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RWC 2015 Semi Final 2 - Australia v Argentina Twickenham, Monday 19 October, 2:45 AEDT

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Bob McCowan (2)
The heart rate sure got high with 15mins to go but the resilience, determination and attitude got the boys through. Thought the 3 back rowers were huge tonight. They are working so well as a unit and McCalman fills in where he is needed. Izzy was definitely not right tonight. I'm one of his biggest fans but it's a RWC Final you need fully fit players. I thought Mitchell was pretty quiet in attack and missed a few tackles and a couple of runs that didn't really go anywhere. Then boom!!!!! I'm going to throw it out there are we better having him come off the bench and have Horne starting to firm up the defence? A lot of meters were found by the Argies in the middle. I think Mitchell deserves to start next week but I'm thinking strategically the best way to sure up our first up defence. In saying that we scrambled bloody well.

I am so pumped for next weekend!!!!!!

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Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
David Pocock - man love coming.

Even though he was up against it. Calf injury and a Referee who was heavily favouring the attacking side. He just had the most dominating breakdown performance I have seen in a World Cup match.

He must have one 4-5 turnovers, plus would have had another 3 or so penalties with a 'standard' refereeing interpretation at the breakdown. Not to mention the dominant tackling and slowing of the Pumas ball.

There were those that doubted he'd ever be back for the Wallabies after his second knee operation (plenty of which are on this site), but they were applying 'normal' person rules to David Pocock.

He is not at all a normal person. The rules don't apply. What a performance.

& that was just the first half.
A deserved man of the match, and those stand out plays get noticed.

Players that stood out for the full 80, IMO,
Hard to single out players but Douglas was a mountain, Hooper was all over the place, Fardy provides awesome balance, and i unfortunately have to include a winger, Drew Mitchell also had a fantastic game.


Vay Wilson (31)
A cursory glance around the internet suggests Argentina wuz robbed. A missed forward pass in the lead up to one of our tries, apparently. Seems like the game you watch depends on the commentators you listen to.


David Codey (61)
One issue with Mitchell is this he never passes the ball. Tucks it under the arm and tries to take on the line himself every time.

Almost did the same for that try - but passed at the last second.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
In another thread some where, i made reference to Northern Hemisphere bias with regards discipline, refs interpretation - but what I'm curious about now is the selection of the world 15 post world cup. They often get a good quota of players - but without having any representation in the semis, will be interesting.


Herbert Moran (7)
With the usual caveats (some tackles are more important than others, some of the missed tackles effective if they disorganize the structure of the attacking team etc.), the defensive stats of the wingers are nothing to be particularly proud of: AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) 4/4, Mitchell 6/5.

Fardy (16/1) and Douglas (14/1) both very good as expected.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
AB's 2 tries to 0.
Wallabies 4 tries to 0.
Both brutal games but I'm so please team with most tries wins.
Pocock / Hooper thread, both world class players that play a different type of game - both emmense last night.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Lineout: Moore's throwing crap. Simmons' calling a bit suspect. ABs are going to love that as they took the Boks apart. TPN much better but then that is also a question of the Puma reserves versus their starters.

Scrum: wobbly as fuck. Slipper should have delayed his bind and got outside Herrera to prevent him bringing the scrum down. Argentina gamed us on the engage as well, not taking the weight and letting Barnes blow the whistle. Not well managed by the skipper.

Goal kicking: ay ay ay. We won't get that many opportunities against the Blacks, and we need to take every one of them.

Big heart by both sides. Lots of oxygen burned. Great match - frantic at points.

We have a chance now, but its slim. Lot of miles in the legs and many flaws to iron out.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
A cursory glance around the internet suggests Argentina wuz robbed. A missed forward pass in the lead up to one of our tries, apparently. Seems like the game you watch depends on the commentators you listen to.

If it's the last try, they're plain wrong.
This sequence I snapped from TV on my phone shows it clearly.
Passes it - see the ball is still behind Mitchell who's just let it go

Then see the ball travels across field, still level and is now on the ground bouncing

And then AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) here having picked it up already. Even taking momentum into account, the ball is no further forward.


Trevor Allan (34)
A cursory glance around the internet suggests Argentina wuz robbed. A missed forward pass in the lead up to one of our tries, apparently. Seems like the game you watch depends on the commentators you listen to.

It was Drew Mitchell's pass to AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) that was forward (or suspected of being forward). Can't of been as it is not like Barnes to miss a forward pass.:rolleyes:

Doesn't matter anyway. I am pretty sure the Argies would not have been able to string enough phases together to get over the line.



Ron Walden (29)
I just hope we don't spend a week sitting on a knife-edge waiting to hear if Folau is in or out because of his ankle. Cheik needs to show some cajones tomorrow and say, "Sorry Izzy....KB (Kurtley Beale) is starting next week," so the team can get settled quickly. If Folau manages to make a recovery in time then bench him at the most as his form has been sliding downhill for quite a few weeks. As talented an athlete is as Folau is, I fear his greatness weakness for the Wallabies is his limited "rugby brain." .....:eek: Flame away


Trevor Allan (34)
I'm not arguing either way. I was just answering a post that didn't know which one was suspect. There is no way I am going to get into this argument.


Colin Windon (37)
Yeah there's no way that was a forward pass. Just the English commentators being salty, really.

Have not watched whole game - but re Folau I think his contributions are often underwhelming compared to what people want from him. He's pretty much always attracting multiple defenders and very rarely gets stopped behind the line. People have high expectations. Kinda like TK, he goes 4 tests without a massive line break and suddenly people want his contract torn up. Imagine if the Internet picked the team.....

But if he isn't 100% fit they should start Beale. He does have a better rugby brain (these days) which helps in a tight affair.


John Eales (66)
I have this feeling that behind the scenes the guys have been working on a game plan that's all about beating the All Blacks, and before each game they develop a sub plan to get through the opposition. Which is why we've looked a bit scratchy some times.

Just a hunch.
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