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Quade Cooper and Summer Digressions

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Peter Burge (5)
FFS, how hard can it be for Cooper to receive some solid defensive training. I can't believe he has not gone out and sort some help on a HUUUUGE flaw in his otherwise solid game.

We have plenty of defense gurus in league and union. Why hasn't the QRU and ARU booked Quade in for some serious tackle practice? It's not as if his defensive liablities have not been obvious for a long time.

Either he is too lazy to work on this weakness or he does not care.


Mark Loane (55)
Oh well, look on the bright side, his next contract with the ARU should be cheaper. I doubt many league teams will be screaming for him with a tackling display like that.


Allen Oxlade (6)

It's still day time here in Pommyland... I can't tell you how happy I am that we beat the ABs at last... my missus is a Kiwi so I am trying to temper my delight (not trying, all that hard)... one of my most satisfying achievements in my very modest coaching career was convincing a skinny sixteen year old that he could tackle anyone, and seeing him do it...

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
one of my most satisfying achievements in my very modest coaching career was convincing a skinny sixteen year old that he could tackle anyone, and seeing him do it...

Dougie, if you think you can do the same with Quade come home soon. Your country needs you.

Perhaps you might travel overland and climb Everest on the way.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
- can't tackle, won't tackle (a better coach won't help unless that coach can change his mindset - don't try to tell me Cooper hasn't had good enough coaches. He has). Until this changes he will be a liability and teams will take advantage.

- no way you can say he won the game for the Wallabies (although his passing and running were generally very good)

- his decision making, especially the kicking, was poor late on

- he was also a liability in contact

- to say he will win more than he loses for us isn't really a big statement (over 50%). If it was he'll win 9 out of 10 and lose 1 that is one thing, but his problems are much more profound.

I hope he is cited and suspended - in the first instance he deserves it for the attack on McCaw, and also so we get a chance to see a Barnes-JO'C 10-12 combination in action.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Quade's got to be there. Definitely a liability in defence and is very prone to errors but name a better attacking #10 in the world rugby? Get Barnes to #12 to complement his defence and tactical kicking.


Allen Oxlade (6)
I absolutely don't count you amongst this number, but what gets up my nose on these forums, is people who condemn players who have more talent in their little finger than the condemner has in his whole body... people whose whole attitude is one of negativity... we just beat the best Rugby team in the world and they still spew out their half baked nonsense opinions on how they know better than Deans on how to coach and select teams...

I feel better now... I'll have a quiet liedown and dream of our next victory...


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I hope he is cited and suspended - in the first instance he deserves it for the attack on McCaw, and also so we get a chance to see a Barnes-JO'C 10-12 combination in action.

Oh please lets suspend McCaw for raking Pocock's legs in the scrum then. Both are nothing incidents. McCaw couldn't care less, he gets hit harder every ruck.


Trevor Allan (34)
I laughed so much when quade blasted mccaw off his feet at one ruck, i think it was the penalty that gits missed from infront about 40 out.

Seemed like mccaw and quade had a spat thing throughout the match culminating in quade giving mccaw a cheeky shove at the end

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
I absolutely don't count you amongst this number, but what gets up my nose on these forums, is people who condemn players who have more talent in their little finger than the condemner has in his whole body... people whose whole attitude is one of negativity...

Dougie. I almost never bag players but at my age you learn not to waste a good line.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
His technique should be able to be fixed as was Beale's, but if it's a lack of ticker it's a huge problem.

That's it.

He is all touchy feely up around the shoulders and arms and invariably tries to strip the ball and blokes at this level just push him aside.
In contrast look at how Barnes cut Nonu down with a picture perfect round the bootlace tackle.

Man up Quade.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
I absolutely don't count you amongst this number, but what gets up my nose on these forums, is people who condemn players who have more talent in their little finger than the condemner has in his whole body... people whose whole attitude is one of negativity... we just beat the best Rugby team in the world and they still spew out their half baked nonsense opinions on how they know better than Deans on how to coach and select teams...

I feel better now... I'll have a quiet liedown and dream of our next victory...

Talent is not the only deciding factor when considering a player's performance. Heart, application, improvement, attitude...the list goes on....

One good thing about this forum is that anyone is free to make their argument, and others are free to make counter arguments, and yet others are free to add nothing to the debate or even question everyone else's right to an opinion at all.

Oh please lets suspend McCaw for raking Pocock's legs in the scrum then. Both are nothing incidents. McCaw couldn't care less, he gets hit harder every ruck.

I agree with you there, and his grandmother probably hits harder too.

One more thing on the Cooper 'defence':

It doesn't matter who is playing outside him - the number 12 is never going to be able to tackle two blokes at once (his own, and Cooper's). Giteau has his own problems, let's not blame him fo someone else's.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Btw how good was that clean out on McCaw by Quade? Smashed him! Then gave him a bit afterwards. That's what I like to see


David Codey (61)
I have deep concerns about the number of times i have read "deadset" on this forum lately.

Cooper needs to be told that tough guys tackle not take cheap shots.

We would likely consider Richie McCaw a 'tough guy', however I recall at least twice in the match where he lashed out with his boots. One of which was after Cooper had cleaned him out in midfield, and McCaw was on his arse and kicked out at him. I'd suggest that Cooper was have a bit of payback for that.
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