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Reds 2015

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Tony Shaw (54)
Placid I think should be our long term 15. He won't be there for a year or two at least though so if we can sticky tape Turner together well enough we'll be ok. I would worry about bringing in a big name 15 and then Placid not getting enough game time to develop.

Sticky tape has come a long way since the Hynes days hasn't it?


As long as we keep, Gill, Browning, Placid, Sautia, Slipper they will be the nucleus of our next champion side.

So we need to make sure that we don't block the path of any of these guys. Gill and Browning will be starters from now in, in my opinion. As far as fullback goes, as Reg has alluded to earlier we already have the answer in our squad (Toua, Jonah, JJ) we just need to rotate and bide time until they are ready, whoever that person is.

A marquee forward, either a TH or a large bodied backrower would be ideal. I'd be leaning towards a backrower, from a standards perspective as we have so much more reward to reap given the amount of talented young backrowers who would profit form the tutelage.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
As long as we keep, Gill, Browning, Placid, Slipper they will be the nucleus of our next champion side.

Reckon Hanson is in that group too.

What are people's opinions of Scott Gale? Im thinking ahead and wary of Genia's future. Frisby next in line obviously, but he has areas of his game he needs to work on and I'm worried his limited game time this year may see him looking elsewhere.

Train Without a Station

I'm wondering that with our massive drop from last year to this year, with only really Samo moving on, who wasn't getting a lot of game time anyway, maybe it's somebody like Daniel Braid we really need again who has that positive influence both on and off the paddock.

Our areas that are struggling like back row we probably had less depth available last year with Browning a year earlier in development and both Samo and Robinson injured a lot.

Perhaps a player with that impact who fits into any of the positions we have players off contract in and are looking to replace, could be the addition that impacts best.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
The Reds need to sign some 'smart' wingers. Turner has those rugby brains but he is and will be forever injured. We have really been shown up this year and lost games purely because our wingers are what people like to call athletes rather than rugby players. Sure they are strong and fast but you must have a brain in your head to play in the back three. The current batch just don't have it and it isn't something that can be coached you have to have pure instinct. This helps for positional play and effort in both attack and defence which again I believe is why we are sitting where we are on the table currently.

Just on Graham I think he has to go. He clearly can't develop a culture or a team roster. Maybe we should give Scott Johnson a go and hopefully he can bring Matt Taylor back with him from Scotland. Since we lost Tattsy we have really struggled.


Reds signing priority's for 2015...

1. A big ball running number 8 or blindside.

2. A fullback who can accurately kick the stitching off a football.

3. Powerful outside backs who can get across the advantage line.


Steve Williams (59)
The Reds need to sign some 'smart' wingers. Turner has those rugby brains but he is and will be forever injured. We have really been shown up this year and lost games purely because our wingers are what people like to call athletes rather than rugby players. Sure they are strong and fast but you must have a brain in your head to play in the back three. The current batch just don't have it and it isn't something that can be coached you have to have pure instinct. This helps for positional play and effort in both attack and defence which again I believe is why we are sitting where we are on the table currently.

Just on Graham I think he has to go. He clearly can't develop a culture or a team roster. Maybe we should give Scott Johnson a go and hopefully he can bring Matt Taylor back with him from Scotland. Since we lost Tattsy we have really struggled.

:D :D :D :D :D

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Arch Winning (36)
Reckon Hanson is in that group too.

What are people's opinions of Scott Gale? Im thinking ahead and wary of Genia's future. Frisby next in line obviously, but he has areas of his game he needs to work on and I'm worried his limited game time this year may see him looking elsewhere.

Reg keep an eye on Moses Sorovi - the Uni Prem Colts 9 and reserve Premier grade 9. He's very very good.


Jim Clark (26)
if RG is coach next year i wont be renewing my membership.

it isn't the case of 'if we see a positive turn around' anymore because we have seen a turn around.... we've seen a top team turn to absolute shit in the space of half a season


Jim Lenehan (48)
From my point of view a Richard Graham's resignation / sacking is now unavoidable. From the players' point of view there needs to be a change in team management and from the fans' point of view the club needs something to help build belief and interest in 2015. I'm not interested in seeing another season with RG at the helm. Something must be done immediately to stop the rot.

I wouldn't think it would be that difficult to find a decent replacement for RG. If the vacancy opens up, I would expect a large number of application. Plenty of blokes out there that would want to coach the Reds.


Mark Ella (57)
Reds performance is NOT a single issue (being the Coach), the Players need also to take some resaponsibility

Its also a captaincy issue, cultural issue and execution issue,

BDA - I understand RG would not be difficult to replace, Blokes would be ;ined up. Trouble is, how do you know a good one or not. Its not only about the resume but also how he "fits" into the group, into the Reds culture and only time will tell.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Reds signing priority's for 2015.

1. A big ball running number 8 or blindside.

2. A fullback who can accurately kick the stitching off a football.

3. Powerful outside backs who can get across the advantage line. TOCC

1. Dave McDuling for UQ. If you watch him play QPR, he easily crosses the advantage line with a bit of steam up.

2. Very, very bold prediction- Sam Greene! His kicking is sensational. If his defence and size improve a bit, he should be considered!

3. Chris Kuridrani. He can cross the advantage line, no worries. just needs a bit more experience.

I think the big thing for the Reds is to not look elsewhere but in Qld. The talent is there.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
1. Dave McDuling for UQ. If you watch him play QPR, he easily crosses the advantage line with a bit of steam up.

This is part of the problem I think.

Players like McDuling and Toua should be experienced Super Rugby players ready to become key members of the squad, instead they're still very inexperienced and a few years behind where there development should be due to multiple injuries.


Trevor Allan (34)
Reds signing priority's for 2015.

1. A big ball running number 8 or blindside.

2. A fullback who can accurately kick the stitching off a football.

3. Powerful outside backs who can get across the advantage line. TOCC

1. Dave McDuling for UQ. If you watch him play QPR, he easily crosses the advantage line with a bit of steam up.

2. Very, very bold prediction- Sam Greene! His kicking is sensational. If his defence and size improve a bit, he should be considered!

3. Chris Kuridrani. He can cross the advantage line, no worries. just needs a bit more experience.

I think the big thing for the Reds is to not look elsewhere but in Qld. The talent is there.

Largely I agree with you. Dules is a terrific player, however him quirk schatz and browning make one too many squad spots devoted to 6/8 types unless you consider Dules to be a 2nd rower capable of playing 6 (at Super Rugby level I'd say it's the other way around).

I don't know what to do about it really. I think your best investment option from that crop is CB and Quirk.

At this stage the Reds no. 1 signing priority should be Tattsy Taylor or a Foreigner as head coach, I mean surely you could convince someone good to come live in sunny QLD. Stiles can stay, the set piece work hasn't been too bad really. Meehan has a good record (which Graham doesn't and never has had by the way) so I'd be ok with him staying.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Reds signing priority's for 2015.

1. A big ball running number 8 or blindside.

2. A fullback who can accurately kick the stitching off a football.

3. Powerful outside backs who can get across the advantage line. TOCC

1. Dave McDuling for UQ. If you watch him play QPR, he easily crosses the advantage line with a bit of steam up.

2. Very, very bold prediction- Sam Greene! His kicking is sensational. If his defence and size improve a bit, he should be considered!

3. Chris Kuridrani. He can cross the advantage line, no worries. just needs a bit more experience.

I think the big thing for the Reds is to not look elsewhere but in Qld. The talent is there.

that's a naive perspective I'm afraid. We need to balance internal recruitment (and support the likes of these three) but we need guys there now.

In saying that, I'd be getting Kerevi into the squad ASAP and giving McDuling Ed Od's bench spot (at least)

Train Without a Station

Let's not get xenophobic. I'm not advocating we look around and disregard our backyard. I just don't agree with the statement, "The big thing for the Reds is to not look elsewhere but in QLD". That would be lazy recruitment. The Reds should be looking everywhere. Of course they should be looking at QLD first but the system won't always produce the types of players we have a need for.

If players we need are available for good value we would be crazy not to look at them.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I agree with the above sentiments regarding Frisby and Gale. Would actually love to see the Reds give Genia a break, start Frisby and put Gale on the bench this year, however, knowing that is unlikely they hopefully at least chuck Gale an EPS for 2015.

Now is the time to start making the changes though. Give the guys like McDuling, Browning and Kerevi a fair crack for the rest of this season so we can at least go into 2015 knowing what works, rather than waiting and hoping they'll perform next year when they'll inevitably be called upon.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The premise that you only need to look for new players in Queensland would only really work if players from Queensland were only looking for professional rugby opportunities in Queensland.

The fact is that whilst the Reds have an inherent advantage in recruiting Queensland players in that most of them will be Reds supporters and won't need to relocate to play for the Reds, many players are willing to and have relocated elsewhere for opportunity.

As Train Without a Station suggested, the Reds need to be looking everywhere to fill the gaps in their squad. Potentially they should be targetting some Queensland players who moved elsewhere but could be convinced to move back.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Would James O'Connor be an alternative for the Reds backline then?

I know Reg and co will disagree, but I would consider him. Definitely!


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
The more I think about it Reg- you're correct! I would be targeting someone like Hodgson from the Force. Or even Pocock (when fit). Yeah, experience is key. I must be having a blonde but ambitious moment!
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