Discipline by Grade:
52 Yellow Cards and 4 Red Cards have been issued in Colts 1
57 Yellow Cards and 5 Red Cards have been issued in Colts 2
20 Yellow Cards and 1 Red Cards have been issued in Colts 3
Note: In Colts 3's, there are 2 less games each week due to the Bye.

Discipline by Round:
12 Yellow Cards and 1 Red Cards were issued in Round 1 (YC: 3 Colts1, 7 Colts2, 2 Colts3 RC: Colts1)
15 Yellow Cards and 0 Red Cards were issued in Round 2 (YC: 8 Colts1, 6 Colts2, 1 Colts3)
19 Yellow Cards and 3 Red Cards were issued in Round 3 (YC: 7 Colts1,10 Colts2, 2 Colts3 RC: 2 Colts1, 1 Colts2)
14 Yellow Cards and 0 Red Cards were issued in Round 4 (YC: 5 Colts1, 6 Colts2, 3 Colts3)
20 Yellow Cards and 1 Red Cards were issued in Round 5 (YC: 9 Colts1, 7 Colts2, 4 Colts3 RC: Colts2)
17 Yellow Cards and 1 Red Cards were issued in Round 6 (YC: 6 Colts1, 7 Colts2, 4 Colts3 RC: Colts3)
10 Yellow Cards and 1 Red Cards were issued in Round 7 (YC: 5 Colts1, 3 Colts2, 2 Colts3 RC: Colts2)
9 Yellow Cards and 0 Red Cards were issued in Round 8 (YC: 4 Colts1, 5 Colts2, 0 Colts3)
13 Yellow Cards and 3 Red Cards were issued in Round 9 (YC: 5 Colts1, 6 Colts2, 2 Colts3 RC: Colts1, 2 Colts2)

Who pushes the Laws?
68 Yellow Cards have been issued to Forwards
14 = Front Row, 18 = Second Row, 36 = Loose Forwards​
42 Yellow Cards have been issued to Backs
15 = Halfback/Flyhalf, 10 = Centres, 17 = Back Three​
19 Yellow Cards have been issued to Bench Players
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