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Rugby Championship in an Aussie bubble?


David Wilson (68)
Somewhere, someone is going to have to compromise. If it means the NZ players see their families on the 26 and not 25th then as much as I feel sorry for them it is not the end of the world.

I agree, that's what will happen. I think it's a shame as it could all be avoided by moving the test forward one day. But I don't think there will be any changes, but I really don't think it that huge.
Hey so long as we get our rugby fix huh?;)


Andrew Slack (58)
you do realise that NSW and Qld aren't countries and there is community spread still in Australia don't you?

Where is the community spread other than VIC? Their borders are closed. If the Vic borders open by Xmas I will personally believe there is a Santa Claus.

The situation in Australia is completely manageable as long as VIC does not fuck it up again. If they do their borders will remain closed.

But I suspect you and I live on opposite ends of the Covid strategy spectrum so let's leave it at that.


David Wilson (68)
Where is the community spread other than VIC? Their borders are closed. If the Vic borders open by Xmas I will personally believe there is a Santa Claus.

The situation in Australia is completely manageable as long as VIC does not fuck it up again. If they do their borders will remain closed.

But I suspect you and I live on opposite ends of the Covid strategy spectrum so let's leave it at that.

Actually not real strong on any strategy, I just one of these boring buggers who thinks experts probably know more than me.
You right there no other community spread that we know of, but as pointed out isn't Victoria part of Aus? And so international borders and regulations have to be vastly different to local ones.


Andrew Slack (58)
Are there any in France? I not up to date with where all the Boks are at moment. I hope not Castre had to default a game a week or 2 ago, because they didn't have enough fit players that didn't have Covid.

Nobody from Castrre is coming to Aus. Relax. :)

There are a good few but I reckon Kolbe is the only one likely to come over. He will go into a hotel for 2 weeks in Sydney. I have on good authority that the hotel he will sit in is actually managed by people who know hot to police quarantine even though they may or may not have had gender diversity training. Apparently this is an important thing when managing a pandemic.

The issue is more the UK and Ireland players.


Andrew Slack (58)
but as pointed out isn't Victoria part of Aus?

I think you are not quite on top of what is going on in AUS at the moment. This is not the forum to explain Federation and absolute power in the State's hands and he border situation. Suffuce to say VICis the only place in Aus with a very small amount of community spread. Their borders are closed. Locked. Geschlossen. Nobody in. Nobody out. Run by a Marxist dictator.

It is completely manageable with some good strategy and planning by "Experts".


Nathan Sharpe (72)
you do realise that NSW and Qld aren't countries and there is community spread still in Australia don't you? And Scott Morrison has been on TV countless times saying it's either all states can travel or there be no travel bubble.
I agree seems over the top, but I not a medical expert, and if the ones who are say there has to be a quarantine, my credentials aren't of the standard to say I know better. I am prepared to admit yours maybe, but I just have to take their word for it at moment. I don't see anyone wanting to stop tourists etc just for fun.

I see no issue with travel bubbles to specific states. ScoMo is a muppet.


Andrew Slack (58)
I see no issue with travel bubbles to specific states. ScoMo is a muppet.

We live in Muppetdome. but I'd rather be in this Muppetdome than any other,

What does he have to do with State level decision making over bubbles though? He has ZERO authority to even influence their decisions. And if he did I think nobody will listen. National Cabinet has turned into a farce.


David Wilson (68)
We live in Muppetdome. but I'd rather be in this Muppetdome than any other,

What does he have to do with State level decision making over bubbles though? He has ZERO authority to even influence their decisions. And if he did I think nobody will listen. National Cabinet has turned into a farce.

Yep but he has the power over International borders and bubbles, and he basically saying he won't let any Kiwi bubble be with any State while they have border's closed. That is what I meaning by difference between states and country, and why I doubt any bubble they talking about between NZ and Aus will happen.


John Thornett (49)
Foster on the playing schedule:

"There was a deal based on the 5th [of December being the All Blacks’ final game], we feel that Sanzaar’s reneged on that, so we’ve put some solutions [forward], so we’ll wait and see."

"There’s been set expectations and they haven’t been delivered on, so that’s up to the game and Sanzaar to sort out."

"I don’t think [speculating on solutions] is going to be really helpful. At the end of the day, there was a good solution at the start – six tests, five weeks. It was achievable. South Africa and Argentina could play six in six weeks."

"We’ve come up with a couple of ideas around that."

On their reasons to take issue:

"You’ve got to remember these players have been training since February. This is not about a Christmas issue. This is about players preparing to play through Covid, through a whole lot of situations for a long, long time. And at some point we’ve got to draw a line in the sand and say ‘that’s enough’."



Nathan Sharpe (72)
Yep but he has the power over International borders and bubbles, and he basically saying he won't let any Kiwi bubble be with any State while they have border's closed. That is what I meaning by difference between states and country, and why I doubt any bubble they talking about between NZ and Aus will happen.
Is that actually true? Sounds reasonable but i dont know much about the border dynamics. Seems plausible that a state could open its borders to national travel without federal sanction.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I think hitting the 500 minute mark is to get the players performing to an adequate level rather than being a de-facto "you cannot play with less than 500 minutes". Of course they can and will play with less minutes but their physical conditioning and reflexes etc will not be so attuned. Especially considering in SA we were all locked in as if in some kindergarten.


David Wilson (68)
Is that actually true? Sounds reasonable but i dont know much about the border dynamics. Seems plausible that a state could open its borders to national travel without federal sanction.

Well that's what I heard him and a couple of other ministers say, that no State will be able to have bubbles while State border is closed. Said it right from beginning when he was trying to get Qld to open their borders the first time, saying no International students etc could come, and he was on TV last week saying same thing.


Jim Lenehan (48)
On ice. In rehab. With ten dieticians. phyions, trainers, doctors around them. Still training at facilities in a system.

Not locked up in your lounge room in front of the tele. And they are never on ice for that long.

I believe the 5 to 6 game theory 100% Test rugby physicality is insane. You don't get to that level of fitness in training alone.

I hear what you sare aying, though none of those players weren't still in a system or without access to a lot of the specialists you mention. Maybe not face to face but remotely. Facilities, well no, likely not the same.

Not questioning the value in playing matches for a range of reasons, I was just curious over the notion of playing matches to be fit to play matches from a player welfare point of view and the mention of a science behind the 5-6 number. I'd actually like to read to the peer reviewed studies as to why.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I hear what you sare aying, though none of those players weren't still in a system or without access to a lot of the specialists you mention. Maybe not face to face but remotely. Facilities, well no, likely not the same.

Not questioning the value in playing matches for a range of reasons, I was just curious over the notion of playing matches to be fit to play matches from a player welfare point of view and the mention of a science behind the 5-6 number. I'd actually like to read to the peer reviewed studies as to why.

I think provided you are physically fit, you will play better after a few games. That's just logic, takes the body and mind some time to adjust to the contact and speed of things.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Seems SA is fekking off to the north with franchises at least.

Not what I wanted.

Something had to give at some point I suppose.

Love you Aussies and Kiwis and I'm sorry for SARU's action on this.


Steve Williams (59)
Seems SA is fekking off to the north with franchises at least.

Not what I wanted.

Something had to give at some point I suppose.

Love you Aussies and Kiwis and I'm sorry for SARU's action on this.
The Boks continue to play SH test matches and IMO it can still work out alright.


Steve Williams (59)
I'm hoping the Boks keep South.

How would that work anyway?
I suppose we're awaiting what's going to happen with the WR (World Rugby) calendar.

But there can be some new variations put in over a 4-year cycle. One might be a form of full TRC every second year, then maybe one year with 3-test tours, rotating between Sanzaar opposition, etc.

Possibilities, but we need to get through covid/downturn first.


Andrew Slack (58)
Seems SA is fekking off to the north with franchises at least.

Not what I wanted.

Something had to give at some point I suppose.

Love you Aussies and Kiwis and I'm sorry for SARU's action on this.

YEs but it was time for a change. I look forward to something different in both tournaments.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Oof... and the plot thickens.


Rugby365 said:
SPOTLIGHT: New Zealand Rugby have reportedly been caught in a web of lies as the truth around the Rugby Championship schedule surfaces.

According to FoxSports, leaked minutes from a SANZAAR meeting have revealed that New Zealand did in fact agree to play the Rugby Championship over six weeks, culminating on December 12 – despite their protestations otherwise.