I have never seen SBW behave in a way that I thought was "wankerish" on the field. He had a few minor scandals (a low grade DUI that would not have even been a DUI in Canada, the USA, New Zealand, Singapore etc), one incident of girlfriend infidelity that was only made public because some tool stuck a camera phone under a toilet door, and peeing on a wall in an alley near a nightclub, like none of us have ever done that). Compared to others who seem to enjoy better public opinion despite serious off the field incidents in terms of drunkenness, defecating in Hotel hallways, group sex and sexual assault, assaulting girlfriends/cab drivers/pub patrons etc or doing drugs, he is relatively well behaved in my view and these incidents would not warrant mention in the lives of any ordinary citizen. He isn't a dirty player. He's obviously talented and apart from having a dick for a manager and having had one run-in over a contract (and there were in my view very much two sides to that story even if ultimately the law came down on the other one) he seems like a pretty inoffensive and hardworking player. I've never been able to understand the depth of antipathy some people display towards the guy.