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Southern Inland Rugby 2022


Johnnie Wallace (23)
What's our thoughts on a fully vaxxed requirement as a Return to Play protocol. I suspect sporting insurers are going to make it a requirement of participation. How many players and ancillary staff do you think we may lose if this is the case?


Fred Wood (13)
I'm almost willing to bet mandatory vaccination will be in place across the board as a requirement in return to play. I suspect most, if not all sports, will be making this a condition of registration. SIRU will have no say in it at the end of the day.
Will it affect us ? Yes, i believe so. How much ? Who knows ! The pragmatic will get on with it. The 'free choicers' will find that work and sport will become limited as a result.

I'm just worried Albury wont be vaccinated and will be unable to play us. Again. ;)


Desmond Connor (43)
Heard from a Mate that Waratahs got some T shirts done up saying "2021 Joint Premiers -1st Grade " are they kidding or what or is it just a big Joke - ha ha?
2021 has been a weird year, anything is possible! I would bloody love it if City and Tahs doubled down on the weirdness and got Joint Premiership rings.


Fred Wood (13)
I think lockdown has finally got them.

So no SIRU 7's season at all or just pushed back ?

And on another note at what stage will the great white elephant of Connolly 4 ever become reality ? 5 years now I think.


Fred Wood (13)
Ok no answers on Connoly or the 7's.

How about is there any answers or indications on a Bill Castle medalist for 2021 ?


Desmond Connor (43)
I’m no expert, but I reckon CRP will be ages away. As far as I’m aware, there just isn’t the $$ around to support it.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Well done to the young fella from Aggies on winning the Bill Castle medal. Bit contro though the award not going to a City player given they pretty much lapped everyone else during the season. Especially with an Albury player coming a close second. I suppose Tess Staines was a short favourite in the girls comp so no surprise there.
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Desmond Connor (43)
It’s pretty common for a stand out player from a lower ranked club to rate highly in B&F tallies.

Referees will typically award the best performing player on a losing team either 1 or 2 points. If you’re playing consistently, you’re in the mix each week.

I’d wager that there are three things happening here;
1. As @Reasoning said, City players taking points off each other;
2. Lochie Ramm regularly in the mix;
3. No (or not many at least) other WAC players getting points


Fred Wood (13)
Well done to Lachie Ramm on the Bill Castle. Good young fella in a team that did it real tough this year.

Question for Sam . Based on your experience , if a team was beaten say, 96-0, would the 3 -2-1 still include a player from the beaten side ?


Desmond Connor (43)
Question for Sam . Based on your experience , if a team was beaten say, 96-0, would the 3 -2-1 still include a player from the beaten side ?
Good question @Bubba . In that instance, there is obviously a dominant team who deserve rewards for that.

For me, it depends on the attitude displayed by players in both the winning team and the losing team.

Is there a player in the losing team that just kept plugging away and stayed positive for the full 80mins? Likewise for the winning team, was there a player who created good opportunities for their team mates vs the guys just putting the pill down over the line.

I can recall a player of a losing team in recent years that was just totally positive and showed great tenacity in every game he played regardless of losing by big margins, he just didn’t give up and always tried to encourage those around him. He could quite easily lost the plot but didn’t. That guy typically got points in a losing team.

I can also think of players that scored multiple tries in big score lines regularly. But their attitude wasn’t in the spirit of the game for me, those guys may have not got as many points as players that worked to create those opportunities to score.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Watching Wales v Wallabies last night reveals why we have such a problem with rugby in Australia. The ref was cheating. This is why people give up on playing & watching rugby. Any criticism of official‘s performance is met with claims of bad sportsmanship.
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Desmond Connor (43)
Great work by former SIRU player and Southern Sports Academy Alumni Corey Toole on making the Aussie Seven’s Squad!!!


Desmond Connor (43)
Fingers crossed that the Wagga City Indigenous Sevens go ahead on the 5th.
Any mail on teams entered? Hot tips?