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RWC QF 2 NZ v FRA (Millenium Stadium) 18th Oct 0600 AEDT

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Vay Wilson (31)
Ferners trying to put the mockers on us I see. Time to start a SF: NZ vs RSA thread?


Herbert Moran (7)
Ha ha, your enthusiasm is infectious Quick Hands !
I don't think they have it in them though. Lack of leaders, lack of great players, absolutely no depth in certain positions, nonexistent game plan.

I'd love to see a couple of diplomatic injuries, Machenaud, Trinh Duc, Mermoz & Médard being called up, but can't see that happening unfortunately. The XV I would start:

Ben Arous - Guirado - Slimani
Maestri - Le Roux
Dusautoir - Picamoles - Nyanga
Kockott - Michalak
Dulin - Dumoulin - Fickou - Fofana


Colin Windon (37)
Funnily enough both him and Barnes, who I think is odds on to get the final btw, have been much better at making tacklers roll than is usually the case.

It's been a long time since I saw that Wayne Barnes reffing and I didn't grit my teeth. His performance this RWC has been refreshing.

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
FFS give the refs bullshit a rest.

I think the refereeing has been the best it ever has been at this RWC in terms of consistency within and across the games. Yes each ref will have their personality in the game, and that is and always has been a part of Rugby, it is part of the personality of the game and I wouldn't change it.

All I have ever wanted was consistency and the blatant illegalities taken out of the game. I pretty much have that now, excepting the maul, but that is a discussion for another thread and another RWC.

I agree, the onfield reffing has been of a high standard.

What had been "interesting" has been some of the interventions of the TMO. Certainly seem to be more involved.

As for Owens, he's a good communicator.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Luckily we
FFS give the refs bullshit a rest.

I think the refereeing has been the best it ever has been at this RWC in terms of consistency within and across the games. Yes each ref will have their personality in the game, and that is and always has been a part of Rugby, it is part of the personality of the game and I wouldn't change it.

All I have ever wanted was consistency and the blatant illegalities taken out of the game. I pretty much have that now, excepting the maul, but that is a discussion for another thread and another RWC.
Luckily we live in a free country and you are entitled to hold and express your opinion. As are others who might disagree with your view.:)


Frank Row (1)
I almost wanted France to beat Ireland in the pools so we wouldn't have to play them. It's not that I don't think we can win, I reckon I'm just extra nervous thanks to 2007.

Dewald Nel

Cyril Towers (30)
I almost wanted France to beat Ireland in the pools so we wouldn't have to play them. It's not that I don't think we can win, I reckon I'm just extra nervous thanks to 2007.

This is the kind of lightning that doesn't strike twice, I reckon. And there's no way Hansen won't get you fired up enough for this one to blow them away.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
This is the kind of lightning that doesn't strike twice, I reckon. And there's no way Hansen won't get you fired up enough for this one to blow them away.

sadly you are probably right, will likely turn out to be a one horse race.

Just imagine if...


Mark Ella (57)
Luckily we
Luckily we live in a free country and you are entitled to hold and express your opinion. As are others who might disagree with your view.:)

Disagree all you want, argue with some facts, I saw precious few being stated more like 'he's shit, world's worst' moan, whinge, bitch etc etc.

I quite like real debate, probably because I'm a contrary bastard who will often take the opposition just because a good argument needs opposition to flower.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
QF2 – New Zealand v France – Millennium Stadium
Citing Commissioner: Mike Rafter (England)
Judicial Officer: Terry Willis (Australia)

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Disagree all you want, argue with some facts, I saw precious few being stated more like 'he's shit, world's worst' moan, whinge, bitch etc etc.

I quite like real debate, probably because I'm a contrary bastard who will often take the opposition just because a good argument needs opposition to flower.

Without derailing this thread into a debate about referees, if you go to the match threads, wherever I have criticised a referee I have provided specific instances from the match to support that view. Same when I have complimented the refs.

I disagree with your premise that the standard is the best ever. The 4 quarter final referees have performed well duirng the tournament (and before) as have Poite, Gauzere and Pollock. Peyper and Lacey have been reasonable - each making fairly basic law mistakes at various times. Doyle, Clancy and Jackson simply aren't up to test match standard.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Without derailing this thread into a debate about referees, if you go to the match threads, wherever I have criticised a referee I have provided specific instances from the match to support that view. Same when I have complimented the refs.

I disagree with your premise that the standard is the best ever. The 4 quarter final referees have performed well duirng the tournament (and before) as have Poite, Gauzere and Pollock. Peyper and Lacey have been reasonable - each making fairly basic law mistakes at various times. Doyle, Clancy and Jackson simply aren't up to test match standard.

This I entirely agree with. But from a long term viewing of Chris Pollock's abilities.I'd also have him in the same category as Jackson.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Pretty confident we can take these guys in all dept's bar the front row, esp if Crockett starts & is struggling v Slimani: can't see Owens standing for the angling-in & hinging that would likely follow. Also EBA will obviously be a handful but hopefully Franks can at least hold his ground.

Our lineout has been near-perfect (97% according to one site) & our breakdown work not nearly as bad as some would have us believe. Read has been much but IMO wrongly maligned as he's won a heap of lineout ball & does the wide-channel pilfering some people think McCaw should be doing. Kaino has also copped some & while he's not at 2011 levels I don't think he's too far off.

Really looking forward to Shag & co.s resolution of the Milner-Skudder/ Savea/ Naholo conundrum. Surely NMS has to start & neither of the others is much use on the bench. My money's on Savea but Naholo can shred a defence so won't be that surprised if he gets the nod.

Aaron Smith is the key IMO, manages a game so well these days incl organising the close-channel defence so Conrad only has to look after the wider ones. If Carter kicks like he did v Tonga, we win by plenty***; if like he did v Georgia, by not so much :)

We can't afford to keep up our tournament average of 20 (!!!!) turnovers a game & don't believe we'll be anywhere near that inaccurate come Sunday morning. AB by 6 - 12.

EDIT: *** in the context of this match, "plenty" is 9+

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
Pretty confident we can take these guys in all dept's bar the front row, esp if Crockett starts & is struggling v Slimani: can't see Owens standing for the angling-in & hinging that would likely follow. Also EBA will obviously be a handful but hopefully Franks can at least hold his ground.

Slimani has been going to ground a bit, which hopefully Cron has been telling Wyatt how to take advantage of. I think Crockett's in for a big game and his extra work in the tight will be a big plus.


Desmond Connor (43)
Pretty much agree with what John Mitchell has written here.
Turning to the All Blacks, tactically they are playing too much off No.10. They have demonstrated over the past four years that they are the best side in the world at getting the ball wide into space. At the moment, however, there are too many forwards involved in the backline attack, which is cramming up the space for their wonderfully gifted outside backs.

The All Blacks need to create more one-on-one situations. From a professional coaching perspective, I'd like to see the forwards punch more on the advantage line in order to create quicker ball from wider rucks. One of the issues is that Daniel Carter stands flat all the time rather than adjusting his depth when the ball is slower, because he has lost a bit of pace.

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