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Southern Inland Rugby 2018

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paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
According to an article I read in the DA he looks to have been stood down by SIRU for allegedly punching a Tumut official.

Silver fox

Stan Wickham (3)
Manion and Devlin lead the charge for Albury yesterday, They are certainly class players.
Can The Steamers find someone to fill their shoes when they envidiably have to retire, however no need for the to do that at present, both are in good form.
Ag College had their opportunity to seal the game but pressure for young heads can be hard to deal with.
They played a really strong game but Manion and Devlin were really the difference.
Ag College will be a force to be reckoned with for many clubs this year, I think they will only get better as the season progresses, as young teams usually do.
Hopefully some cooler days will turn up soon for the players comfort, good for spectators though!

Silver fox

Stan Wickham (3)
Let’s hope not, they are not pretty games for anyone!
Waratahs piled on the points (75-8) at Tumut and the 2018 Competition like last year looks a race in 2 between Waratahs & Leeton who also had a massive win against City
The word from Tumut is that Waratahs nearly played the perfect game with their attack & defence too strong for the gallant Bulls.
Interesting matches next weekend will be Ag College v Tumut and Griffith hosting Albury because Waratahs and Leeton will be much too good for the likes of City & CSU respectively
We may see the first 100 points match next weekend

Let’s hope not, they are not pretty games for anyone!

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Leeton and Waratahs look set to annihilate everyone else in the competition. Good game when they play each other. Bit of controversy when they met in the 1st round last year at Connolly when Leeton got 5 yellow cards in the 2nd half.


Frank Row (1)
What were the scores from around the grounds? Looking at the new Rugby App, it is saying that Waratahs only beat Tumut 28-3 not 75-8?


Desmond Connor (43)
What were the scores from around the grounds? Looking at the new Rugby App, it is saying that Waratahs only beat Tumut 28-3 not 75-8?

That's the half-time score mate.

Now that the word is spreading for the App, more punters are logging in to see what's happening around the grounds. 1/2 time at Albury, it was so easy to check the scores at other locations to see how the games are heading.

I wonder if the Griffith Blacks would be putting the scores up on the big screen at 1/2 time at Exies? If they're logged in to the app, it should just be a simple screen share or type them in and away you go?


Desmond Connor (43)
#SIRU2018 Round 4 Scores
Waratahs 117 bt City 0
Tumut 31 bt Ag College 20
Leeton 70 bt Reddies 14
Griffith 21 drew Albury 21

Jock Mason

Bob McCowan (2)
Interesting outcome in the Vunibaka case ?
So what did the Judiciary find Vunibaka Guilty of in the end to give him 3 Weeks ???- nothing stated in the article in that area
If you read the comments of the Leeton President he obviously believes that the Tumut players must have punched themselves on the day in question ?
Tumut have all rights to appeal on this one because something doesn't sound or smell right


What an absolute bloody disgrace the whole process has been!!!

We were asked to all stay quiet and let the process take its place however given the joke of a penalty handed out on behalf of the SIRU judiciary, I’d like to put the truth out there and see what you all think???

At the 25 min mark of the game, scores nil all. Vunibaka rushes the field from the bench where he was sitting, flanked by two bench players, to try and start a fight with a Tumut backrower, because he didn’t like the tackle the Tumut player made.
Ref removes them from the field, on his way back to the bench he takes offence to a Tumut supporter, father of two of our players who is standing behind roped area and was calling out “A coach cannot go on the field!”, Vunibaka makes a beeline for him yelling “What did you say, what did you say” then throws a punch at him, doesn’t connect cleanly. Our water boy, wearing hi-vis water boy shirt, tries to intervene and he is punched, then a second grade player sitting on the bench then tries to assist and he is also punched, myself and our other reserve grade coach get in the middle to try and break it up whilst yelling out to Leeton to get their ground marshal, of which there is none, eventually three of them drag him back to the bench and he continues to encourage us to take it round the back of the sheds and finish it off.....then coaches out the rest of the game from the bench like nothing happened.

There was 7 statements submitted by Tumut to SIRU of the events, all of which are very similar as seen from different angles. The statement givers included our First grade coach, club president, an ex SIRU board member and 3 life members (club only has 5) and the 3 people assulted.

Found guilty and given three week, THREE WEEKS????

I can’t work out which I reckon is worse for the game? What the Leeton coach did? The fact that Leeton did nothing about it and in fact are defending him?? Or the fact that SIRU found him guilty, which means they acknowledge that this is what occurred and found that 3 weeks is a suitable punishment for such behaviour, from a 1st grade coach???

Tell me if the Royals 1st grade coach in Canberra on Saturday went and assulted an Easts supporter, their water boy and a bench player during the game, would the Brumbies only suspend him for 3 weeks???

22 years of playing and coaching in this competition, 8 years of coaching and current President of Tumut juniors and this is the lowest act I have ever seen on a sideline and the most disrespectful and completely laughable response possible from SIRU.....

So to respond to the above comment, Yes we believe something doesn’t smell right and Yes we will be appealing!

Silver fox

Stan Wickham (3)
Where there is smoke, there is fire Jock, and this smoke has a putrid smell about it.
I agree that you and your club has been let down by the whole process and it doesn’t look good for SIRU or our family friendly game.
This needs to be fixed immediately.


Johnnie Wallace (23)
No good regarding that situation between Leeton and a Tumut.

I do like the ResultsVault App, however it’s going to need the support of the club admins to make it work.

I had the finished result of the Griffith v Steamers game as 20-5 for quite a while, the Tumut v Aggies game is still 0-0, and the ladder is missing the Aggies v Steamers result.

It doesn’t take much to update, and if the clubs got on board they would go a long way to keeping literally thousands of old boys and supporters in the loop on game day!!! It would be great little marketing tool if used properly.


Frank Row (1)
What an absolute bloody disgrace the whole process has been!!!

We were asked to all stay quiet and let the process take its place however given the joke of a penalty handed out on behalf of the SIRU judiciary, I’d like to put the truth out there and see what you all think???

At the 25 min mark of the game, scores nil all. Vunibaka rushes the field from the bench where he was sitting, flanked by two bench players, to try and start a fight with a Tumut backrower, because he didn’t like the tackle the Tumut player made.
Ref removes them from the field, on his way back to the bench he takes offence to a Tumut supporter, father of two of our players who is standing behind roped area and was calling out “A coach cannot go on the field!”, Vunibaka makes a beeline for him yelling “What did you say, what did you say” then throws a punch at him, doesn’t connect cleanly. Our water boy, wearing hi-vis water boy shirt, tries to intervene and he is punched, then a second grade player sitting on the bench then tries to assist and he is also punched, myself and our other reserve grade coach get in the middle to try and break it up whilst yelling out to Leeton to get their ground marshal, of which there is none, eventually three of them drag him back to the bench and he continues to encourage us to take it round the back of the sheds and finish it off...then coaches out the rest of the game from the bench like nothing happened.

There was 7 statements submitted by Tumut to SIRU of the events, all of which are very similar as seen from different angles. The statement givers included our First grade coach, club president, an ex SIRU board member and 3 life members (club only has 5) and the 3 people assulted.

Found guilty and given three week, THREE WEEKS????

I can’t work out which I reckon is worse for the game? What the Leeton coach did? The fact that Leeton did nothing about it and in fact are defending him?? Or the fact that SIRU found him guilty, which means they acknowledge that this is what occurred and found that 3 weeks is a suitable punishment for such behaviour, from a 1st grade coach???

Tell me if the Royals 1st grade coach in Canberra on Saturday went and assulted an Easts supporter, their water boy and a bench player during the game, would the Brumbies only suspend him for 3 weeks???

22 years of playing and coaching in this competition, 8 years of coaching and current President of Tumut juniors and this is the lowest act I have ever seen on a sideline and the most disrespectful and completely laughable response possible from SIRU...

So to respond to the above comment, Yes we believe something doesn’t smell right and Yes we will be appealing!
Maybe because there were racial slurs being thrown at him! tumut supporters are the worst when it comes to things like that. Yous egg him on and keep going and wonder why he snaps.. it happens every time we play against yous especially at your home games and nothing is ever done about it.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk


Desmond Connor (43)
Yes we will be appealing!

This needs to be fixed immediately.

Yous egg him on

Guys, I understand that this is a significant issue for Tumut, Leeton and SIRU, however if you want a place to thrash this out on social media, take it to Facebook please.

Since 2011, GAGR has remained a positive space to promote the game and while there have been a number of incidents over that time that have generated significant interest from the wider public, we've managed to keep things in this little area of the internet as positive as possible.

Let's keep it that way please.


Desmond Connor (43)
No good regarding that situation between Leeton and a Tumut.

I do like the ResultsVault App, however it’s going to need the support of the club admins to make it work.

I had the finished result of the Griffith v Steamers game as 20-5 for quite a while, the Tumut v Aggies game is still 0-0, and the ladder is missing the Aggies v Steamers result.

It doesn’t take much to update, and if the clubs got on board they would go a long way to keeping literally thousands of old boys and supporters in the loop on game day!!! It would be great little marketing tool if used properly.

It's a live app too @namtrak so when the app is accurate, clubs can do half-time updates during their 1st Grade matches etc etc, easy to use at the pub for speeches, it's such a great tool.


Frank Row (1)
Maybe because there were racial slurs being thrown at him! tumut supporters are the worst when it comes to things like that. I dont condone violence but theres only so far you can push someone! Yous egg him on and keep going and wonder why he snaps.. it happens every time we play against yous especially at your home games and nothing is ever done about it. So please dont talk about that being the most disrespectful thing thats happened on the sideline because we cop it from your supporters all the time. The club president is going to support him obviously, you really think the club would dissown one of the members who has been a great influence over how many years hes been here? Really?

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Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Jock's graphic description of the situation sounds very first hand. Is the accusation of racial abuse the reason for the seemingly inadequate penalty? SIRU needs to be transparent in this circumstance otherwise what is now a dog's breakfast is only going to get worse.

Jock Mason

Bob McCowan (2)
Maybe because there were racial slurs being thrown at him! tumut supporters are the worst when it comes to things like that. Yous egg him on and keep going and wonder why he snaps.. it happens every time we play against yous especially at your home games and nothing is ever done about it.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

I can guarantee that was not the case and to clarify, there have been no formal allegations made at Tumut of this nature, regarding this matter or previously.

I’ll leave it at that so I don’t upset Sam anymore....


Bob Loudon (25)
The Tumut-Albury match is really the only one that seems hard to pick this week. I think Albury can get the win but it will be very close.

Also something that I see as a bit concerning is the continued domination of one or maybe two clubs each season - this year is Tahs & possibly Leeton (we'll see next week the reality of the situation) but last year it was Leeton, the year before was Tahs and the year before Albury. It's very hard to do but how can talent be spread more evenly around SIRU??? Bush footy is obviously not the easiest to keep even but it is not a good situation to have individual teams dominating to the extent they have been over the past couple of years.
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