An almost certain try? Hard on attack is not even CLOSE to a certain try. Sure, hate McCaw, but no need to twist the rules around to suit your argument - he bends enough of them as it is! Warning? Wouldn't have been surprised. YC? Like hell.
For what it's worth, he came in the back, not the side as the comm's said, & his feet were on the ground. Yes, it was over the top, but it was nowhere near as blatantly bad as Skinstad et al would make you believe. Reminds me, Skinstad let himself down on the comm's for that match. He's usually bloody good, decent analysis & offers comments which I really want to hear. But for this match, his commentary was based around pointing out AB infringements, whilst ignoring anything SA did. It was like having Scarfman & Dwyer in the comm's box. I honestly think he's seen your vid scarf and commentating as such. I guess that's something we are going to have to life with now, so well down Scarfman, you've achieved your goal.
Loved Burger's comments post match too when the Yarp interviewer was trying to get him to bag McCaw and call him a cheat (with McCaw standing right besdie just off shot!). Class comments, went up a long way in my estimation (as a person, has always been sky high as a player).