In view of Shore's massive waiting list, a take over of All Saints and a remake of the School into a bigger, more attractive school to encourage higher enrolments, would be a boost to schoolboy Rugby numbers. Additionally, the closure of the Anglican Orange Grammar School and Macquarie Grammar School to merge with the remodelled All Saints could create potentially a strong 1st Division ISA School.
In remodelling All Saints a name change to create a more prestigious appeal should be considered. Bishops College, The Church School and The Anglican Grammar School would create such a marketing attractive appeal. Parents will not admit it, but have an inherent sense of snobbery and a School related to Shore will like fulfil such parental ambitions.
Additionally, keep the fees down and have a Rugby, boarding (single Room) years 7-12) led appeal the school could feel a gap within the Independent school Market. St Gregory's College at Campbelltown, could be an example to follow. Low fee ( Compared to GPS fees) and strong in Sport could a starting point.