I admire your purity to the GPS spirt of sport, but the reality is very different from the idealism you stress. Self-interest is the what your up against and no GPS school is going to disassociated itself from the "Dark Side" if it brings in talent,size and strength into the playing ranks of its elite teams.
Shore clearly doesn't and it plays the price every year, for its idealism you advocate. Brisbane Grammar had a similar ideal about amateurism and no scholarships and it paid the price as perennial non-achieviers in their GPS Competition. Come 2017, the acquisition by Brisbane Grammar of a number of talented backs has seen their fortunes change.
In Sydney it is one school against 5, although Newington and Scots probably have embraced the the Dark Side more than the others at the moment.No one at these two schools is crying for a return to mediocre of past results of ten years ag

n the contrary, accommodation has been made with the "Dark Side" and it will not only continue, but will get stronger in the future.
If a solution exists, it is the ARU taking a greater role in recruiting and contracting these talent players, in order to keep them within the ranks of Rugby. I was watching the Kings/Newington 15As this year, and a Kings parent pointed out to me, that one of their players was already contracted to Parramatta NRL.
Although won by Kings, 17-12, I have no complaints, how they acquired such a player. Nor do I complain about the TKS 14As and how they acquired a brilliant player who I believe, now plays Basketball 1sts. Even though they thrashed Newington 14As 65-5. I have nothing but admiration for the skill of TKS selectors, in identifying and acquiring this outstanding young player.
Here the ARU should be working overtime to keep such outstanding players in the game. By recruiting from the ranks of League, we have an opportunity to strengthen our game at the expense of league. The problem is not having Rugby League juniors playing GPS Rugby, but keeping them in Rugby after they leave school.
Also,simply put too many GPS Schools and we must also include, St.Augustines and I also suspect Waverly have too much to lose with any attempt to restrict, block or exclude players with league commitments or backgrounds.
So rather than see their presence as a negative to be regulated. We must embrace their presence, give them the opportunities that a GPS school can offer, that extents beyond Rugby. But above all secure for these boys, a path towards their development as Elite Rugby Players in the making. The standard of our Schoolboy Rugby will improve and ideally with these boys being kept in the game,ultimately Australian Rugby.
However, I suspect that some of you on this site, will find such a view of being one, with the "Dark Side" simply too emotionally repugnant, too socially uncomfortable and too threatening to a traditional interpretation of what constitutes acceptable GPS Schoolboy Rugby.
To which I reply "Stop thinking about Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby School or Baden Powell and the Boy Scouts. Rather, pick up Niccolo Machiavelli's book "The Prince" for if we are to defeat the "Dark Side" the answer lies there, as well as Sun Tzu's "Art of War".
"Know your enemy, better than yourself and you shall win the battles you must fight."
Sun Tzu, Chinese General about 500 BC
"The Ends justifies the Means"
Niccolo Machiavelli Renaissance era (16th Century,Florence) writer and adviser, to the Medici Family in their Business, Political and Military affairs.