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School sporting scholarships/recruitment


Billy Sheehan (19)
Yes, I assumed that was the case, knowing as I do how many of them transferred mid-year or mid-term, and from where. Just wish that all GPS principals could be obliged to answer that. I think it is the clearest line between attarcting talent and recruiting talent. I would also love to hear from parents who were approached and said "no"; ie those who had the decency to consider what is best for their son and his team mates at school and representative level who would be left in the lurch when the star recruitment vanishes. One boy updated his fb status by "checking in" at Scots Dorm. His hometown mate comments, "was wondering where you disappeared to!"

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
A question for the gentlemen out there that do read this thread.
Why were so many of the "Usual Suspects" not wearing branded shirts yesterday at Dundas?
A quick wander round and I saw at least 6 gentlemen there that either don't have kids that old or are way past this age group. It was humourous to say the least, as I would have thought the situation at hand may have kept this as on off limits type of thing ATM.
But, in saying that, there were some bloody good kids there. Just ask the parents on the sidelines, they were telling all and sundry. ;)


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
A quick check indicates that Sydney and Melbourne GPS/APS schools fees are about the same and GPS/APS type schools in other cities are about $5,000 less - probably has something to do with cost of living in Sydney and Melbourne compared to other cities.
Year 12 fees (round figures with extras added in)

Newington $27,000
Syd Grammar $28,000
Melb Grammar $26,000
PAC Adelaide $21,000
ACGS Brisbane $21,000

I think it probably has more to do with what the schools think enough parents can afford or are willing to pay in each city.

There is no incentive for the schools not to charge the most they can get away with and continue to improve the facilities to ridiculous levels which far outstrip what is required to provide a great education.

Just looking at how much the facilities at the school I went to have improved since I finished school 15 years ago is incredible. The facilities were already excellent when I went there.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I think it probably has more to do with what the schools think enough parents can afford or are willing to pay in each city.

There is no incentive for the schools not to charge the most they can get away with and continue to improve the facilities to ridiculous levels which far outstrip what is required to provide a great education.

Just looking at how much the facilities at the school I went to have improved since I finished school 15 years ago is incredible. The facilities were already excellent when I went there.
I was told that my alma mater has said no to a new, differently located wicket square because they cannot justify the asserted $750k it would cost.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I was told that my alma mater has said no to a new, differently located wicket square because they cannot justify the asserted $750k it would cost.

Maybe your school's increased fees are actually going towards improved education rather than improved sporting facilities.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Maybe your school's increased fees are actually going towards improved education rather than improved sporting facilities.
Perhaps - the present wicket is sure providing some educational opportunities for bowlers:
50 overs
TKS 427
SGS 320 odd

Need a groundsman's scholarship


Ted Fahey (11)
Or bowlers who can bowl at the stumps........

One would suggest that they don't use the examples seen on the idiot box over the weekend as to how best to improve their strike rate !

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
A quick wander round and I saw at least 6 gentlemen there that either don't have kids that old or are way past this age group. It was humourous to say the least, as I would have thought the situation at hand may have kept this as on off limits type of thing ATM.

Good work Detective Westlake.

You can also almost guarantee that there will be more than 6 gentlemen with clipboards without family connections attending the JGC games when they start.

I would say that there will also be representation from the dark side at the JCG games as well. some on shopping missions, and some to check up to ensure that their chosen ones are not being tainted by playing Heaven's Game.

Depending on what format the 2014 NSW JRU State Championships take, I would see Club/district coaches being on intelligence gathering and shopping missions as well.

All over 14 year old and 16 year old boys. Shades of 1980's Eastern Bloc sports selection and management procedures.

EDIT: I am very tempted to find an old ARU Try Rugby sticker and get a new clipboard from Office Works. I'll put the ARU sticker on the front of a Clipboard and take it along to a JGC game.
Taking a pen out, I'll write out the weekly grocery list or something like that and wait to see how many people come up to me to tell me how good their kids are. :D

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
All over 14 year old and 16 year old boys. Shades of 1980's Eastern Bloc sports selection and management procedures.
Spot on.
The problem with the pathway ATM is that they have been picking winners at 16.
Very few 16yo state reps fail to be picked in the opens.
Then the 20's reps are drawn from the open schoolboys....
I think it's madness selecting elite squads at these lower age groups.
By all means conduct specialised coaching clinics for these age groups, but don't restrict it.
And if you do restrict it,then those attending Schools with well regarded Rugby programs are the first to be excluded,they don't need to attend sessions that basically duplicate what they are already doing.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
But then the parties need to agree not to raid the cattle from each other to artificially increase the results of their development.

Village Clubs and Districts agree to not stack their Club and District Rep teams with kids enticed to that club/district who have achieved prior success from within the Schools programme or other districts.

Schools to agree to not stack their A's and 1st XV's with boys enticed from Village Club and District representative academies.

Good luck achieving that. When you do that next cabs off the rank is cheap renewable clean energy, World Peace, and nuclear disarmament, and an end to poverty in Africa.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
You have fallen for the trap that nothing outside the GPS exists.
Most CAS and even ISA Schools have decent Rugby programs.
Not really - I hope.
There were kids there from CAS schools and ISA.
My point really was, and this is why its relevant to this thread, that the schools who have from time to time or seemingly attracted (and who attract) rugby talent are going their own way.
I'd go so far as to say, without naming names, that there's no one much out there who they want that they havent already sounded out.
Kind of like the St George Dragons: they never lost a player they wanted to keep - until Michael O'Connor!

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I suspect that you are on the money with respect to the JGC U17's. Very few smokies by now.

If the clipboards miss them at NSW JRU U16 State Champs at the long weekend, they can catch up with them at Schools U16 at Knox (Schools Opens for a few chosen early developers) in Early July, and a third look at them at SJRU Regionals for U16's.

Bit more tricky for the clipboards to shop for the JCG U15 cohort (this years Under 14's). Lots of kids don't go to Orange for the Long weekend. Lots of Scouts too busy at St Lukes Oval watching U16 (mainly) and U17 State champs. Huge numbers are still playing club footy and the odd diamond is buried in B or C division SJRU playing with the boys they have played with since U6's. Puberty is starting to change the physicality of the weaklings and superstars from the Under 10's-U13's. Lots of unknowns that would have previously been unknown to the Clipboard Wielding Talent Spotters. Plenty of educationally aspirational parents in this age group prepared to consider a change of environment for Senior College.

John Brown

Bob McCowan (2)
If the clipboards miss them at NSW JRU U16 State Champs at the long weekend, they can catch up with them at Schools U16 at Knox (Schools Opens for a few chosen early developers) in Early July, and a third look at them at SJRU Regionals for U16's.

Watching these events this year I have never seen so much back slapping, mate haven't seen you for ages and other parents actively chasing the clipboards/selectors.

It will be very interesting next year seeing all the new bursaries starting at their new schools, some already signed, sealed and agreed before this basketball issue arose.


Ted Thorn (20)
They're not there anyway - TKS, SIC, New, SJC, TSC all no-shows in the 17s

This might be straying a bit off topic but just a point of correction, IS, regarding SIC & the U17s. The JGC was promoted by the MIC Rugby before the term 4 break & there were SIC triallists for the U17s at the last 2 Sunday sessions.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
This might be straying a bit off topic but just a point of correction, IS, regarding SIC & the U17s. The JGC was promoted by the MIC Rugby before the term 4 break & there were SIC triallists for the U17s at the last 2 Sunday sessions.
None from what would be their 2014 U16As though?

Edit: Bloody hell you're right - I just recalled seeing one (funny how you can look but no see - I should be a selector): but they have a number who would almost certainly make it that were nowhere to be seen.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It will be very interesting next year seeing all the new bursaries starting at their new schools, some already signed, sealed and agreed before this basketball issue arose.

Maybe the sporting stars will now be given Academic Potential Scholarships and Bursaries.

The thinking being that with the right teaching, these young sporting stars can also flourish into academic stars.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
You might be on to something there @Braveheart81. A page or two back one of the much maligned (by Dicky Knee) SMH journalists concluded that it was not about scholarships but it was all about the coaching.

Taking that logic further then, a talented athlete can be turned into a talented academic, if they are provided with the right academic coaching. It is all about the coaching after all - The SMH has spoken.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I suspect that you are on the money with respect to the JGC U17's. Very few smokies by now.

If the clipboards miss them at NSW JRU U16 State Champs at the long weekend, they can catch up with them at Schools U16 at Knox (Schools Opens for a few chosen early developers) in Early July, and a third look at them at SJRU Regionals for U16's.

Bit more tricky for the clipboards to shop for the JCG U15 cohort (this years Under 14's). Lots of kids don't go to Orange for the Long weekend. Lots of Scouts too busy at St Lukes Oval watching U16 (mainly) and U17 State champs. Huge numbers are still playing club footy and the odd diamond is buried in B or C division SJRU playing with the boys they have played with since U6's. Puberty is starting to change the physicality of the weaklings and superstars from the Under 10's-U13's. Lots of unknowns that would have previously been unknown to the Slipboard Wielding Talent Spotters. Plenty of educationally aspirational parents in this age group prepared to consider a change of environment for Senior College.
Intriguing that people who consider themselves to be fantastic coaches, who have the best facilities in Sydney have no confidence in their own ability to succeed without importing ready made talent.

I think it's a major problem in Australian rugby - coaches don't seem to coach their players much anymore, they recruit and manage the available talent. We see examples of this in GPS 1st XV, Super rugby and Wallabies. Elite level players who can't catch and pass both sides, props who can't scrum, backs who can't torpedo punt etc.

And we wonder why the Wallabies get beaten by a 2nd string England team.