How should SIRU harness this increase in participation and how can we attract and retain players at all levels of the game in this area of the world across the many different formats (7's, Viva, 15's)?
I was not a fan of 7's as a player (price of being in the $1.15 club

) but as a rugby man I can see only good in the format. But it is like 20/20 is to test cricket ! If using 7's as a gateway to the real thing is the way to draw in potential players then I'm all for it.
To me , the best option SIRU has (and I think JB23 may have tried it when he was here) is to try and run a summer of 7's program . Make it officially sanctioned through SIRU. My thoughts:
1. Play it saturday twilight style games (beers on the hill!)
2. Play it every 3 -4 weeks
3. Have mens, womens and colts
4. Emphasis involvement rather than competition at this stage. Let it evolve to competitive!
As to Leeton Dianas ! Our girls tried their best and think they went bloody close, but that's a special team they've got there in leeton. As to why ? Culture is a big thing for that side I reckon, plus they may not have many alternatives in leeton in terms of womens sport ?