James Kelly
Bob McCowan (2)
I bet those swimmers weren't on pressured scholarships though 
^^ and that makes that sense of the footbridge to Coogee Oval that has been recently built linking the School toRandwickScots College Old Boys Rugby Club. TSC 1st XV to play in Colts 2 competition in place of Randwick Colts 2.
Time will tell. Kelly has announced that he will not renewing his contract with the Wicks. The separation is apparently amicable. Kelly is allegedly to focus on TSC rugby and Stallion rugby.
Many of the Coogee Oval faithful on the Galloping Greens thread feel confident that the links to Bellevue Hill will remain post Kelly.
^^ and that makes that sense of the footbridge to Coogee Oval that has been recently built linking the School toRandwickScots College Old Boys Rugby Club. TSC 1st XV to play in Colts 2 competition in place of Randwick Colts 2.
I saw that once in Invercargill. A top schoolboys team played in the open age comp every Saturday and was competitive. They belted our touring schoolboy side.
Trouble for Scots, @scots parent, is that I'm not sure any other school has put quite the same effort into rugby so there's no one to play.
Sure, 'view will be close this year but that's 1 game.
dear all I am a scots parent and I know from the last couple of pages other scots parents are reading this. Though it is all not strictly rugby I think it's worth stating to give all the colour and for people to make decisions. My information is from my own experience and others at the school which seem correct. I also make comments.
1, I sent my boy there for the rugby and academics
2. He learnt all his sporting skill outside the school
3. They are only interested in A and B grades. The rest they call social rugby
4. They are paranoid about school image but not the boys personal self esteem
5. The academics is crap and the teachers are not accountable
6. Rugby scholarship big intake years are years 7 and 10 but they come in other years as well
7. Nearly all the firsts are or have been on scholarship
8. They are expected to Be in the firsts in years 11 12 and 13 ie they are expected to repeat year 12
9. They can't raise funds especially for the headmasters favored business school as everyone is jack of it
10. Fees are 30 to 50 k and they are so high to pay for all this and now the influx of academic scholarships to bolster the HSC results
11. Fees are rising 8 to 10% pa to cope
12. Rugby scholarship boys get preferential treatment in rugby and academics despite poor performance.
13. They do little school work while at glengarry
Now these are the facts as I see them. Having good rugby players come to the school is something my boy can use to gauge himself. But when you take all the rest into consideration. no.
Looking at the results against Cranbrook on the weekend. It is professionals against amateurs. Scots need to be in a higher comp against like minded schools.im sure that will happen soon. As for me and my son.. There is no pathway for home grown rugby players or for academics so we must go..
I know plenty of Scots parents and they have a similar experience and view more like GTPIH.My son has now left, but for what it's worth my experience was different to Scots parent
1 I sent my son for the all round experience - academics, sport and Glengarry
2 I would say 50/50 overall but depends on the sport
3 Not my experience although in opens the lower grades have always been referred to as the socials. I frequently saw Marcus and other senior coaches watching and providing input to lower grades.
4 Disagree on both, but which organisation isn't worried about image
5 Disagree although the academics could be improved
6 Can't comment on the scholarship issue, but Yr7 is a large intake with the year size being approx. double that of the prep. Yr 10 tends to be an intake for those people who don't like Glengarry
7 Can't comment on the 2014 team but clearly not the case for 2013 and prior years
8 Can't comment on the current policy but was never the case while my son was there and as far as I recall Jim Stewart was the only person who did pathways during my son's time. Any decent player should aspire to be in the 1st XV in year 11.
9 Can't comment as I never contributed to building appeals
10 & 11 Day fees were always around $30K and increased every year by at least 5%+ as they did at my daughter's school. Nothing unusual there.
12 They do less school work at Glengarry than they do at Bellevue Hill. This is well known and the school deliberately crams more work into the six months at Bellevue Hill to offset time spent on outdoor education at Glengarry. The work required over the whole year is completed.
I'm sorry your experience wasn't the same as my son and mine and wish you well at your new school
There is no logical connection between the propositions.2 years ago the 13c's beat every other school and won the catchpole cup for the best side in the school and were lauded with assemblies, etc. not quite social. But hey just one of 13 gripes refuted.