In Hodgman's case the articles and the podcasts he has been on, he said his main reason for coming to the Reds were family related.
The problem is no one cares about the players in the trenches. The public is usually focused on the glory boys they see the guys kicking goals, scoring tries, the loosies and every player in the back line. Junkyard Dog had a huge impact for the Reds but did anyone recognise the work the tight 5 put in prior?
Hodgman and JTA (Jeffery Toomaga-Allen)'s impact will be noticed by the players who are in the trenches with them. The dark arts known as scrummaging technique, cleaning out at the breakdowns this work always goes unnoticed. How many kids when asked say my favourite player is James Slipper? It is usually always a back.
I was a former, below average, half back with a shit pass. I fully appreciate the work guys like Hodgman and JTA (Jeffery Toomaga-Allen) bring to the table for me their impact as All Blacks playing for the Reds is immense. I have heard a lot of what they have brought to the Team and how they have helped guys like Zane, Sef and De Lautiis with knowledge and development.