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RWC 2015 Semi Final 1 - NZ vs RSA Twickenham

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Tom Lawton (22)
Ref Jerome Garces
Touchies Roman Poite and John Lacey
TMO George Ayoub

Should be a cracker.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Tough to see how this will go. France were bad, but how much of it was them being bad and how much was it NZ being great. South Africa didn't seem great, but they are battle-hardened and on an upward trend.


John Thornett (49)
Well, we've got a good base to build from. Have no idea how the scrum is going now because there were so few, but everything related to the maul needs to be improved ASAP. Given we weren't troubled by the Springbok maul earlier this year, it must surely come down to mental application -- or a consistent lack thereof.


Mark Ella (57)
Lets not forget in the Rugby Championship SA only lost to the All Blacks and to us in the dying moments of the match. Those games could have gone either way.

You would have to say the only reason they lost was the impact from the bench. I believe since then, SA have improved. They've had 2 wake up calls and many of their players now have much needed game time and are slowly finding form again.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Tough to see how this will go. France were bad, but how much of it was them being bad and how much was it NZ being great. South Africa didn't seem great, but they are battle-hardened and on an upward trend.

France were bad overall, but they were competitive for the first 20 minutes or so. It was only 10-6 at that point, and the ABs had to work hard. France had no organisation or structure, whereas the ABs were the opposite.

If the ABs can play like that in their remaining matches, they'll be tough to beat. As you say, SA will be a much tougher proposition that France were. The thing that the Boks need to address is point-scoring; it's one thing to get into a war of attrition with Wales and win 23-19 with a late try, but I'm notsure that is a winning formula against NZ.


Frank Nicholson (4)
AB's looked so good because France were so woeful.

SA (& Oz) would have won by a similar margin if they had been playing

France couldn't even retain the ball from the AB kickoffs and once they lost Michalak early, it was all over red rover

SA will provide sterner opposition

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Freddie missed so many tackles in the short time on the ground I think the team's performance improved after he was substituted.

However, on the game in question, if SA persist to kick the ball to the ABs, they will be on the end of a hiding almost of the French proportions. Bet your last dollar, the ABs won't kick it back like Wales did or be so inaccurate or unimaginative in attack as Wales were when they elected to hold onto it.

However it is played, ABs should have a relatively easy win.


Ted Thorn (20)
De Allende and Kriel are world class.

I think the difference is the back 3 and the ball skills in the forwards in huge favour of the All Blacks.
They are world class boshers and can pick a line now and then. But they cannot distribute or read rugby spaces at anywhere close to the AB centres. Our only hope is to dominate collisions and gain line, stifle the AB halves and hope that Willie might finally show some magic again to ignite the backline.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


Frank Nicholson (4)
SA should be concentrating on pick and drive next to the ruck.

Take the wide backs out of it


Ken Catchpole (46)
I don't know if the Boks can beat the ABs but they are going to hurt them, I can smell it. Something like that:


ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
De Allende and Kriel are a very promising young midfield duo. They are robust in defence and attack. They are still finding what works for them at the highest level and developing that all round game needed in a 'world class' midfield combo. They both like to tuck the ball under and go at the line and run decoy, but they're still developing a kicking and distribution game to compliment their ball running.

They played quite well in the RC test vs the ABs. But those tests, as do the respective quarterfinals don't really mean anything now in a do or die knockout match.


Colin Windon (37)
Kriel and De Allende are robust in defence for sure, but I actually think going into a WC semi with those two plus Pollard puts them at a disadvantage due to their lack of experience.


Tom Lawton (22)
Goodness me if the 30 seconds of radio sport that I just listened to is any guide then I hope Steve Hansen has banned any form of media contact with NZ in the next 7 days.

Arrogance meter running at about Muhammed Ali level of self confidence.

Reminds me why im on this forum and not a NZ one.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Goodness me if the 30 seconds of radio sport that I just listened to is any guide then I hope Steve Hansen has banned any form of media contact with NZ in the next 7 days.

Arrogance meter running at about Muhammed Ali level of self confidence.

Reminds me why im on this forum and not a NZ one.

Are u a Kiwi?
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