Be as cynical as you want about the actions of SBW, or the dastardly evil intentions of the kid, who was later found not to have any pointed sticks, bananas or raspberries with which he could attach his targets.
Go to 24-28 seconds in this clip. That is how Security could have dealt with the illegal pitch invader, instead of the Boris Johnson Crash tackle.
The Twickers Security Bloke had plenty of time to decide on an appropriate strategy to deal with the illegal terrorist pitch invader, and even then he goes all Kevin Costner to protect NZL's heavyweight boxing champion from a child.
It is not as if the kid was about to do a Pieter Van Zyl, and even if he was, look at how the professional athletes dealt with that imbecile.
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Some secret footage of the RWC15 Security Training has been obtained from an unpaid Intern at World Rugby.