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RWC 2015 Semi Final 1 - NZ vs RSA Twickenham

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Rod McCall (65)
So many players last test match if their team lose. All Black are just to classy all round the park on paper and surely the favourates. Springbokke will have to get their defense a yard quicker in their face for 80 minutes and wil have to dominate up front, cleaning out at breakdowns. All Blacks by 50 my geuss.


Rod McCall (65)
All Blacks without a doubt clear favourites but Springboks will win. You wait and see!
Cant see this happening. I have to be honest here, was writing off the Bokke after the Japan test, Meyer and his team proved me wrong to get this far. This is as far it will be. Anything else will be a bonus. Not a shame to lose to the nr1 team in the world.


Mark Ella (57)
Cant see this happening. I have to be honest here, was writing off the Bokke after the Japan test, Meyer and his team proved me wrong to get this far. This is as far it will be. Anything else will be a bonus. Not a shame to lose to the nr1 team in the world.

Have a little faith! The Boks WILL show up! ;)


Rod McCall (65)
Geez, surely it would be a mistake to include him. Etzebeth and de Jäger are both playing really well, and bring truckloads of physicality.
Lood was disappointing vs Wales. Running with ball in one hand? Prymary school mistake. We'll need Matfield/PSdT for 20 minutes in the 2nd half.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It's hard to see the All Blacks playing that well three times in a row.

If they do they'll win the RWC. That was 10/10 sort of stuff that you rarely see them produce.

I don't think anyone can go with them if they play like that. I also can't see them playing like that in both the remaining games, if at all.


Ted Thorn (20)
Bok fans - reports here suggest Matfield is going to be fit, but do you want him?

Edit: No disrespect to Matfield who has been one of the greatest locks, but Lood is playing better rugby. (Except for the ball in one hand knock on)

Dewald Nel

Cyril Towers (30)
It's hard to see the All Blacks playing that well three times in a row.

If they do they'll win the RWC. That was 10/10 sort of stuff that you rarely see them produce.

I don't think anyone can go with them if they play like that. I also can't see them playing like that in both the remaining games, if at all.

It's also about how well the opposition let them play. The French were worse than Namibia.

You can be guaranteed that the Springboks won't allow them nearly as much freedom. We'll be in their faces. Whether it will be enough, I doubt. Might be similar to the RC game earlier this year.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It's also about how well the opposition let them play. The French were worse than Namibia.

You can be guaranteed that the Springboks won't allow them nearly as much freedom. We'll be in their faces. Whether it will be enough, I doubt. Might be similar to the RC game earlier this year.

I really don't think France played worse than Namibia. New Zealand were outstanding. They would have put a serious score on just about any team on the weekend. That was really a sublime performance.

France were poor no doubt, but I think NZ would have put 40 on just about any Tier 1 side.


John Eales (66)
God they're the pits, it's embarrassing. The comments section of Fox Sports Australia facebook post is the worst example that comes to mind.

Yep and that's why I got shat off with the premature celebration that started happening here. Never, ever disrespect your opposition.


Ted Thorn (20)
Any opinions from the non saffers about how the Boks can beat the ABs for this one? Play to our strengths but what are the keys to the win?

Dewald Nel

Cyril Towers (30)
Any opinions from the non saffers about how the Boks can beat the ABs for this one? Play to our strengths but what are the keys to the win?

I'll give my opinion even though you excluded me from the equation.

- Match them up front physically. No way we'll beat them there, but smash them as hard as they smash us in the collision.
- Be more accurate at the breakdown. Before the world cup, we seemed to be dominant, or at least gained parity, in this area. Francois Louw has chosen the world cup to have a dip in form. Not good at all. We will need turnovers on their ball. Also, cleaning will need to be more concerted. We seem to go one on one too much and we get flooded at the breakdown.
- Our tactical kicking will need to be spot on. No kicking directly into their back 3's hands. That will be fatal. And even if the kicks are good, we need to follow up ferociously, giving their back 3 as little time on the ball as possible.
- Pollard needs to kick at 80% +. No more Mr. 3 misses per game. This could be the difference, as Carter isn't missing anything at the moment.
- No soft missed tackles, at all! Yes, I'm looking at you, Mr. Le Roux. He'll be our last line of defence. Savea will kill him if he tackles like he has been for the last 2 years.

NB: We need ALL of the above to beat the All Blacks. Any one of these missing and it's tickets for us. Basically, we have a mountain the size of Savea to climb.

I'll just try to enjoy the match, win or lose.


Rod McCall (65)
Any opinions from the non saffers about how the Boks can beat the ABs for this one? Play to our strengths but what are the keys to the win?
Pumas shown vs Ireland how to win a test match. Our old age homers like Schalk, Habana, JPP, FdP, Matfield will have to be extra fit and hungry to rub off to the youngsters. They only have to play in your face rugby for 80 minutes. They normally play their best against the old foe.


Alan Cameron (40)
God they're the pits, it's embarrassing. The comments section of Fox Sports Australia facebook post is the worst example that comes to mind.

I stumbled onto the 'Veitchy on Sport' Facebook page a couple of weeks ago...

I'm still trying to recover.


Ted Thorn (20)
Yeah thanks for that Dewald. I wasn't meaning to exclude saffers, just trying to get some conversation going from the neutrals or the kiwis

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