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Southern Inland Rugby 2021


Desmond Connor (43)
The rumour about a C/West switch to Brumbies has been pretty strong for the last 2 months or so
Maybe the old South West Clubs such as Harden, Temora & Young etc will affiliate with Brumbies but it is hard to imagine the likes of Bathurst Bulldogs and Orang Emus coming under the banner of the Brumbies

Time will tell

I don't think anyone in CW will care too much about which franchise they are aligned to, the tyranny of distance works against both the Brumbies and the Horrortahs in NSW - particularly regional NSW.

I reckon the sticking point will be what happens with NSW Country and how/what impact that has on representative pathways etc for all levels of the game in CW.

Interesting times regardless.


Fred Wood (13)
My thoughts on the subject is that rep pathways and country is the least of the CW worries . And to be blunt what benefit do those so called pathways actually bring ? I’d suggest they’re ( As in the CW clubs ) far more concerned about a lack of DO’s and investment in community rugby by NSW Waratahs . Rep stuff is wonderful but pretty pointless if the grass roots of the game are being neglected.

if CW does crossover to the Brumbies system does that have any affect on us ? Me thinks no but stranger things have happened !

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Rugby is about having a good time. CW joining will lead to a a more meaningful rep experience. Gotta be good. We need more positive exposure in Siru. More refs. Games having lines people. Less suspicion that there is a bias towards one club.


Fred Wood (13)
Has there been any word on what Central west will be doing next year ? Thats a pretty big decision for those clubs and zone to make.

Heard some interesting names being attached to interesting clubs already in terms of coaching. Any other news on that front ?


Desmond Connor (43)
Has there been any word on what Central west will be doing next year ? Thats a pretty big decision for those clubs and zone to make.

Heard some interesting names being attached to interesting clubs already in terms of coaching. Any other news on that front ?

I've hot nought on the CW decision...

But I've heard a few doozies on the Coaching merry-go-round.

One from Green to Blue and another from Blue to Green, Red seem to be pretty solid in their structures to date and I assume the Blue and White fellas will maintain the status quo. I don't have anything from outside the Ivory Tower I'm sorry.


Fred Wood (13)
That whole central west scenario could be big news but we shall see for a bit longer now i guess !

Green to Blue is a strong one , and the blue to green is also a goer so i hear. Us ? No change and the reddies have changed pubs but not much else in terms of coaching.Tumut definitely on the look out and I have not heard much out of leeton on that subject .
I enjoyed a number of beers with the new Albury coach recently. My only advice on that front , is dont try and keep pace with him !!


Frank Nicholson (4)
Tahs have unveiled their new coaching lineup for 2021.
Jonno A has played in more clubs than Slim Dusty.
I wonder how many people over the years have been involved with all four Wagga clubs at certain times.


Desmond Connor (43)
Tumut Bulls have announced their new coach -Ray Wells from NZ (Taupo Region) and he has also coached in the USA & Italy
22 applicants put their hand up for the coaching job
He is expected to arrive in Tumut late January to kick off pre season training for the Bulls

Ray's brother Roy has some strong connections out at Griffith. Watch this space.


Fred Wood (13)
Thats some great news for Tumut. A fresh perspective and new eyes can do wonders for a club and how it goes about its business.

Havent heard much about Aggies for 21. Any gossip, rumours , innuendo , or even better facts ?

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
A lot of SIRU rugby people would know of Roy Wells who Sam mentions in his comment. A long time player, administrator and coach with the Griffith Blacks. I remember playing in a game with Roy in the late 1980s. He had hurt his ribs in the previous week’s game and decided to tape some foam from an old esky to his chest to provide added protection that week. While we were lining up to shake hands the ref noticed Roy’s jumper was protruding at odd angles. The ref asked him to remove the jumper. I know we’re supposed to have our game face on at that stage but that was a big ask for both teams with Roy standing there with the old esky foam taped around himself. Don’t know that the farmer from Rankins Springs I know is related to the incoming Tumut coach.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
The ref wouldn’t allow Roy to play Reasoning with the foam padding. He went back to the sheds and had it removed. Roy then re-joined the game as we had already started the game while he was sorting the situation out.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
1st grade games Athol should be allocated refs by SIRU. Lines people for 1st grade should be provided by the home club. Referees and lines people for 2nds, 3rds & womens should be provided by the home club. It’s time Athol that the individual clubs started taking responsibility for what happens on game day on their home turf. Refs and lines people should be accredited and dressed appropriately.


Desmond Connor (43)
Any thoughts Yourmate Sam as to what the solution is going to be ? because the tyranny of distance within our Comp will make it very difficult for Clubs to get regular & accredited Referees each Weekend in the current situation
Maybe offering payment in $$$ as well as travel allowance may attract more candidates to pick up the Whistle

Always happy to chat about this stuff - and good points there already fellas :)

By my maths, that's roughly 15 games per week to cover, it might end up being something like 12 games, depending on the draw. Regardless, that's significantly more than the amount of active, accredited referees which I believe is somewhere around the 6-10 mark (best case scenario).

Money does make the world go round and is no doubt an incentive in some regards, but I think providing a supportive culture is more important in many instances and that needs to occur at all levels of the game - Board, Club, Players, Referees, Seniors and Juniors.

My view is that match payments are actually a double edged sword, it's a "fee-for-service" arrangement and opens a referee up to criticism about performance in a way that currently doesn't happen. Match and Referee rankings become more important than they are presently and on-field performance matters.

Ultimately, the rugby community needs to get on board and support all levels of the game. That starts in the first instance with crowd behaviour. Punters won't put their hands up at their own club because they know how their club treats match officials. That needs to change in the first instance.

Before COVID reared it's head, I thought 2020 would be the season that would see a CTA (Club base official) appointed to 1st Grade. Without a significant increase in referee numbers, it is very likely that will be the case in 2021.

For the record, I am not involved in SIRRA or SIRU and the points noted above are my thoughts only.


Johnnie Wallace (23)
IMHO there should definitely be a payment system for referees. It’s almost ludicrous that there is not. I remember in the 80’s kids could earn $20 being a line umpire in low grade AFL games. We shouldn’t underestimate the value of a few $$ to young kids looking to get involved, and likewise we shouldn’t overestimate the value of good will - it only goes so far. I know there’s a least a few clubs that would contribute to a fighting fund.


Peter Burge (5)
Time for some fearless Tongue & Cheek Predictions for 2021;
  • The Tumut Bulls to change their name to the "Tumut All Blacks & Reds" after the acquisition of their new NZ coach for 2021- they should be knocking on the door of Final's football again this year after a poor 2020 (1 win only)
  • Wagga City to defend their COVID Cup victory of 2020- more players have been signed up in the off season and it appears that certain Group 9 Wagga Rugby League teams have become the providers of these players both last year and this season, nothing wrong with this of course but they need to be carful not to ignore their own Junior players
  • Albury & Leeton 1st Grade Teams to find life a lot more tougher playing in a 1st Grade Competion in 2021
  • The Hay Cutlets (Women's Team) to win their first ever competition match in 2021
  • The top 4 to be City, Waratahs, Griffith and CSU Reds (Who will celebrate their 50th Anniversary this season)
Hoping for a Full Season of Rugby in 2021


Peter Burge (5)
Can someone clarify whether a Club is allowed to nominate a 1st Grade & 3rds team in the SIRU Comp without playing in the 2nd Grade Comp

Do Clubs get a choice with this and if they do it seems a bit odd

A recent Facebook post by a SIRU Club is the reason for the enquiry - see below:
Rugby is back!
"Preseason training commences Tuesday 12th January 6.30pm followed by a BBQ. All are welcome.
If you've ever wanted to play, come on down & have a go, not only is it fun, you'll meet some great people.
We have teams in 1st & 3rd grade and Women's"


Desmond Connor (43)
It's an interesting point and doesn't really make much sense to me. The theory from the club being that their skills are not where they need to be to play 2nd Grade, but the reality is that the visiting club will send a mix of 2nd and 3rd Grade players.

For me, there should be a top down approach, start at first grade and support that competition etc etc.

If you don't have the skills for 2nd Grade, what's your 1st Grade bench look like?