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QLD Premier Rugby 2016

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Nev Cottrell (35)
Filth I thought the Thor has done well for the Reds - he has come a long way in the last two years of Premier Rugby.

He is a big guy and he obviously had talent but two years of Premier Grade has certainly prepared him well for playing with the big boys of Super Rugby.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Hopefully common sense prevails at the Kennel and this is Byron's last game as coach. He will be completing his fourth season as coach and has achieved zip other than overseeing a steady decline down the ladder and being unable to attract any quality coaches to work with him. What will he be doing different next season that he hasn't been doing for the last four? Oh, the new club rooms will be the difference. Hard decisions need to be made unless of course it isn't about winning.


Peter Burge (5)
A Cracking game at David Wilson field in the wet today saw Brothers sneak home with a late try to win 17-15 after the score was locked at 12-12 at oranges. Easts were fired up and ready, possibly spurred on by Matt Brandon making his final premier grade appearance for the club, but had to battle a Brothers team who wanted a win and defended superbly to get it. Brothers' forwards were awesome and I think this game will prepare them well for their finals campaign.

I may be biased but I thought the Easts front row was magnificent in handling Tongan Thor.

Brothers No. 8 is an impressive player and will go a long way if he can control himself and focus on his role. His yellow card could have been very costly. Settle down, mate, and do the right thing by your club in the finals.

Congratulations on a fabulous career to club legend Matt Brandon. Massive boots to fill.

As a Tigers fan I hope we can keep the bulk of this squad together for a few seasons - happy days ahead for all at Tigerland if we do!

My man of the match - mighty tiger prop Pettawa Peraka. What an effort, well done!


Herbert Moran (7)
Ah well, at least we fought hard against UQ yesterday.

But, gees they're good. Their forwards absorbed all the physical stuff we dished out (which to be honest was a little borderline at times) and then came back and belted us even harder.

They are such a young team but god, they are tough and skillful.

They will be very hard to beat in finals.


Herbert Moran (7)
Actually, just saw the table after end of regular season.

UQ 73 points - 12 points clear of second place and +251 points differential compared to +160 for second place.

No wonder we couldn't crack them yesterday.

What a contrast to the wooden spoon holders with only 17 competition points and -251 points differential.

I can't recall a year when first to last place has been a 500 point gap!!


Herbert Moran (7)
Oh shit, now I find out UQ got a clean sweep against us yesterday!

All three GPS Premier teams missed the finals :mad:

Time for a big clean out at Yoku Road me thinks. Thank god Dammers is gone - he has a lot to answer for!


Nev Cottrell (35)
Oh shit, now I find out UQ got a clean sweep against us yesterday!

All three GPS Premier teams missed the finals :mad:

Time for a big clean out at Yoku Road me thinks. Thank god Dammers is gone - he has a lot to answer for!

I just think it interesting that Byron(Wests) and Dammers(GPS) are largely being held responsible for their clubs woes by this forum - granted the head coach has to be part of it but it is not just the Premier Grade coach - it's the board, the culture, etc.

Granted Byron has had 4 years to have an impact on that but Dammers was only there 2 years with a playing group he inherited and with the main players playing for the Reds. I tend to think that fruits of Dammers labour at Yoku Rd will be evident in 2017-18.

I hope that Wests don't go down the path of GPS and appoint a self-profiled coach.

I think it fair to say that you can't have sustained success in QPR unless you get your house in order and that doesn't happen in one season it takes a good few years.

Good luck to the final four - may the best club rise to the top over the next 3 weeks.

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
I think Hedge and Bond coaching staff have done an excellent job given they have 3 teams in the playoffs and only missing a Prem final by 4 bonus points. Bond Prem's were also unlucky to loose in the last minute by 1 point to top of the log UQ. They have a good Colts cohort flowing through to the grades next season and a couple of seasoned u20's in Alex Mafi and Josh Taylor.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Herbert Moran (7)
I just think it interesting that Byron(Wests) and Dammers(GPS) are largely being held responsible for their clubs woes by this forum - granted the head coach has to be part of it but it is not just the Premier Grade coach - it's the board, the culture, etc.

Granted Byron has had 4 years to have an impact on that but Dammers was only there 2 years with a playing group he inherited and with the main players playing for the Reds. I tend to think that fruits of Dammers labour at Yoku Rd will be evident in 2017-18.

Dammers took a team that made the grand final in 2013 and turned it into a team that missed the finals in both years he was in charge. 2015 GPS won 6/16 and this year won 7/16. Not good enough and thank god change has occurred!

Year before Byron took over, Wests won 9/18. Byron's first year they won 5/18, second year 4/16, third year 3/16 this year 2/16. Should he be retained for a few more years based on that performance? Good luck to Wests if they're happy with that sort of record. If you can't change the culture in a four year stint, doubt you ever will.

Red Galloper

Frank Nicholson (4)
Couldn't sleep so decided to put my selectors cap on and try to pick NRC teams for this season. With a lot of Reds players moving on and in the wallabies squad and some NRC regulars out injured there should be a few spots up for grabs for QPR club players.

Red Galloper

Frank Nicholson (4)

Sam Talakai
Pettowa Paraka
Feao Fotuaika
Marcus Vanzati
Ritchie Asiata

Andrew Ready
Feleti Kaituu
Maile Ngauamo/Ryan Freney

Lukhan Tui
Kane Douglas
Adam Korczyk
Dan Gorman/Dave Heneway

Angus Scott-Young
Apisai Naiyabo
Waita Setu
Maclean Jones
Lagi Setu/Charlie Freney

Scott Gale
Isaac Fines-Leleiwasa
Scott Malolua

Jake McIntyre
Jake Strachan

Henry Taefu
Levi Aumua
Tyrone Lefau
James Herbert/Josh Birch/Toby White

Kris Kuridrani
Junior Laloifi
Karmichael Hunt
Tom Banks
Andrew Muirhead/Mika Tela/Mitch Felsman

Red Galloper

Frank Nicholson (4)

Sef Faagese
Taniela Tupou
Reuben Leiua
Fred Bourke
Sione Naa Helu/Tereina McLean/Trent Anderson

Matt Mafi
Alex Mafi
Campbell Wakely/Josh Taylor/Tonga Maafu

Caydn Neville
Phil Potgeiter
Izack Rodda
Brendan Mitchell/Sam Fattal/Jeremaih Lynch

Conor Mitchell
Michael Gunn
Leroy Houston
Hendrik Tui
Jack De Guigand

James Tuttle
Moses Sorovi
Harry Nucifora

Mack Mason
Scott Daruda/Ted Tela

Chris Feau-Sautia
Campbell Magnay
Duncan Paiaaua
Matt Gordon

Jack Tuttle
Eto Nabuli
Alex Gibbon
Tom Pincus
Elliott Hagen/Gus Qasevakatini/Byron Hutchinson

Red Galloper

Frank Nicholson (4)
Dammers took a team that made the grand final in 2013 and turned it into a team that missed the finals in both years he was in charge. 2015 GPS won 6/16 and this year won 7/16. Not good enough and thank god change has occurred!

Year before Byron took over, Wests won 9/18. Byron's first year they won 5/18, second year 4/16, third year 3/16 this year 2/16. Should he be retained for a few more years based on that performance? Good luck to Wests if they're happy with that sort of record. If you can't change the culture in a four year stint, doubt you ever will.

I think Dammers did a great job to turn around the mess of last season and to only miss out on the finals by a whisker this year. If he was to stay I have no doubt we would be in the finals next year.

As for Wests I think they need to get a new coach for next season. Sadly it just hasn't worked out for Byron.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Dammers took a team that made the grand final in 2013 and turned it into a team that missed the finals in both years he was in charge. 2015 GPS won 6/16 and this year won 7/16. Not good enough and thank god change has occurred!

Year before Byron took over, Wests won 9/18. Byron's first year they won 5/18, second year 4/16, third year 3/16 this year 2/16. Should he be retained for a few more years based on that performance? Good luck to Wests if they're happy with that sort of record. If you can't change the culture in a four year stint, doubt you ever will.

If Wests are to be taken seriously again as a Premier club there needs to be change. Agreed that the blame can not be all heaped on the coach. Why was Pat left to coach on his own? Is there a lack of real rugby experience at board level? As head coach should Pat have stepped up and fought harder or was it easier for Pat to fall in line and accept a reasonable sounding excuse? Leaving to one side the the dismal win/loss for the previous 3 seasons did the board decide that overseeing the building of the new clubhouse was more important than on ground performances this season? It's hard to knock volunteers but something is desperately wrong at Wests and it needs to be fixed. Why did Pat or the club fail to attract any dedicated coaches this season. Was it a lack of belief in the board, Pat or the overall club? Wests lost 4 games this season by 7 points or less and were leading or very close at half time in many more games. There are talented players at Wests but at the moment they play as individuals where a player actually passing the ball is less common than one running the ball to its death. A better culture in the playing group would have turned a number of those losses into wins.
I have seen comments here on how great it is to see the Premier players help clean up the ground after their games at Kenmore which all seems wonderful stuff and I would agree if it was about building culture etc along the lines of the All Blacks who sweep their rooms after a game. Unfortunately the real reason is there is nobody else to do it apart from the few die hard doggies. We even struggle to get ball boys! I want what is best for the Doggies excuses do not cut it whatever they may be . That's why we have scoreboards and not judges at rugby games.


Nev Cottrell (35)
No doubt 2016 has been tough for anyone involved with Wests.

A lot of things need to change in order to see improvement but all is not lost and renewal will be good for the club.

Clearly the new facilities will not change the win/loss ratio but is does provide the club with a great platform for the required renewal.

Without being part of the board, coaching staff or a player it is difficult for me or anyone for that matter to be able to speak with authority as to what needs to change but I have faith that those on the board can implement this process of renewal.


Herbert Moran (7)
I still can't fathom how some think that Dammers did a good job. All the mess that everyone says he fixed was completely his OWN doing.


Fred Wood (13)
What about other coaches ... Easts ... who gets the job at Souths.... how long do the North coaches hang on....


Ted Fahey (11)
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