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School sporting scholarships/recruitment

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
More than likely, due to the ARU's two-year window policy and the fact that a number of 16 & 17 year olds may take part in the 1st XV competition

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And they are also ineligible for any school rep team selection.


Bob Loudon (25)
A boy can turn 19 and compete in any AAGPS sport, EXCEPT rugby.
They are effectively excluded from rowing as well. They cannot compete at State or Nationals as an U19 (rowing definition different to other sports). I would be interested if any talented older boys in a year choose the 3 year pathways, play 1st XV as U17/18, and then spend last three terms focussing on studies.

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
All Saints Bathurst is for sale (to pay a $40 mil debt owing to Com Bank by Bathurst diocese)

Rumour has it, a Sydney School is buying it,

Anyone know more?


Bob Loudon (25)
1. Shore owned by Sydney diocese.
2. Sydney diocese is low church.
3. Bathurst diocese is low church.
4. Join the dots.

Probably cheaper just to find land out there and build a new school - or buy Scots Bathurst.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
In view of Shore's massive waiting list, a take over of All Saints and a remake of the School into a bigger, more attractive school to encourage higher enrolments, would be a boost to schoolboy Rugby numbers. Additionally, the closure of the Anglican Orange Grammar School and Macquarie Grammar School to merge with the remodelled All Saints could create potentially a strong 1st Division ISA School.

In remodelling All Saints a name change to create a more prestigious appeal should be considered. Bishops College, The Church School and The Anglican Grammar School would create such a marketing attractive appeal. Parents will not admit it, but have an inherent sense of snobbery and a School related to Shore will like fulfil such parental ambitions.

Additionally, keep the fees down and have a Rugby, boarding (single Room) years 7-12) led appeal the school could feel a gap within the Independent school Market. St Gregory's College at Campbelltown, could be an example to follow. Low fee ( Compared to GPS fees) and strong in Sport could a starting point.

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
The only press release on the sale, issued early December, the 4th point I find confusing as I would have thought Shore was a church organization,

All Saints' College to become a fully independent Anglican School

The All Saints' College Council and Anglican Diocese of Bathurst are pleased to announce that negotiations are underway with the preferred purchaser for All Saints' College. The sale of the College will see it become a fully independent school in the Anglican tradition.
This announcement follows an extensive expression of interest process facilitated by David Bartlett of Resolve, a consulting firm specialising in working with schools, churches and charities. At this stage it is not possible or appropriate to make detailed comment, however the College Council is able to advise the following key points of the proposal:
  •  All Saints' will remain a co-educational School from Pre-Kinder to Year 12
  •  All Saints' will remain a co-educational Boarding School
  •  All Saints' will remain an Anglican School, and will maintain its tradition of welcoming students of all faiths
  •  All Saints' will not be owned by or controlled by any Diocese or other Church organisation
  •  The College Chaplain will continue to be licensed by the Bishop of Bathurst
  •  The College will continue to be a not for profit organisation
  •  The name of the College will not change
  •  All Saints' will continue to be the leading educational institution in the Central West, continuing its tradition of supporting students achieve outstanding academic and co-curricular results
Head of All Saints' College, Mr Steven O'Connor has welcomed the announcement: "Today's announcement is the continuation of a bright new future for the College. It represents the best possible outcome for all stakeholders, and will see minimal changes to the day to day operations of the College."
Bishop Ian Palmer also welcomed the announcement, saying “The Diocese of Bathurst and All Saints’ College have come a long way together since it’s foundation in 1874. Now through the financial circumstances of the Diocese, the College will no longer be owned or controlled by the Diocese. I welcome that it will continue as a fully independent College in the Anglican tradition.
"This is a good outcome for the students, staff and parents of the College. It will set the College on a pathway that will enhance its status as the leading educational institution in the Central West in a way that the Diocese does not have the resources to do. Our good wishes and prayers are for all those involved in the future of All Saints’ College.”
It is expected that completion of the sale will have occurred prior to the commencement of Term 2, 2017


Nev Cottrell (35)
I hear cranbooks star under 16 kid , Jude Gibbs is off to joeys on scholarship

And yet joeys always grizzling that $cots are the kings of cheque book rugby

Not so sure .

Either way shame for cranbrook... another CAS title is now looking unlikely


Herbert Moran (7)
Fair enough. Shed some light what position what rep teams etc Bear in mind it was stated joeys picked jim due to his rugby ability


Nev Cottrell (35)
I gather the Gibbs kid's old man played 1st grade league

For whom I have no idea?

And Jude apparently made sydneY under 15s, via lindfield

So I guess against kings he couldn't tackle everyone.. and unless mistaken that kings team is one of their strong age groups

Anyway good luck to the lad ... and expect joeys will be even more formidable in the 16As in 2017

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I gather the Gibbs kid's old man played 1st grade league

For whom I have no idea?

And Jude apparently made sydneY under 15s, via lindfield

So I guess against kings he couldn't tackle everyone.. and unless mistaken that kings team is one of their strong age groups

Anyway good luck to the lad . and expect joeys will be even more formidable in the 16As in 2017

That would be Nathan I think. Played for Souths and is the Swans club doctor

Karma Police

Allen Oxlade (6)
Interesting to see Knox have been active. Not in rugby perhaps, but last year's State 13 years 100 and 200 champion mysteriously turned up to State athletics on the weekend wearing a Knox kit.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Indeed。Sydney only stretches to Lithgow. Thank you.

Although I think you'll find that the Sydney Archdiocese aren't too fussed about borders. The Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation bought Orange Grammar recently. Bathurst have dodged a bullet if they have kept them out.