It stops being McIntyres fault when O'Connor ignores performance & continues to select him.
He's had 2 games since the assassination, if McIntyre is picked again,then O'Connor is confirming that this standard is satisfactory.
O'Connor has to make the change but not in a manner that hinders a young players development.
The blame rests at O'Connors feet. What does he do with his backs at training? So far to me it looks like he doesn't know shit from cake. Another poor coach that needs to be purged.
We have zero game management and it is killing us. We have a wealth of big runners and have completely forgotten what an inside ball looks like. We used to tear defences apart with that one. We are so far behind the gain line when our outside backs receive the pill, more or less have it shoveled onto them without any form of deception from the ten.
Between breakdowns our forwards have know clue as to where they should be and are either ineffective receivers or just plain in the way. Genia and Cooper were exemplary in sorting this stuff out on the field and the team had a bloody pattern to play to.
Fix these things up and the Reds will be a tough team to come up against.