One of Hegerty and Stewart need to fall off the bench, in my eyes they add little and we only need one of them.
I'd start TT on the bench, can bring him on when required.
Nonggorr definitely needs game time. The last two games needed our best guys to win unfortunately. I'd be tempted to do what Reg suggested and start him. Having said that I actually have no idea how Nonggorr is progressing but he does have an impressive moustache.
My suggested Tahs side:
Bell, Porecki, HJH (Harry Johnson-Holmes), Caird, Wykes, Swinton, Tizzano, Dempsey, Grant, Harrison, Ramm, Foketi, Perese, Newsome, Maddocks
Res: Horton, Faulkner, Breen, Williams, Sinclair, Robertson, Edmed, Mark N (Nawaqanitawase).
Let's keep the Reds out of triple figures!!!!
The Tahs are forfeiting??