If anyone has any interesting questions inregards to what some of the Wallabies attitudes are, let me know.
I have a personal friend that knows many of them and catchs up with a few socially from time to time ( He coached a few of them in the past ) and he is friends with a few Super 15 coachs.
I can always ask him to see if he can find out. He gets some interesting information sometimes ( how much Deans get paid lol etc)
What do they think of the latest version of Big Brother? No, too obvious. Hang on, let me think.
Will Rush or Deep Purple get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year? And why?
Sakata or Sao? Brie or Vintage Chedder?
Oh, here's a goodie; Apple or Mac?
The girl at the cellar door told me I should store my bottle of Murray Street Vineyards 2008 Benno for 18-20 years, yet I am sure my patience will run out after 15. Can I still drink the wine safely?
I know I get all goose-pimply with anticipation in the minutes leading up to the next episode of the Kardashians. Do they like Chloe's new hair style?
If you could find all that out for me and report back, I'd appreciate it.